🗊Презентация París climate del welcomed

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París climate del welcomed, слайд №1París climate del welcomed, слайд №2París climate del welcomed, слайд №3París climate del welcomed, слайд №4

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

París climate del welcomed, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2


Описание слайда:
PARÍS CLIMATE DEL WELCOMED, BUT CRITICS WARN OF CHALLENGES AHEAD. http://www.euronews.com/2015/12/13/paris-climate-deal-welcomed-but-critics-warn-of-challenges-ahead/

Слайд 3

The reaction overall to the Paris climate deal has been positive, in particular from the summit delegates. They claim it heralds the beginning of a historic transformation of the world’s fossil fuel driven economy.
However, there have been some reservations over the timescales of targets set out in the landmark agreement.
This agreement is a good starting point. There could have been no agreement, a total disaster. However, the long-term objectives are not clear enough. The aim is to be below 2 degrees and reach 1.5 degrees Celsius. It fails to deal with the issue of climate change. We haven’t saved the planet or humanity of climate change. It has set a new starting point with a new goal.”
Описание слайда:
The reaction overall to the Paris climate deal has been positive, in particular from the summit delegates. They claim it heralds the beginning of a historic transformation of the world’s fossil fuel driven economy. However, there have been some reservations over the timescales of targets set out in the landmark agreement. This agreement is a good starting point. There could have been no agreement, a total disaster. However, the long-term objectives are not clear enough. The aim is to be below 2 degrees and reach 1.5 degrees Celsius. It fails to deal with the issue of climate change. We haven’t saved the planet or humanity of climate change. It has set a new starting point with a new goal.”

Слайд 4

The deal marks the beginning of huge investment in technology and renewable energy that could spark a new era in global economic growth,  according the one report from Barclays bank.
The deal marks the beginning of huge investment in technology and renewable energy that could spark a new era in global economic growth,  according the one report from Barclays bank.
Описание слайда:
The deal marks the beginning of huge investment in technology and renewable energy that could spark a new era in global economic growth, according the one report from Barclays bank. The deal marks the beginning of huge investment in technology and renewable energy that could spark a new era in global economic growth, according the one report from Barclays bank.

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