🗊Презентация Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 )

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Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №1Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №2Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №3Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №4Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №5Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №6Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №7Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №8Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №9Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №10Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №11Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №12Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №13Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №14Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №15Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №16Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №17Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №18Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №19Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №20Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №21Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №22Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №23Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №24Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №25Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №26Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №27Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №28Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №29Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №30Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №31Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №32Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №33Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №34Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №35Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №36Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №37Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №38Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №39Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №40Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №41Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №42Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №43Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №44Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №45Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №46Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №47Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №48Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №49Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №50Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №51


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Слайд 1

Lecture 2:
Market structure, market power, and welfare
Описание слайда:
Lecture 2: Market structure, market power, and welfare

Слайд 2

Perfect competition and monopoly.
Allocative efficiency
Surplus standard
Productive efficiency
The Lerner index
Welfare: more than just quantity
Market power and entry threats
Application: Internet monopolies
Описание слайда:
Outline Perfect competition and monopoly. Welfare Allocative efficiency Surplus standard Productive efficiency The Lerner index Welfare: more than just quantity Market power and entry threats Application: Internet monopolies

Слайд 3

Typology of market structures
Описание слайда:
Typology of market structures

Слайд 4

Indicators of declining competition
Increased concentration in many industries…
Описание слайда:
Indicators of declining competition Increased concentration in many industries…

Слайд 5

Indicators of declining competition
Return on invested capital has become increasingly concentrated (increased rents)…
Описание слайда:
Indicators of declining competition Return on invested capital has become increasingly concentrated (increased rents)…

Слайд 6

Indicators of declining competition
Decline in the number of new firms (due to entry barriers)…
Описание слайда:
Indicators of declining competition Decline in the number of new firms (due to entry barriers)…

Слайд 7

Causes of declining competition
Mergers: in 2015,
Global M&A volume hit $5 trillion, U.S. M&A made up 50% of the total. 
69 deals over $10 billion, and 10 deals over $50 billion.
Pfizer’s $160 billion acquisition of Allergan.
Anheuser-Busch InBev’s $117 billion acquisition of SABMiller. 
Firm conduct
Erecting entry barriers
Описание слайда:
Causes of declining competition Mergers: in 2015, Global M&A volume hit $5 trillion, U.S. M&A made up 50% of the total. 69 deals over $10 billion, and 10 deals over $50 billion. Pfizer’s $160 billion acquisition of Allergan. Anheuser-Busch InBev’s $117 billion acquisition of SABMiller. Firm conduct R&D Advertising Collusion Erecting entry barriers

Слайд 8

Profit maximization
(Church ch2)
Profit function:
First order condition for profit maximization:
What if… cost reduction will dominate revenue reduction
Описание слайда:
Profit maximization (Church ch2) Profit function: First order condition for profit maximization: What if… cost reduction will dominate revenue reduction

Слайд 9

Perfect competition
Assumptions: Large number of buyers and sellers, free entry, identical goods, perfect information, no transport costs.
Firms are price takers:
Profit maximization implies that q is such that – price is equal to marginal cost:
Описание слайда:
Perfect competition Assumptions: Large number of buyers and sellers, free entry, identical goods, perfect information, no transport costs. Firms are price takers: Profit maximization implies that q is such that – price is equal to marginal cost:

Слайд 10

Perfect competition (another way to look at it, LWG)
Recall from Lecture 1: 
For perfect competition: , thus MR=P
If you increase price even a little bit, you will lose your customers.
Описание слайда:
Perfect competition (another way to look at it, LWG) Recall from Lecture 1: And For perfect competition: , thus MR=P If you increase price even a little bit, you will lose your customers.

Слайд 11

Perfect competition: Pre-entry
Profit maximization requires price to be equal to the short-run MC
Industry short-run supply determines Q1.
Note: Existence of abnormal profits.
Описание слайда:
Perfect competition: Pre-entry Profit maximization requires price to be equal to the short-run MC Industry short-run supply determines Q1. Note: Existence of abnormal profits.

Слайд 12

Perfect competition: Post-entry
Entry leads to increased supply, and lower price (P1P2).
The equilibrium quantity for each firm drops; but the industry output increases to Q2.
Abnormal profits are eliminated.
Описание слайда:
Perfect competition: Post-entry Entry leads to increased supply, and lower price (P1P2). The equilibrium quantity for each firm drops; but the industry output increases to Q2. Abnormal profits are eliminated.

