🗊Презентация Join project «Clean University»

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Join project «Clean University», слайд №1Join project «Clean University», слайд №2Join project «Clean University», слайд №3Join project «Clean University», слайд №4

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Join project 
“Clean University”
Описание слайда:
Join project “Clean University”

Слайд 2

	We, together with our English teacher and initiator of the project “Clean University”, Novozhilova Marina Varfolomeevna, have started this project in the beginning of November.
	We, together with our English teacher and initiator of the project “Clean University”, Novozhilova Marina Varfolomeevna, have started this project in the beginning of November.
Описание слайда:
We, together with our English teacher and initiator of the project “Clean University”, Novozhilova Marina Varfolomeevna, have started this project in the beginning of November. We, together with our English teacher and initiator of the project “Clean University”, Novozhilova Marina Varfolomeevna, have started this project in the beginning of November.

Слайд 3

Slide Title

The aim of the project to motivate students to take responsibility and act for the betterment of our University and the environment.
Our project focuses on simple and practical actions that everyone can take in their own lives.
Описание слайда:
Slide Title The aim of the project to motivate students to take responsibility and act for the betterment of our University and the environment. Our project focuses on simple and practical actions that everyone can take in their own lives.

Слайд 4

Action plan 
Clean the University Territory
Plant trees on the territory of Hydro complex
Clean water pools
Recycle garbage 
Reuse plastic (make short brushes)
Conduct survey
Give recommendations
Prepare video clip
	Let’s watch it together
Описание слайда:
Action plan Clean the University Territory Plant trees on the territory of Hydro complex Clean water pools Recycle garbage Reuse plastic (make short brushes) Conduct survey Give recommendations Prepare video clip Let’s watch it together

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