🗊Презентация Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis

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Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №1Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №2Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №3Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №4Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №5Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №6Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №7Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №8Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №9Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №10Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №11Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №12Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №13Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №14Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №15Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №16Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №17Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №18Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №19Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №20Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №21Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №22Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №23Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №24Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №25Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №26Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №27Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №28Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №29Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №30Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №31Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №32Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №33Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №34Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №35Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №36Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №37Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №38Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №39Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №40Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №41Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №42Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №43Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №44Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №45Public Sector: Benefit/Cost Ratio Analysis, слайд №46


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Слайд 1

American University of Armenia
IE 340 – Engineering Economics
Spring Semester, 2016
Описание слайда:
American University of Armenia IE 340 – Engineering Economics Spring Semester, 2016

Слайд 2

Government and Public projects
Public Goods/Consumer and Producer Surplus
The concept of Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio
We want Benefits to be higher than costs
Incremental B/C ratio
Compare with IRR method
Описание слайда:
Outline Government and Public projects Public Goods/Consumer and Producer Surplus The concept of Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio We want Benefits to be higher than costs Examples Incremental B/C ratio Compare with IRR method

Слайд 3

Government and Public Projects

Public projects are those funded, owned and operated by a government
Governmental agencies may have a hand in a number of projects through the provision of loans or other means of financial help, but they are not considered to be public projects 
Most public projects relate to work a government does to fulfill a public purpose, and commonly they include such things as road repair and construction, public building construction, schools, and even public parks.
Описание слайда:
Government and Public Projects Public projects are those funded, owned and operated by a government Governmental agencies may have a hand in a number of projects through the provision of loans or other means of financial help, but they are not considered to be public projects  Most public projects relate to work a government does to fulfill a public purpose, and commonly they include such things as road repair and construction, public building construction, schools, and even public parks.

Слайд 4

Public Goods
A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rival in that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from use and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others.
Examples of public goods include knowledge, lighthouses, national defense, flood control systems or street lighting
Описание слайда:
Public Goods A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rival in that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from use and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others. Examples of public goods include knowledge, lighthouses, national defense, flood control systems or street lighting

Слайд 5

Public Goods
Many public goods may at times be subject to excessive use resulting in negative externalities (air pollution)
Public goods problems are often closely related to the "free-rider" problem, in which people not paying for the good may continue to access it
Описание слайда:
Public Goods Many public goods may at times be subject to excessive use resulting in negative externalities (air pollution) Public goods problems are often closely related to the "free-rider" problem, in which people not paying for the good may continue to access it

Слайд 6

Welfare Aim of the Government
The chief aim of the government is:
National defense
General welfare of its citizens
Ultimate goal of the government is to serve its citizens
Thus, with some exceptions what is good for the citizens has to be good for the government
BUT, these exceptions are quite important!
Описание слайда:
Welfare Aim of the Government The chief aim of the government is: National defense General welfare of its citizens Ultimate goal of the government is to serve its citizens Thus, with some exceptions what is good for the citizens has to be good for the government BUT, these exceptions are quite important!

Слайд 7

Public Activities
Not all public activities have to have direct impact on ALL the citizens of the country
Building a better road between Hrazdan and Tsaghkadzor doesn’t benefit those who never take it
Building a new school in Vanadzor doesn’t benefit someone who lives in Goris, or even someone living in Vanadzor, but has no children
Описание слайда:
Public Activities Not all public activities have to have direct impact on ALL the citizens of the country Examples: Building a better road between Hrazdan and Tsaghkadzor doesn’t benefit those who never take it Building a new school in Vanadzor doesn’t benefit someone who lives in Goris, or even someone living in Vanadzor, but has no children

Слайд 8

Public Activities
Moreover, some public activities might have a negative effect on a part of the country’s population
Building a dam on a river might have a positive effect overall (additional source of electrical power for the country), but might harm the inhabitants of a nearby village through environmental changes
Описание слайда:
Public Activities Moreover, some public activities might have a negative effect on a part of the country’s population Examples: Building a dam on a river might have a positive effect overall (additional source of electrical power for the country), but might harm the inhabitants of a nearby village through environmental changes

Слайд 9

Public Activities
Public projects are usually much more complicated than private projects in many respects
That is why we dedicate a separate lecture on studying the differences between the two types of activities, and the ways to measure their overall effects
Описание слайда:
Public Activities Public projects are usually much more complicated than private projects in many respects That is why we dedicate a separate lecture on studying the differences between the two types of activities, and the ways to measure their overall effects