Слайд 13

Profit function for the monopolist:
Profit maximization:
Описание слайда:
Monopoly Profit function for the monopolist: Profit maximization:

Слайд 14

Market power: The ability to set prices above MC:
Note that MR is less than price:
Описание слайда:
Monopoly Market power: The ability to set prices above MC: Note that MR is less than price:

Слайд 15

If follows that the monopoly output is lower than the output of perfect competition.
Описание слайда:
Monopoly If follows that the monopoly output is lower than the output of perfect competition.

Слайд 16

Welfare depends on both allocative efficiency and production efficiency

Allocative efficiency: there is no possible reallocation of resources that could make one agent better off without making at least one other agent worse off.
Requires the marginal benefit of an additional unit of output to be equal to the MC of production.
Описание слайда:
Welfare Welfare depends on both allocative efficiency and production efficiency Allocative efficiency: there is no possible reallocation of resources that could make one agent better off without making at least one other agent worse off. Requires the marginal benefit of an additional unit of output to be equal to the MC of production.

Слайд 17

Productive efficiency is made of 
Technical efficiency (x-efficiency): Producing as much output as is technologically feasible, given the inputs.
Economic efficiency: Best possible selection of factor inputs to produce the current output level at the lowest possible cost.
Welfare is conventionally measured by the total surplus
Total surplus = consumer surplus + producer surplus
Описание слайда:
Welfare Productive efficiency is made of Technical efficiency (x-efficiency): Producing as much output as is technologically feasible, given the inputs. Economic efficiency: Best possible selection of factor inputs to produce the current output level at the lowest possible cost. Welfare is conventionally measured by the total surplus Total surplus = consumer surplus + producer surplus

Слайд 18

Allocative efficiency
Perfect competition: the condition for allocative efficiency is satisfied. Total surplus = Consumer surplus = A+B+C
Monopoly: the condition for allocative efficiency is NOT satisfied. 
Total surplus = A+B . Loss of welfare = C (‘deadweight loss’)
Описание слайда:
Allocative efficiency Perfect competition: the condition for allocative efficiency is satisfied. Total surplus = Consumer surplus = A+B+C Monopoly: the condition for allocative efficiency is NOT satisfied. Total surplus = A+B . Loss of welfare = C (‘deadweight loss’)

Слайд 19

Allocative efficiency: An example
Linear Demand:
Описание слайда:
Allocative efficiency: An example Linear Demand: Monopoly

Слайд 20

Allocative efficiency: An example
Perfect competition
Price equals MC, which implies: 
Описание слайда:
Allocative efficiency: An example Perfect competition Price equals MC, which implies: Welfare

Слайд 21

Allocative efficiency: Quantifying the DWL
Harberger (1954): By examining 73 manufacturing industries, he calculated DWL to be around 0.1% of the US GDP.
Cowling and Mueller (1975) re-estimated deadweight losses in USA and UK taking with improved methodology
Empirical estimation of PED
Data at the firm level
They estimated DWL to be 3.9% of GDP in US and 3.8% in UK.
Bhuyan (2000). Estimates for the US:
DWL triangle = 5.5% of sales on average.  
Wide range, e.g. 33.45% for cereal production, 10.2% for canned drinks, < 0.5% for pet food and sweets.
Описание слайда:
Allocative efficiency: Quantifying the DWL Harberger (1954): By examining 73 manufacturing industries, he calculated DWL to be around 0.1% of the US GDP. Cowling and Mueller (1975) re-estimated deadweight losses in USA and UK taking with improved methodology Empirical estimation of PED Data at the firm level They estimated DWL to be 3.9% of GDP in US and 3.8% in UK. Bhuyan (2000). Estimates for the US: DWL triangle = 5.5% of sales on average. Wide range, e.g. 33.45% for cereal production, 10.2% for canned drinks, < 0.5% for pet food and sweets.

