🗊Презентация Management

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Management , слайд №1Management , слайд №2Management , слайд №3Management , слайд №4Management , слайд №5Management , слайд №6Management , слайд №7Management , слайд №8Management , слайд №9

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Henry Fayol
Father Administrative Management School  (1841-1925)
"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate, and to control." (Henri Fayol)
Описание слайда:
Henry Fayol Father Administrative Management School  (1841-1925) "To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate, and to control." (Henri Fayol)

Слайд 3

Peter Drucker, widely regarded as the Father of Management, created many ways of doing things in the workplace that we now take for granted. In 1954, he published his famous text, The Practice of Management, in which he proposed that management was one of the major social innovations of the 20th century and that it should be treated as a profes­ sion, like medicine or law.
Описание слайда:
Peter Drucker, widely regarded as the Father of Management, created many ways of doing things in the workplace that we now take for granted. In 1954, he published his famous text, The Practice of Management, in which he proposed that management was one of the major social innovations of the 20th century and that it should be treated as a profes­ sion, like medicine or law.

Слайд 4

Fayol’s contribution to management can be discussed under the following four heads:
1. Division of Industrial Activities
2. Qualities of an Effective Manager
3. Functions of Management
4. Principles of Management
Описание слайда:
Fayol’s contribution to management can be discussed under the following four heads: 1. Division of Industrial Activities
2. Qualities of an Effective Manager
3. Functions of Management
4. Principles of Management

Слайд 5

The Skolkovo School of Management is a graduate business school located near Skolkovo, Moscow Oblast, in the close vicinity of the capital city of Moscow, Russia. The school, which was founded in 2006, is a joint project by major Russian and international business leaders.
Описание слайда:
The Skolkovo School of Management is a graduate business school located near Skolkovo, Moscow Oblast, in the close vicinity of the capital city of Moscow, Russia. The school, which was founded in 2006, is a joint project by major Russian and international business leaders.

Слайд 6

V.A. Trapeznikov
Описание слайда:
V.A. Trapeznikov

Слайд 7

 Scientific Management. Four Principles of Scientific Management.
I. Evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task (not use old rule-of-thumb methods). 
Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task . 
Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper 
work methods. 
Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs.
Описание слайда:
Scientific Management. Four Principles of Scientific Management. I. Evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task (not use old rule-of-thumb methods). Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task . Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper work methods. Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs.

Слайд 8

Management , слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Why the Classical Viell'point Is Important: The essence of the classical view­ point was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specializa­ tion it was possible to boost productivity. 
Why the Classical Viell'point Is Important: The essence of the classical view­ point was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specializa­ tion it was possible to boost productivity.
Описание слайда:
Why the Classical Viell'point Is Important: The essence of the classical view­ point was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specializa­ tion it was possible to boost productivity. Why the Classical Viell'point Is Important: The essence of the classical view­ point was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specializa­ tion it was possible to boost productivity.

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