Слайд 10

Public vs Private Projects

There are number of special factors that are not ordinarily found in privately financed projects
As such the different decision criteria are often used for public projects (Benefit/Cost method)
Описание слайда:
Public vs Private Projects There are number of special factors that are not ordinarily found in privately financed projects As such the different decision criteria are often used for public projects (Benefit/Cost method)

Слайд 11

Main differences between public and private projects
Private projects are more profit oriented, while public projects might stress more on health, protection, etc., even without bringing profit
Sources of capital:
Apart from private funds, public projects can be financed with the receipts of taxes, loans without or at low interest 
Multiple purposes:
Public projects are more likely to be multipurpose (e.g. reservoir can serve to generate power, but also for irrigation or for recreation)
Описание слайда:
Main differences between public and private projects Purpose: Private projects are more profit oriented, while public projects might stress more on health, protection, etc., even without bringing profit Sources of capital: Apart from private funds, public projects can be financed with the receipts of taxes, loans without or at low interest Multiple purposes: Public projects are more likely to be multipurpose (e.g. reservoir can serve to generate power, but also for irrigation or for recreation)

Слайд 12

Main differences between public and private projects
Project Life:
Private projects are usually much shorter (5 to 20 years) than public projects (20 to 60 years)
Nature of benefits:
Usually monetary for private projects, often non-monetary for the public ones (difficult to quantify)
Conflicting purposes:
Are quite common for the public projects (dam on the river example)
Описание слайда:
Main differences between public and private projects Project Life: Private projects are usually much shorter (5 to 20 years) than public projects (20 to 60 years) Nature of benefits: Usually monetary for private projects, often non-monetary for the public ones (difficult to quantify) Conflicting purposes: Are quite common for the public projects (dam on the river example)

Слайд 13

Main differences between public and private projects
Beneficiaries of the project:
Normally the private investor himself benefits from his project, but the beneficiaries of projects financed by the government are likely to be the general public
Influence of political factors:
Rather rare for private, but quite common for public projects
Measurement of efficiency:
Rate of return for private projects. Very difficult to measure for public projects
Описание слайда:
Main differences between public and private projects Beneficiaries of the project: Normally the private investor himself benefits from his project, but the beneficiaries of projects financed by the government are likely to be the general public Influence of political factors: Rather rare for private, but quite common for public projects Measurement of efficiency: Rate of return for private projects. Very difficult to measure for public projects

Слайд 14

How to judge on public projects?
    Governments do not usually deal with Profit, therefore we deal with a different “vocabulary”
Benefits are positive public outcomes (favourable consequences of the project to the public)
Disbenefits are negative public outcomes (negative consequences)
Costs are the monetary disbursements of the government (taxpayers)
Описание слайда:
How to judge on public projects? Governments do not usually deal with Profit, therefore we deal with a different “vocabulary” Benefits are positive public outcomes (favourable consequences of the project to the public) Disbenefits are negative public outcomes (negative consequences) Costs are the monetary disbursements of the government (taxpayers)

Слайд 15

How to judge on public projects?
Benefit/cost ratios are frequently used for government decisions
Costs accrue to government, but:
Benefits frequently accrue to others!
Benefits may take on non-monetary forms
Some benefits may not be counted!
E.g., profits by hospitals due to pollution
For some programs, costs exceed benefits!
Описание слайда:
How to judge on public projects? Benefit/cost ratios are frequently used for government decisions Costs accrue to government, but: Benefits frequently accrue to others! Benefits may take on non-monetary forms Some benefits may not be counted! E.g., profits by hospitals due to pollution For some programs, costs exceed benefits!

Слайд 16

Judging proposed investments
For now, we will avoid some of these problems
In particular, we will assume that:
All relevant costs and benefits have been put in dollar terms

Any method for evaluating projects in the public sector must consider the worthiness of allocating resources to achieve social goals
Описание слайда:
Judging proposed investments For now, we will avoid some of these problems In particular, we will assume that: All relevant costs and benefits have been put in dollar terms Any method for evaluating projects in the public sector must consider the worthiness of allocating resources to achieve social goals