Слайд 22

Allocative efficiency: Quantifying the DWL
Application to telecommunication in America.
In 1996 the ‘Telecommunication Act’ has opened the US long-distance to competition, ending the monopoly of AT&T.
What is the welfare gain associated with this decision?
Before : 232bn minutes, price $0.242/minute
After: 293bn minutes, price $0.151/minute
DWL = $2.78bn
Описание слайда:
Allocative efficiency: Quantifying the DWL Application to telecommunication in America. In 1996 the ‘Telecommunication Act’ has opened the US long-distance to competition, ending the monopoly of AT&T. What is the welfare gain associated with this decision? Before : 232bn minutes, price $0.242/minute After: 293bn minutes, price $0.151/minute DWL = $2.78bn

Слайд 23

Productive efficiency
Nearly all studies find that more competition leads to increased productivity. 
More competition usually leads to high productive efficiency as there are intense pressures to lower the costs
 to be incorporated in the welfare analysis
Описание слайда:
Productive efficiency Nearly all studies find that more competition leads to increased productivity. More competition usually leads to high productive efficiency as there are intense pressures to lower the costs  to be incorporated in the welfare analysis

Слайд 24

Productive efficiency
‘Complacent monopolist’: Costs may increase will less competition
TS falls further by F+H+J+K to D+E+G
Increased cost of production causes a welfare loss, both directly and through the lower quantity.
Описание слайда:
Productive efficiency ‘Complacent monopolist’: Costs may increase will less competition TS falls further by F+H+J+K to D+E+G Increased cost of production causes a welfare loss, both directly and through the lower quantity.

Слайд 25

Japan’s export success stories are in industries where there is domestic competition (automobiles, electronics). Industries with little competition (such as chemicals) have not been able to export. 
Japan’s export success stories are in industries where there is domestic competition (automobiles, electronics). Industries with little competition (such as chemicals) have not been able to export. 
US banking industry: X-inefficiency is positively related to market power. The DWL is several times larger than the inefficiency loss. [Berger and Hannan (1998)]
US retail markets: The entry of Wal-Mart leads existing firms to improve their productivity. Existing firms reduce stockouts by 24% thanks to investment in computers tracking inventories. [Matsa (2009)]
Описание слайда:
Japan’s export success stories are in industries where there is domestic competition (automobiles, electronics). Industries with little competition (such as chemicals) have not been able to export. Japan’s export success stories are in industries where there is domestic competition (automobiles, electronics). Industries with little competition (such as chemicals) have not been able to export. US banking industry: X-inefficiency is positively related to market power. The DWL is several times larger than the inefficiency loss. [Berger and Hannan (1998)] US retail markets: The entry of Wal-Mart leads existing firms to improve their productivity. Existing firms reduce stockouts by 24% thanks to investment in computers tracking inventories. [Matsa (2009)]

Слайд 26

Productive efficiency: Natural monopoly
Sometimes, less competition may lower the costs because of scale economies (e.g. water, gas utilities).
Описание слайда:
Productive efficiency: Natural monopoly Sometimes, less competition may lower the costs because of scale economies (e.g. water, gas utilities).

Слайд 27

Welfare: TS or CS?
Pittman (2007): Wealth transfers from producers to consumers can be difficult to set up. In addition, the same amount of wealth means much more to consumers than to producers. Thus, the CS standard is more appropriate.
Majority of economist still consider the TS as the most appropriate standard for measuring welfare.
Using the CS standard, the negative impact of monopoly on welfare is even greater.
Описание слайда:
Welfare: TS or CS? Pittman (2007): Wealth transfers from producers to consumers can be difficult to set up. In addition, the same amount of wealth means much more to consumers than to producers. Thus, the CS standard is more appropriate. Majority of economist still consider the TS as the most appropriate standard for measuring welfare. Using the CS standard, the negative impact of monopoly on welfare is even greater.

Слайд 28

Welfare and competition policy
Source: Shan et al. (2012).
United States antitrust policy (Sherman act):
Focus on the CS.
Efficiency gains are taken into account only if they are likely to increase the CS (via lower prices)
In practice, the CS standard has been translated into a price standard.
E.g. proposed merger of Staples and Office Depot
It was estimated that the merger would increase prices by 7.1%: +7.3% due to market power, and -0.15% due to efficiency gains
Описание слайда:
Welfare and competition policy Source: Shan et al. (2012). United States antitrust policy (Sherman act): Focus on the CS. Efficiency gains are taken into account only if they are likely to increase the CS (via lower prices) In practice, the CS standard has been translated into a price standard. E.g. proposed merger of Staples and Office Depot It was estimated that the merger would increase prices by 7.1%: +7.3% due to market power, and -0.15% due to efficiency gains

