🗊Презентация Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №1Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №2Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №3Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №4Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №5Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №6Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №7Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №8Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №9Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №10Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №11Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №12Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №13Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №14Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №15Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №16Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №17Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №18Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №19Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №20

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Student: Burlakov A.S.
Group: fm-104
Supervisor: Chernov V.M.
Описание слайда:
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Student: Burlakov A.S. Group: fm-104 Supervisor: Chernov V.M.

Слайд 2

1.Principles of molecular spectroscopy 
2. Nuclear Shieldingand1H Chemical Shifts
Описание слайда:
SIMPLE PLAN ! THAT’S SO SIMPLE 1.Principles of molecular spectroscopy 2. Nuclear Shieldingand1H Chemical Shifts

Слайд 3

Lets understand few things 
Electromagnetic Radiation –
is propagated at the speed of light
has properties of particles and waves
the energy of a photon is proportional 
to its frequency
Описание слайда:
Lets understand few things Electromagnetic Radiation – is propagated at the speed of light has properties of particles and waves the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency

Слайд 4

the Electromagnetic spectrum
Описание слайда:
the Electromagnetic spectrum

Слайд 5

1. Principles 
Electromagnetic radiation is absorbed when the
energy of photon corresponds to difference in 
energy between two states.
Описание слайда:
1. Principles Electromagnetic radiation is absorbed when the energy of photon corresponds to difference in energy between two states.

Слайд 6

What Kind of States?
Описание слайда:
What Kind of States?

Слайд 7

The nuclei that are most useful to
organic chemists are:
1H and 13C
both have spin = ±1/2
1H is 99% at natural abundance
13C is 1.1% at natural abundance
Описание слайда:
The nuclei that are most useful to organic chemists are: 1H and 13C both have spin = ±1/2 1H is 99% at natural abundance 13C is 1.1% at natural abundance

Слайд 8

Nuclear Spin
Описание слайда:
Nuclear Spin

Слайд 9

The distribution of nuclear spins is random in the absence of an external magnetic field.
Описание слайда:
The distribution of nuclear spins is random in the absence of an external magnetic field.

Слайд 10

An external magnetic field causes nuclear magnetic moments  to align parallel and antiparallel to applied field.
Описание слайда:
An external magnetic field causes nuclear magnetic moments to align parallel and antiparallel to applied field.

Слайд 11

Some important relationships in NMR
The frequency of absorbed
electromagnetic radiation
is proportional to
the energy difference between
two nuclear spin states
which is proportional to

the applied magnetic field
Описание слайда:
Some important relationships in NMR The frequency of absorbed electromagnetic radiation is proportional to the energy difference between two nuclear spin states which is proportional to the applied magnetic field

Слайд 12

Energy Differences Between Nuclear Spin States
Описание слайда:
Energy Differences Between Nuclear Spin States

Слайд 13

The frequency of absorbed electromagnetic
radiation for a particular nucleus (such as 1H)
depends on its molecular environment. 

	This is why NMR is such a useful tool
for structure determination.
Описание слайда:
The frequency of absorbed electromagnetic radiation for a particular nucleus (such as 1H) depends on its molecular environment. This is why NMR is such a useful tool for structure determination.

Слайд 14

2. Nuclear Shielding
What do we mean by "shielding?"
What do we mean by "chemical shift?"
An external magnetic field affects the motion of the electrons in a molecule, inducing a magnetic field within the molecule.
Описание слайда:
2. Nuclear Shielding What do we mean by "shielding?" What do we mean by "chemical shift?" An external magnetic field affects the motion of the electrons in a molecule, inducing a magnetic field within the molecule.

Слайд 15

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

The induced field shields the nuclei (in this case, C and H) from the applied field.
The induced field shields the nuclei (in this case, C and H) from the applied field.
	A stronger external field is needed in order for energy difference between spin states to match energy of rf radiation.
Chemical shift is a measure of the degree to which a nucleus in a molecule is shielded.
	Protons in different environments are shielded to greater or lesser degrees;  they have different chemical shifts.
Описание слайда:
The induced field shields the nuclei (in this case, C and H) from the applied field. The induced field shields the nuclei (in this case, C and H) from the applied field. A stronger external field is needed in order for energy difference between spin states to match energy of rf radiation. Chemical shift is a measure of the degree to which a nucleus in a molecule is shielded. Protons in different environments are shielded to greater or lesser degrees; they have different chemical shifts.

Слайд 17

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, слайд №17
Описание слайда:

Слайд 18

Effects of Molecular Structure on
1H Chemical Shifts
protons in different environments experience different degrees of shielding and have different chemical shifts
CHCl3		d 7.3 ppm	
CH2Cl2 		d 5.3 ppm
CH3Cl		d 3.1 ppm
CH3F		d 4.3 ppm	least shielded H
CH3OCH3		d 3.2 ppm
CH3N(CH3)2	d 2.2 ppm
CH3CH3		d 0.9 ppm
CH3Si(CH3)3	d 0.0 ppm	 most shielded H
Описание слайда:
Effects of Molecular Structure on 1H Chemical Shifts protons in different environments experience different degrees of shielding and have different chemical shifts CHCl3 d 7.3 ppm CH2Cl2 d 5.3 ppm CH3Cl d 3.1 ppm CH3F d 4.3 ppm least shielded H CH3OCH3 d 3.2 ppm CH3N(CH3)2 d 2.2 ppm CH3CH3 d 0.9 ppm CH3Si(CH3)3 d 0.0 ppm most shielded H

Слайд 19

A spinning charge can make us understand the structure of matter 
An external magnetic field affects the motion of the electrons in a molecule
NMR useful tool for structure determination.
Описание слайда:
Conclusion A spinning charge can make us understand the structure of matter An external magnetic field affects the motion of the electrons in a molecule NMR useful tool for structure determination.

Слайд 20

Описание слайда:

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