Слайд 17

The Benefit/Cost Method
The Benefit/Cost Method involves the calculation of a ratio of benefits to costs (discounted)
The B/C ratio is defined as the ratio of the equivalent worth of benefits to the equivalent worth of costs (PW, AW or FW)
The B/C ratio is also known as the saving-investment ratio (SIR) by the governmental agencies
Описание слайда:
The Benefit/Cost Method The Benefit/Cost Method involves the calculation of a ratio of benefits to costs (discounted) The B/C ratio is defined as the ratio of the equivalent worth of benefits to the equivalent worth of costs (PW, AW or FW) The B/C ratio is also known as the saving-investment ratio (SIR) by the governmental agencies

Слайд 18

A project is desirable if…
                  > 1
                  > 1
                  > 1
Описание слайда:
A project is desirable if… > 1 > 1 > 1

Слайд 19

A project is desirable if…
Описание слайда:
A project is desirable if…  

Слайд 20

Evaluating Independent Projects
Independent projects
 the choice of selecting any project is independent of choices regarding any and all other projects
None of the projects, any combination of them, all of them
Whether one project is better than another is unimportant
Criterion for selection: B/C ≥ 1
Описание слайда:
Evaluating Independent Projects Independent projects the choice of selecting any project is independent of choices regarding any and all other projects None of the projects, any combination of them, all of them Whether one project is better than another is unimportant Criterion for selection: B/C ≥ 1

Слайд 21

Example 1: single project
You have a project, which requires a first investment of $10,000. The project will increase benefits by $4,000 per year but it will also increase operating costs by $2,000 per year. The lifetime of the project is 8 years. 
Using B/C ratio, and assuming an interest rate of 7%, is this project desirable?
Описание слайда:
Example 1: single project You have a project, which requires a first investment of $10,000. The project will increase benefits by $4,000 per year but it will also increase operating costs by $2,000 per year. The lifetime of the project is 8 years. Using B/C ratio, and assuming an interest rate of 7%, is this project desirable?

Слайд 22

Example 1: single project (cont.)
                                                         B/C Ratio = 
                                          = 1.194 > 1, which is good…
Описание слайда:
Example 1: single project (cont.) B/C Ratio = = 1.194 > 1, which is good…

Слайд 23

Example 2: single project
You are considering to install or not a new machine. The first cost is $50,000 and it would reduce costs by $3000 per year. In addition, the new machine would require maintenance cost of $700 per year (the old machine required maintenance costs of $200 per year). Assume interest rate = 5%, lifetime = 10 years and SV=0.
Do a Benefit/Cost analysis and decide if you should buy or not the new machine.
Описание слайда:
Example 2: single project You are considering to install or not a new machine. The first cost is $50,000 and it would reduce costs by $3000 per year. In addition, the new machine would require maintenance cost of $700 per year (the old machine required maintenance costs of $200 per year). Assume interest rate = 5%, lifetime = 10 years and SV=0. Do a Benefit/Cost analysis and decide if you should buy or not the new machine.

Слайд 24

Example 2: single project
First Cost: $50,000 
Reduction in operating costs = $3000 per year 
Change in maintenance cost = (proposed – current) = 700 – 200 = 500 per year 
Benefits ????
Описание слайда:
Example 2: single project Data: First Cost: $50,000 Reduction in operating costs = $3000 per year Change in maintenance cost = (proposed – current) = 700 – 200 = 500 per year Benefits ????

Слайд 25

Example 2: single project
Do B/C ratio calculation 
Remember to put all the numbers in the same form: PV, AV, or FV 
In this case we will consider:
$50,000 as a cost
$3000 as a benefit
$500 as a reduction in benefits
Описание слайда:
Example 2: single project Do B/C ratio calculation Remember to put all the numbers in the same form: PV, AV, or FV In this case we will consider: $50,000 as a cost $3000 as a benefit $500 as a reduction in benefits

Слайд 26

Example 2: single project
Benefit/Cost ratio = 2,500 (P/A, 5%, 10)
Benefit/Cost ratio =	 19,304
 Benefit/Cost ratio =  0.386
Decision: Benefit/Cost ratio is less than 1 and therefore not desirable. Do not buy the new machine
Описание слайда:
Example 2: single project Benefit/Cost ratio = 2,500 (P/A, 5%, 10) 50,000 Benefit/Cost ratio = 19,304 50,000  Benefit/Cost ratio = 0.386 Decision: Benefit/Cost ratio is less than 1 and therefore not desirable. Do not buy the new machine