Слайд 29

Welfare and competition policy
China’s AML was adopted in 2007. What is the welfare standard used China?
AML article 1:
“This law will be enacted for the purpose of guarding against or ceasing monopolistic conduct, safeguarding and promoting the order of market competition, improving economic efficiency, protecting the consumer’s interest, protecting the public interest, and promoting the healthy development of the socialist market economy.”
Article 28 states that even if a merger eliminates or restricts market competition, the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Authority may decide not to prohibit it if the advantages of implementing the merger exceed the disadvantages.
Описание слайда:
Welfare and competition policy China’s AML was adopted in 2007. What is the welfare standard used China? AML article 1: “This law will be enacted for the purpose of guarding against or ceasing monopolistic conduct, safeguarding and promoting the order of market competition, improving economic efficiency, protecting the consumer’s interest, protecting the public interest, and promoting the healthy development of the socialist market economy.” Article 28 states that even if a merger eliminates or restricts market competition, the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Authority may decide not to prohibit it if the advantages of implementing the merger exceed the disadvantages.

Слайд 30

Welfare and competition policy
Case 1: Coca-Cola/Huiyuan, 2009
Concern that the merged firm would leverage its strong position in the carbonate soft drink market to the fruit juice market.
Merger was blocked to prevent consumers from being harmed by higher prices in the future.
Case 2: Pfizer/Wyeth, 2009
The merged firm would have 49% market share.
Merger blocked, to prevent post-merger price increases. No evidence that efficiency gains have been considered
Overall, evidence that AML in China placed some weigh on the CS in cases where the M&A was rejected.
Описание слайда:
Welfare and competition policy Case 1: Coca-Cola/Huiyuan, 2009 Concern that the merged firm would leverage its strong position in the carbonate soft drink market to the fruit juice market. Merger was blocked to prevent consumers from being harmed by higher prices in the future. Case 2: Pfizer/Wyeth, 2009 The merged firm would have 49% market share. Merger blocked, to prevent post-merger price increases. No evidence that efficiency gains have been considered Overall, evidence that AML in China placed some weigh on the CS in cases where the M&A was rejected.

Слайд 31

The Lerner index
Recall that:
With MR=MC in equilibrium, we can rearrange:
The Lerner index provides a measure of market power based on the relationship between P and MC.
The key determinant of market power is the elasticity of demand.
Описание слайда:
The Lerner index Recall that: With MR=MC in equilibrium, we can rearrange: The Lerner index provides a measure of market power based on the relationship between P and MC. The key determinant of market power is the elasticity of demand.

Слайд 32

The Lerner index
Perfect competition: L=0
Monopoly: L>0
Market power is associated with low quantity and a smaller TS.
Supermarkets: PED of -10  L=0.1 (10% mark-up)
Convenience stores: PED of -5  L=0.2 (20% mark-up)
Drug pricing: PED of -1.1  L=0.9 (90% mark-up)
Описание слайда:
The Lerner index Perfect competition: L=0 Monopoly: L>0 Market power is associated with low quantity and a smaller TS. Example: Supermarkets: PED of -10  L=0.1 (10% mark-up) Convenience stores: PED of -5  L=0.2 (20% mark-up) Drug pricing: PED of -1.1  L=0.9 (90% mark-up)

Слайд 33

Competition and welfare: More than just prices…
How does competition benefits society (beyond quantity)?
Product variety
Product quality
A firm with market power may develop monopsony power…
With suppliers (low price for inputs)
With specialized workers (low wages)
Описание слайда:
Competition and welfare: More than just prices… How does competition benefits society (beyond quantity)? Product variety Product quality Innovation Rent-seeking A firm with market power may develop monopsony power… With suppliers (low price for inputs) With specialized workers (low wages)

Слайд 34

Rent seeking
Additional welfare costs arise due to the efforts of firms to acquire and maintain monopoly.
Firms may lobby the government through the political action committees and campaign donations. Their objectives include:
Protect trade barriers
Obtain public contracts
Fight environment regulations
Rent seeking is wasteful: Resources spent on rent-seeking produce no social benefit.
Rent dissipation: Firms are willing to incur costs up to the value of the rents and the entire value of monopoly profit is wasted
Описание слайда:
Rent seeking Additional welfare costs arise due to the efforts of firms to acquire and maintain monopoly. Firms may lobby the government through the political action committees and campaign donations. Their objectives include: Protect trade barriers Obtain public contracts Fight environment regulations Rent seeking is wasteful: Resources spent on rent-seeking produce no social benefit. Rent dissipation: Firms are willing to incur costs up to the value of the rents and the entire value of monopoly profit is wasted

Слайд 35

Rent seeking
Описание слайда:
Rent seeking

Слайд 36

Market power and entry threats
Entry threats play an important role in preventing firms from abusing market power.
Application: Entry deterrence in the Airlines industry [Goolsbee and Syverson, 2004].
Consider situations where Southwest begins operating in both endpoint airports of a route but before it starts flying the route itself.
Описание слайда:
Market power and entry threats Entry threats play an important role in preventing firms from abusing market power. Application: Entry deterrence in the Airlines industry [Goolsbee and Syverson, 2004]. Consider situations where Southwest begins operating in both endpoint airports of a route but before it starts flying the route itself.

