🗊Презентация Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism

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Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №1Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №2Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №3Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №4Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №5Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №6Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №7Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №8Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №9Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №10Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №11Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №12Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №13Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №14Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №15Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №16Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №17Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №18Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №19Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №20Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №21Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №22Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №23

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Education and Science 
Kazakh-British Technical University
Faculty of Power and Oil and Gas Industry 
Physical Engineering Department

Physics 1

Voronkov Vladimir Vasilyevich
Описание слайда:
Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science Kazakh-British Technical University Faculty of Power and Oil and Gas Industry Physical Engineering Department Physics 1 Voronkov Vladimir Vasilyevich

Слайд 2

Physics 1
Molecular physics and Thermodynamics
Описание слайда:
Physics 1 Mechacnics Molecular physics and Thermodynamics Electricity Magnetism

Слайд 3

Lecture 1

Rectilinear motion 
Projectile motion
Uniform circular motion
Описание слайда:
Lecture 1 SUBJECTS: Mechanics Kinematics Rectilinear motion Projectile motion Uniform circular motion

Слайд 4

Mechanics is the science of motion and its cause.
Kinematics is the mathematical description of motion.
Описание слайда:
Mechanics Mechanics is the science of motion and its cause. Kinematics is the mathematical description of motion.

Слайд 5

Main terms of Kinematics
Displacement is the change in the position of an object. 
	one-dimensional:     ∆x= x2 - x1
Average velocity is the distance traveled per unit of time:

Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at infinitely small interval:
					or the same
Описание слайда:
Main terms of Kinematics Displacement is the change in the position of an object. one-dimensional: ∆x= x2 - x1 many-dimensional: Average velocity is the distance traveled per unit of time: Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at infinitely small interval: or the same

Слайд 6

Average acceleration is the total change in velocity per unit of time:
Average acceleration is the total change in velocity per unit of time:
Instantaneous acceleration is the change in velocity per unit of time at infinitely small time:
Gravitational motion is the motion when gravitational acceleration  g=9.8  m/s2  takes part. For example: rocket motion.
Описание слайда:
Average acceleration is the total change in velocity per unit of time: Average acceleration is the total change in velocity per unit of time: Instantaneous acceleration is the change in velocity per unit of time at infinitely small time: Gravitational motion is the motion when gravitational acceleration g=9.8 m/s2 takes part. For example: rocket motion.

Слайд 7

Displacement at constant acceleration in rectilinear motion :
Displacement at constant acceleration in rectilinear motion :
Where r0 and V0 is initial displacement and velocity at t=0, a is constant acceleration.
Описание слайда:
Displacement at constant acceleration in rectilinear motion : Displacement at constant acceleration in rectilinear motion : Where r0 and V0 is initial displacement and velocity at t=0, a is constant acceleration.

Слайд 8

Rectilinear motion in graphics
A) Object stands still.				
B) Object moves with constant speed.
Описание слайда:
Rectilinear motion in graphics A) Object stands still. B) Object moves with constant speed.

Слайд 9

Another example of rectilinear motion
Описание слайда:
Another example of rectilinear motion

Слайд 10

The car motion in table
The car motion in table
Описание слайда:
The car motion in table The car motion in table

Слайд 11

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Velocity and acceleration
Описание слайда:
Velocity and acceleration

Слайд 15

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

Projectile motion is a gravitational motion but the object has no its own acceleration. So the motion goes with constant gravitational acceleration. For example: cannonball motion.
Projectile motion is a gravitational motion but the object has no its own acceleration. So the motion goes with constant gravitational acceleration. For example: cannonball motion.
Usual method for solving projectile motion problems:
Separate the motion into two parts: vertical and horizontal: so we have:
two coordinates x and y
two velocities Vx  and Vy
one acceleration ay =-g, and ax=0
Описание слайда:
Projectile motion is a gravitational motion but the object has no its own acceleration. So the motion goes with constant gravitational acceleration. For example: cannonball motion. Projectile motion is a gravitational motion but the object has no its own acceleration. So the motion goes with constant gravitational acceleration. For example: cannonball motion. Usual method for solving projectile motion problems: Separate the motion into two parts: vertical and horizontal: so we have: two coordinates x and y two velocities Vx and Vy one acceleration ay =-g, and ax=0

Слайд 17

Then one should determine the elevation angle Θ0 -  the initial angle to horizon.
Then one should determine the elevation angle Θ0 -  the initial angle to horizon.
So the trajectory of an object in the gravitational field can be described as following: 
x= V0CosΘ0  t, 
y= V0SinΘ0  t – gt2/2. 
Let’s designate R as the range the object travels from zero height (y=0) till its fall (y=0 again) then we can calculate it as 
Flight time t: it’s easy (using the equation dy/dt = 0) to find that the time of ascent is V0SinΘ0/g, then the full flight time is double: 
tflight= 2V0SinΘ0/g.
Using the flight time one can find:
 the maximal height,
the range of flight (the maximum range of flight from zero height (y=0) till the fall of the object (y=0 again)).
Описание слайда:
Then one should determine the elevation angle Θ0 - the initial angle to horizon. Then one should determine the elevation angle Θ0 - the initial angle to horizon. So the trajectory of an object in the gravitational field can be described as following: x= V0CosΘ0 t, y= V0SinΘ0 t – gt2/2. Let’s designate R as the range the object travels from zero height (y=0) till its fall (y=0 again) then we can calculate it as R=V02Sin(2Θ0)/g. Flight time t: it’s easy (using the equation dy/dt = 0) to find that the time of ascent is V0SinΘ0/g, then the full flight time is double: tflight= 2V0SinΘ0/g. Using the flight time one can find: the maximal height, the range of flight (the maximum range of flight from zero height (y=0) till the fall of the object (y=0 again)).

Слайд 18

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №18
Описание слайда:

Слайд 19

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №19
Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

Circular  uniform  motion
Uniform circular motion is performed with constant speed along a circular path. Circular motion is a special case of motion on a plane. Its coordinates is angular coordinate φ and radius r. The angular speed is defined as: 
The linear speed relates to the angular speed as:
Period T  is the time of one full revolution:
T= 
Описание слайда:
Circular uniform motion Uniform circular motion is performed with constant speed along a circular path. Circular motion is a special case of motion on a plane. Its coordinates is angular coordinate φ and radius r. The angular speed is defined as: The linear speed relates to the angular speed as: Period T is the time of one full revolution: T= 

Слайд 21

Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism, слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

Units in SI
Displacement	x,y		m 
Velocity			V		m/s
Acceleration		a,g		m/s2
Angle			φ 		rad
Angular speed	 		rad/s
Period			T		s
Описание слайда:
Units in SI Displacement x,y m Velocity V m/s Acceleration a,g m/s2 Angle φ rad Angular speed  rad/s Period T s

Слайд 23

Read before the next Lecture
Fishbane Chapters 4,5  pp.87-150
Russian equivalents:
Трофимова Т.И. Курс физики. Глава 2 Динамика материальной точки. 
Савельев И.В. Курс общей физики. Т.1. Глава 2  Динамика материальной точки.
Описание слайда:
Read before the next Lecture Fishbane Chapters 4,5 pp.87-150 Russian equivalents: Трофимова Т.И. Курс физики. Глава 2 Динамика материальной точки. Савельев И.В. Курс общей физики. Т.1. Глава 2 Динамика материальной точки.

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