Слайд 27

Does my answer change depending if I classify the data as a cost instead of as a reduction in benefits (or classify the data as a benefit instead of a reduction in costs) and vice versa?
Yes and No…
Adding/subtracting a constant amount to the numerator and denominator:
Cannot change whether ratio is > 1 or < 1
 a+x/b < 1   vs  a/b-x < 1
But can change which ratio is bigger!
Описание слайда:
Note Does my answer change depending if I classify the data as a cost instead of as a reduction in benefits (or classify the data as a benefit instead of a reduction in costs) and vice versa? Yes and No… Adding/subtracting a constant amount to the numerator and denominator: Cannot change whether ratio is > 1 or < 1 a+x/b < 1 vs a/b-x < 1 But can change which ratio is bigger!

Слайд 28

In other words…
Adding/subtracting a constant amount to the numerator and denominator will change your answer, but it will not change the fact that the answer is greater than one or lower than one. Therefore, although your B/C ratio will change, your decision (based on if the B/C ratio is greater or lower than one) will not change. 
Conventional vs Modified B/C ratio
Описание слайда:
In other words… Adding/subtracting a constant amount to the numerator and denominator will change your answer, but it will not change the fact that the answer is greater than one or lower than one. Therefore, although your B/C ratio will change, your decision (based on if the B/C ratio is greater or lower than one) will not change. Conventional vs Modified B/C ratio

Слайд 29

For example…
If we use the previous example, but this time consider:
$50,000 as a cost
$3000 as a benefit
$500 as a cost
Then, Benefit/Cost ratio = 3,000 (P/A, 5%, 10)   =      0.43
				    50,000+500 (P/A, 5%, 10) 
Notice that the answer changed (0.43 versus 0.386), but the fact that the number was still less than 1 didn’t. Therefore, our decision doesn’t change.
Описание слайда:
For example… If we use the previous example, but this time consider: $50,000 as a cost $3000 as a benefit $500 as a cost Then, Benefit/Cost ratio = 3,000 (P/A, 5%, 10) = 0.43 50,000+500 (P/A, 5%, 10) Notice that the answer changed (0.43 versus 0.386), but the fact that the number was still less than 1 didn’t. Therefore, our decision doesn’t change.

Слайд 30

Conventional B/C Ratio
Benefit/Cost ratio  =  =  
    - operating and maintenance costs
       I     – initial investment
Benefit/Cost ratio  =
Описание слайда:
Conventional B/C Ratio Benefit/Cost ratio = = - operating and maintenance costs I – initial investment Benefit/Cost ratio =

Слайд 31

Modified B/C Ratio

Benefit/Cost ratio  =    
   - operating and maintenance costs
I     – initial investment
Benefit/Cost ratio  =
Описание слайда:
Modified B/C Ratio Benefit/Cost ratio = - operating and maintenance costs I – initial investment Benefit/Cost ratio =

Слайд 32

Comparing Mutually Exclusive Projects

Mutually exclusive projects
At most one project may be selected from a group of projects
Requires an incremental B-C analysis 
   (ΔB / ΔC). WHY? See Example 6-5, p.256
Описание слайда:
Comparing Mutually Exclusive Projects Mutually exclusive projects At most one project may be selected from a group of projects Requires an incremental B-C analysis (ΔB / ΔC). WHY? See Example 6-5, p.256

Слайд 33

Incremental Analysis
You need to follow the same principles you used in Incremental IRR…
1. Decide if each alternative is good by itself
2. Compare alternatives using incremental analysis
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis You need to follow the same principles you used in Incremental IRR… 1. Decide if each alternative is good by itself 2. Compare alternatives using incremental analysis

Слайд 34

Incremental Analysis
Rank the alternatives in order of increasing total equivalent worth of costs
The “do nothing” is selected as a baseline alternative and compare with the next least cost alternative (alt1)
Compute B/C ratio: is it greater or less than 1? 
If greater than 1 drop do nothing alternative and select alt 1 as the next best alternative 
Calculate incremental B/C for the difference in benefits and costs of alt1 and next least cost alternative
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis Rank the alternatives in order of increasing total equivalent worth of costs The “do nothing” is selected as a baseline alternative and compare with the next least cost alternative (alt1) Compute B/C ratio: is it greater or less than 1? If greater than 1 drop do nothing alternative and select alt 1 as the next best alternative Calculate incremental B/C for the difference in benefits and costs of alt1 and next least cost alternative Note: NEVER COMPARE ABSOLUTE B/C RATIOS. APPLY INCREMENTAL B/C RATIOS!!!