Слайд 37

Market power and entry threats
Incumbents drop average fares substantially on threatened routes before Southwest actually enters the route (or even if they do not enter at all by the end of our sample).
The fare cuts are only on the threatened route itself; prices do not fall on routes to nearby airports.
There is some evidence that airlines expand flight or seat capacity to deter entry.
Описание слайда:
Market power and entry threats Incumbents drop average fares substantially on threatened routes before Southwest actually enters the route (or even if they do not enter at all by the end of our sample). The fare cuts are only on the threatened route itself; prices do not fall on routes to nearby airports. There is some evidence that airlines expand flight or seat capacity to deter entry.

Слайд 38

Internet monopolies 
(The Economist, 2016)
How worried should we be about internet monopolies?
Are they similar to traditional monopolies?
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies (The Economist, 2016) How worried should we be about internet monopolies? Are they similar to traditional monopolies?

Слайд 39

Internet monopolies
Capturing a dominant share of the global market is possible:
Amazon (>50% of America’s book market)
Alibaba (>80% of e-commerce in China)
Facebook (1.5bn active members worldwide)
Google (68% of online searches in America, >90% in Europe)
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Capturing a dominant share of the global market is possible: Amazon (>50% of America’s book market) Alibaba (>80% of e-commerce in China) Facebook (1.5bn active members worldwide) Google (68% of online searches in America, >90% in Europe)

Слайд 40

Internet monopolies
Q: Does the internet favour such quasi-monopolies?
Internet start-ups picked markets that are not yet mature. Although they were not first to enter the market, they had features that allowed them to gain a dominant position. 
Facebook vs MySpace, Google vs AltaVista, Amazon
Valuation can increase rapidly
Uber launched in 2010 in San Francisco
Later raised $1.5bn in VC, giving it a valuation of $17bn
Later expanded to more cities, giving it a valuation of $60bn+
Difference with traditional industries: low trade barriers, online space allowing fast global growth.
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Q: Does the internet favour such quasi-monopolies? Internet start-ups picked markets that are not yet mature. Although they were not first to enter the market, they had features that allowed them to gain a dominant position. Facebook vs MySpace, Google vs AltaVista, Amazon Valuation can increase rapidly Uber launched in 2010 in San Francisco Later raised $1.5bn in VC, giving it a valuation of $17bn Later expanded to more cities, giving it a valuation of $60bn+ Difference with traditional industries: low trade barriers, online space allowing fast global growth.

Слайд 41

Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №41
Описание слайда:

Слайд 42

Internet monopolies
Once growth begins, network effects start to kick in. Examples:
Facebook: having more members increases the membership benefits.
Ebay: indirect effect: Having more buyers does not directly help existing buyers. But more buyers means a better market for sellers, and more sellers means a better market for buyers… 
Uber: more drivers attract more passengers, and vice-versa – self-enforcing – may lead to a large market share fast, grow fast because of the simplicity and the network effect.
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Once growth begins, network effects start to kick in. Examples: Facebook: having more members increases the membership benefits. Ebay: indirect effect: Having more buyers does not directly help existing buyers. But more buyers means a better market for sellers, and more sellers means a better market for buyers… Uber: more drivers attract more passengers, and vice-versa – self-enforcing – may lead to a large market share fast, grow fast because of the simplicity and the network effect.

