🗊Презентация Music in our life

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Music in our life, слайд №1Music in our life, слайд №2Music in our life, слайд №3Music in our life, слайд №4Music in our life, слайд №5Music in our life, слайд №6Music in our life, слайд №7Music in our life, слайд №8Music in our life, слайд №9Music in our life, слайд №10Music in our life, слайд №11

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Music in our life, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Music in our life, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

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Слайд 5

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Слайд 6

Different music
Описание слайда:
Different music

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

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Слайд 9

Every person accustomed from birth to hear the music. Everyone has a favorite style of music, music that relaxes and one that is annoying. We already noticed that the role of music in our lives is pretty great, music can affect our mood, soothe us, lift your mood and make it worse.
Why do different people like different music and how it affects our lives? Music builds a particular subculture, is changing the way people look at many things, shape the style of clothing, style of communication, style of a lifetime.
Different music has different effects on humans. Because some melodies are even able to improve human memory, they also help to build an associative array of defined events and moments of life.
Описание слайда:
Every person accustomed from birth to hear the music. Everyone has a favorite style of music, music that relaxes and one that is annoying. We already noticed that the role of music in our lives is pretty great, music can affect our mood, soothe us, lift your mood and make it worse. Why do different people like different music and how it affects our lives? Music builds a particular subculture, is changing the way people look at many things, shape the style of clothing, style of communication, style of a lifetime. Different music has different effects on humans. Because some melodies are even able to improve human memory, they also help to build an associative array of defined events and moments of life.

Слайд 10

It turns out that each person continuously, at the genetic level is associated with music, or rather sounds. These sounds can come from birds, animals and nature itself. The man himself, not noticing behind him, relaxes and heals at the expense of these sounds. Because the voices of the animals and birds have long been fixed in our subconscious as a kind of stimulus. It can be associated with both positive and negative emotions.
As psychologists have discovered, a melody with a rhythm of 60 beats per minute, the effect is like meditation, she is quite able to distract any man from any problem by slowing down brain activity. If you listen to this music, actively improves memory, ability to work, calm and confidence.Thank you for your attention
Описание слайда:
It turns out that each person continuously, at the genetic level is associated with music, or rather sounds. These sounds can come from birds, animals and nature itself. The man himself, not noticing behind him, relaxes and heals at the expense of these sounds. Because the voices of the animals and birds have long been fixed in our subconscious as a kind of stimulus. It can be associated with both positive and negative emotions. As psychologists have discovered, a melody with a rhythm of 60 beats per minute, the effect is like meditation, she is quite able to distract any man from any problem by slowing down brain activity. If you listen to this music, actively improves memory, ability to work, calm and confidence.Thank you for your attention

Слайд 11

Music in our life, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Теги Music in our life
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