🗊Презентация Music Genres

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Music Genres, слайд №1Music Genres, слайд №2Music Genres, слайд №3Music Genres, слайд №4Music Genres, слайд №5Music Genres, слайд №6

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Music Genres
Despite there being over a hundred music genres and sub categories, the main genres are what the majority of music videos will fall under. I intend to look at some of the artists who fall under these genres and examine what you stereotypically expect from their CD Covers, music videos and other promotional products.
Описание слайда:
Music Genres Despite there being over a hundred music genres and sub categories, the main genres are what the majority of music videos will fall under. I intend to look at some of the artists who fall under these genres and examine what you stereotypically expect from their CD Covers, music videos and other promotional products.

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This was developed in the 1950s as a softer version of Rock and Roll mainly focusing on a younger audience yet it tends to aim for a larger audience which is where the name originated from- ‘popular’. Some of the main influential stars of pop are Michael Jackson known as ‘The king of pop’ and Britney Spears, both being pop culture icons. There are also more singers such as Girls Aloud, Lady Gaga and Peter Andre who fall under the Pop genre who have been influenced by previous stars. The CD covers tend to be more colourful and less realistic with songs aimed at a mass audience. Music videos as well are mainstream and so will represent the song whilst promoting the singer. Singers such as Lady Gaga are now changing the culture of Pop through extreme fashion also helping themselves to stand out.
Описание слайда:
Pop This was developed in the 1950s as a softer version of Rock and Roll mainly focusing on a younger audience yet it tends to aim for a larger audience which is where the name originated from- ‘popular’. Some of the main influential stars of pop are Michael Jackson known as ‘The king of pop’ and Britney Spears, both being pop culture icons. There are also more singers such as Girls Aloud, Lady Gaga and Peter Andre who fall under the Pop genre who have been influenced by previous stars. The CD covers tend to be more colourful and less realistic with songs aimed at a mass audience. Music videos as well are mainstream and so will represent the song whilst promoting the singer. Singers such as Lady Gaga are now changing the culture of Pop through extreme fashion also helping themselves to stand out.

Слайд 3

This genre is another form of popular music, bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones have been influential bands from the past. Rock has been in many forms including: Emo, Indie rock, Pop rock, glam rock etc. It started as the blues based rock with bands such as The Who and Bob Dylan, the art industry also influenced the structure of rock music due to artists such as Andy Warhol as he promoted them with his pop art style. Once this age was over, punk rock became popular from 1973 until the eighties with bands such as The Sex Pistols reaching the charts, this then was less popular to heavy metal. Heavy metal was the longest surviving type of Rock and Roll music, as well as the loudest, it was controversial to many but due to bands such as Metallic it became well known. Rock and Roll music was then extremely popular with bands such as Queen making it liked by most people and recognised globally. More recently within the last decade or two, America and the UK have had an even more bigger impact on the world of Rock with Nirvana. Even more recently is the rise in Indie Rock with bands such as blur and oasis being also popular selling millions of albums.
Описание слайда:
Rock This genre is another form of popular music, bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones have been influential bands from the past. Rock has been in many forms including: Emo, Indie rock, Pop rock, glam rock etc. It started as the blues based rock with bands such as The Who and Bob Dylan, the art industry also influenced the structure of rock music due to artists such as Andy Warhol as he promoted them with his pop art style. Once this age was over, punk rock became popular from 1973 until the eighties with bands such as The Sex Pistols reaching the charts, this then was less popular to heavy metal. Heavy metal was the longest surviving type of Rock and Roll music, as well as the loudest, it was controversial to many but due to bands such as Metallic it became well known. Rock and Roll music was then extremely popular with bands such as Queen making it liked by most people and recognised globally. More recently within the last decade or two, America and the UK have had an even more bigger impact on the world of Rock with Nirvana. Even more recently is the rise in Indie Rock with bands such as blur and oasis being also popular selling millions of albums.

