🗊Презентация My favorite word

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My favorite word, слайд №1My favorite word, слайд №2My favorite word, слайд №3My favorite word, слайд №4My favorite word, слайд №5My favorite word, слайд №6My favorite word, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

  My Favorite word

                Desheulina Margarita
Описание слайда:
My Favorite word Desheulina Margarita 1811

Слайд 2

   My favorite word  is

-(verb) to make musical sounds with the voice. 
использовать свой голос в качестве музыкального инструмента
Описание слайда:
My favorite word is SiNg -(verb) to make musical sounds with the voice. использовать свой голос в качестве музыкального инструмента

Слайд 3

Origin of the word
происхождение слова
One of the 4% oldest English words
 входит в 4% самых старых слов 

Middle English- singen

    Old English –singan

Cognate with Dutch-

German- singen

Old Norse- syngva
Описание слайда:
Origin of the word происхождение слова One of the 4% oldest English words входит в 4% самых старых слов Middle English- singen Old English –singan Cognate with Dutch- zingen German- singen Old Norse- syngva

Слайд 4

Origin of the word
происхождение слова
     	Old English singan- to chant, sing, celebrate, or tell in song, also used of birds, from Proto-Germanic sengwan (source also of Old Saxon singan).

	The criminal slang sense of "to confess to authorities" is attested from 1610s.

		No related forms in other languages, unless perhaps it is connected to Greek omphe "voice" (especially of a god), "oracle;" and Welsh dehongli "explain, interpret." The typical Indo-European root is represented by Latin canere .Other words meaning "sing" derive from roots meaning "cry, shout.
Описание слайда:
Origin of the word происхождение слова Old English singan- to chant, sing, celebrate, or tell in song, also used of birds, from Proto-Germanic sengwan (source also of Old Saxon singan). The criminal slang sense of "to confess to authorities" is attested from 1610s. No related forms in other languages, unless perhaps it is connected to Greek omphe "voice" (especially of a god), "oracle;" and Welsh dehongli "explain, interpret." The typical Indo-European root is represented by Latin canere .Other words meaning "sing" derive from roots meaning "cry, shout.

Слайд 5

 examples in sentences
The bullet sang past his ear
пуля просвистела у него над ухом 

My people singing
поют мои люди

The kettle was singing
чайник пел (закипел)

Sing the praises
петь дифирамбы
Описание слайда:
 examples in sentences The bullet sang past his ear пуля просвистела у него над ухом My people singing поют мои люди The kettle was singing чайник пел (закипел) Sing the praises петь дифирамбы

Слайд 6

Synonyms for sing:

   Babble-лепетать                Talk- говорить 

Tattle-сплетничать           Whistle-свистеть
Описание слайда:
Synonyms for sing: синонимы Babble-лепетать Talk- говорить Tattle-сплетничать Whistle-свистеть

Слайд 7

  Thank you for listening!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for listening!

Теги My favorite word
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