Слайд 43

Internet monopolies
Q: Are digital monopolies less harmful than traditional monopolies?
They are not ‘real’ monopolies, either because there is no selling going on (other than advertising), or because the market they dominate is not the whole story.
Google has no direct revenue from internet searches.
Google is dominant for online searches, but it competes with many other firms for online advertising. (issue of market definition) – does not have typical welfare implications;
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Q: Are digital monopolies less harmful than traditional monopolies? They are not ‘real’ monopolies, either because there is no selling going on (other than advertising), or because the market they dominate is not the whole story. Google has no direct revenue from internet searches. Google is dominant for online searches, but it competes with many other firms for online advertising. (issue of market definition) – does not have typical welfare implications;

Слайд 44

Internet monopolies
Network effects do not amount to barriers to entry. Facebook and Google faced competitors with many more users. Many small firms try to take on Google and Facebook.
Competition is only one click away, which limits Google ability to act anti-competitively. (same for Amazon, Skype etc.) if they do so, consumers will simply switch to other providers.
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Network effects do not amount to barriers to entry. Facebook and Google faced competitors with many more users. Many small firms try to take on Google and Facebook. Competition is only one click away, which limits Google ability to act anti-competitively. (same for Amazon, Skype etc.) if they do so, consumers will simply switch to other providers.

Слайд 45

Internet monopolies
Opposite arguments:
Internet giants have a huge advantage over competitors: Information. This allows them to have a profitable business.
Google, Amazon: Data on what people want to buy
Facebook: Data on the area of interests
Even though competition is one-click away, most users do not seem interested in taking the step. There are some switching costs (mail and map apps habits).
Different types of market power:
Traditional economy: power to increase prices without loosing (much) business
Digital Economy: power to stop innovating without loosing (much) business
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Opposite arguments: Internet giants have a huge advantage over competitors: Information. This allows them to have a profitable business. Google, Amazon: Data on what people want to buy Facebook: Data on the area of interests Even though competition is one-click away, most users do not seem interested in taking the step. There are some switching costs (mail and map apps habits). Different types of market power: Traditional economy: power to increase prices without loosing (much) business Digital Economy: power to stop innovating without loosing (much) business

Слайд 46

Market structure, market power, and welfare ( lecture 2 ), слайд №46
Описание слайда:

Слайд 47

Internet monopolies
Q: Do internet giants abuse market power?
Reserves top spots on its search-result pages for links to its own services. (Google Shopping, Google Maps)
Could it become the ultimate digital monopoly?
The business of mining any and all data it can for new profits streams.
Google could use its assets (data) to take control of other industries (it is entering the markets of self-driving cars, smart homes, robotics, health care).
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Q: Do internet giants abuse market power? Google Reserves top spots on its search-result pages for links to its own services. (Google Shopping, Google Maps) Could it become the ultimate digital monopoly? The business of mining any and all data it can for new profits streams. Google could use its assets (data) to take control of other industries (it is entering the markets of self-driving cars, smart homes, robotics, health care).

Слайд 48

Internet monopolies
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies

Слайд 49

Internet monopolies
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies

Слайд 50

Internet monopolies
Tim WU (FTC): Info-monopolies tend to be good in the short term and bad in the long term. For a time, firms deliver powerful efficiencies and dazzling innovations. Today, a single search engine has made virtually everyone’s life simpler, just as a single phone network did 100 years ago. Monopolies also generate profits that can be reinvested into research and even public projects: AT&T wired America and invented the transistor; Google is scanning the world’s libraries.
"The downside shows up later, as the monopolist ages and the will to innovate is replaced by will to power. In the 1930s, AT&T took the measure of suppressing its own invention of magnetic recording, for fear it would deter use of the telephone.
Описание слайда:
Internet monopolies Tim WU (FTC): Info-monopolies tend to be good in the short term and bad in the long term. For a time, firms deliver powerful efficiencies and dazzling innovations. Today, a single search engine has made virtually everyone’s life simpler, just as a single phone network did 100 years ago. Monopolies also generate profits that can be reinvested into research and even public projects: AT&T wired America and invented the transistor; Google is scanning the world’s libraries. "The downside shows up later, as the monopolist ages and the will to innovate is replaced by will to power. In the 1930s, AT&T took the measure of suppressing its own invention of magnetic recording, for fear it would deter use of the telephone.

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More competition is associated with higher welfare (allocative efficiency, productive efficiency).
The Lerner index as a proxy for market power.
Entry threats key in determining whether firms can abuse market power.
Internet monopolies: differences and similarities with traditional monopolies.
Описание слайда:
Summary More competition is associated with higher welfare (allocative efficiency, productive efficiency). The Lerner index as a proxy for market power. Entry threats key in determining whether firms can abuse market power. Internet monopolies: differences and similarities with traditional monopolies.

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