Слайд 4

Rapping is a rhythmic speaking of words, it tends to be very poetical and realistic at the same time. Beginning in the 1970s in New York it is now one of the most popular forms of music and has had many influences including influencing itself the hip hop era. It generally consists of slang language from the streets and different cultures but in the past has been criticised for promoting violence. There were many early rap groups such as the Beastie Boys and more recently women have joined the music industry of rap such as Missy Elliot and Alicia Keys. Eminem and Jay Z have heavily influenced Rap music in this generation with their popular music selling high numbers of albums and being very popular to mass audiences. Rap has always be known to be for people with troubled lives and been criticised but due to magazines such as the Rolling Stones, it has become increasingly more respected.
Описание слайда:
Rap Rapping is a rhythmic speaking of words, it tends to be very poetical and realistic at the same time. Beginning in the 1970s in New York it is now one of the most popular forms of music and has had many influences including influencing itself the hip hop era. It generally consists of slang language from the streets and different cultures but in the past has been criticised for promoting violence. There were many early rap groups such as the Beastie Boys and more recently women have joined the music industry of rap such as Missy Elliot and Alicia Keys. Eminem and Jay Z have heavily influenced Rap music in this generation with their popular music selling high numbers of albums and being very popular to mass audiences. Rap has always be known to be for people with troubled lives and been criticised but due to magazines such as the Rolling Stones, it has become increasingly more respected.

Слайд 5

RnB music is another popular genre with many famous music artists. Typically the music videos have high budgets depicting rich lives and is argued to be sexist with their portrayal of women with male music artists. It began in western countries and has become popular due to artists such as Kanye West and Mariah Carey. More recently, soulful R&B has become popular with singers such as Rihanna entering the industry. At the start of the 1990s, R&B music made a comeback by re-popularizing old songs and then music artists such as Janet Jackson and Mary J. Blige helped to promote the genre and influence other music artists to focus on this category. Janet Jackson was also very popular selling millions of albums and Destiny’s Child was also before they split allowing Beyonce to become a solo singer and even more successful.
Описание слайда:
R&B RnB music is another popular genre with many famous music artists. Typically the music videos have high budgets depicting rich lives and is argued to be sexist with their portrayal of women with male music artists. It began in western countries and has become popular due to artists such as Kanye West and Mariah Carey. More recently, soulful R&B has become popular with singers such as Rihanna entering the industry. At the start of the 1990s, R&B music made a comeback by re-popularizing old songs and then music artists such as Janet Jackson and Mary J. Blige helped to promote the genre and influence other music artists to focus on this category. Janet Jackson was also very popular selling millions of albums and Destiny’s Child was also before they split allowing Beyonce to become a solo singer and even more successful.

Слайд 6

Dance music is upbeat and often referred to as rave music as well, in the 1990’s the genres consisted of techno and trance mainly and UK Garage was later introduced also. Now in this decade, Hip Hop has influenced it and so has Rock creating a new Dance Punk music genre. Many music artists have produced dance tracks also as well as being the vocals helping to develop the dance music industry and promote it or collaborating with other music artists. Calvin Harris has currently released an album and has been influenced heavily by electronic music as he is an electronic musician but describes his songs as belonging to the dance category hence ‘I created disco’ song. Despite it sometimes being difficult to categorise songs, it is now clear that songs are taking characteristics from one another from other genres to keep modernising themselves. Often in music videos of dance songs there are nightlife scenes helping to create the atmosphere suitable for the song.
Описание слайда:
Dance Dance music is upbeat and often referred to as rave music as well, in the 1990’s the genres consisted of techno and trance mainly and UK Garage was later introduced also. Now in this decade, Hip Hop has influenced it and so has Rock creating a new Dance Punk music genre. Many music artists have produced dance tracks also as well as being the vocals helping to develop the dance music industry and promote it or collaborating with other music artists. Calvin Harris has currently released an album and has been influenced heavily by electronic music as he is an electronic musician but describes his songs as belonging to the dance category hence ‘I created disco’ song. Despite it sometimes being difficult to categorise songs, it is now clear that songs are taking characteristics from one another from other genres to keep modernising themselves. Often in music videos of dance songs there are nightlife scenes helping to create the atmosphere suitable for the song.

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