Слайд 35

Example: multiple projects
You are deciding between three alternatives and you need to pick the best one. The lifetimes of all machines is 20 years. Assuming a 5% interest rate, which machine should you select?
Use B/C ratio to make your decision
Описание слайда:
Example: multiple projects You are deciding between three alternatives and you need to pick the best one. The lifetimes of all machines is 20 years. Assuming a 5% interest rate, which machine should you select? Use B/C ratio to make your decision

Слайд 36

Alternative A
First cost = $45,000 
Tax benefits = $7,000 per year 
Salvage value of $30,000
Operating costs = $1,500 per year 
Maintenance costs = $2,000 per year
Описание слайда:
Alternative A First cost = $45,000 Tax benefits = $7,000 per year Salvage value of $30,000 Operating costs = $1,500 per year Maintenance costs = $2,000 per year

Слайд 37

Alternative B
First cost = $25,000 
Tax benefits = $3,000 per year 
Salvage value = $15,000
Operating costs = $2,500 per year 
Maintenance costs = $3,000 per year
Описание слайда:
Alternative B First cost = $25,000 Tax benefits = $3,000 per year Salvage value = $15,000 Operating costs = $2,500 per year Maintenance costs = $3,000 per year

Слайд 38

Alternative C
First cost = $65,000 
Tax benefits = $8,000 per year 
Salvage value = $25,000
Operating costs = $1000 per year 
Maintenance costs = $1500 per year
Описание слайда:
Alternative C First cost = $65,000 Tax benefits = $8,000 per year Salvage value = $25,000 Operating costs = $1000 per year Maintenance costs = $1500 per year

Слайд 39

Описание слайда:

Слайд 40

Incremental Analysis
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis

Слайд 41

Analysis of Alternative A
B/C ratio for Alt A =   Benefits
= 7,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 30,000 (P/F, 5%, 20)
		  45,000 + (1,500+2000) (P/A, 5%, 20)
= 98,542
= 1.1199 > 1 (Good)
Описание слайда:
Analysis of Alternative A B/C ratio for Alt A = Benefits Cost = 7,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 30,000 (P/F, 5%, 20) 45,000 + (1,500+2000) (P/A, 5%, 20) = 98,542 88,617 = 1.1199 > 1 (Good)

Слайд 42

Analysis of Alternative B
B/C ratio for Alt B =   Benefits
= 3,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 15,000 (P/F, 5%, 20)
       25,000 + (2,500+3000) (P/A, 5%, 20)
= 43,040
= 0.4601 < 1 (Bad, Not good)
If we do the same for Alternative C we get a B/C ratio of 1.135, which is > 1 (Good)
Описание слайда:
Analysis of Alternative B B/C ratio for Alt B = Benefits Cost = 3,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 15,000 (P/F, 5%, 20) 25,000 + (2,500+3000) (P/A, 5%, 20) = 43,040 93,542 = 0.4601 < 1 (Bad, Not good) If we do the same for Alternative C we get a B/C ratio of 1.135, which is > 1 (Good)

Слайд 43

Incremental Analysis
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis

Слайд 44

Incremental Analysis (cont.) 
Note that the benefits and costs are obtained from the previous analysis (we made the analysis in terms of Present Worth)
For example, for Alternative A:
Benefits = 7,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 30,000 (P/F, 5%, 20)
			= $98,542
Costs = 45,000 + (1,500+2000) (P/A, 5%, 20) 
			= $88,617
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis (cont.) Note that the benefits and costs are obtained from the previous analysis (we made the analysis in terms of Present Worth) For example, for Alternative A: Benefits = 7,000 (P/A, 5%, 20) + 30,000 (P/F, 5%, 20) = $98,542 Costs = 45,000 + (1,500+2000) (P/A, 5%, 20) = $88,617

Слайд 45

Incremental Analysis (cont.)
Compute Incremental B/C for C-A
In this case, since Incremental B/C of (C-A) = 1.40 we prefer Alternative C over Alternative A. Since we have no more alternatives we decide that Alternative C is the best one
Examples 6.6 and 6.7, page 258
Описание слайда:
Incremental Analysis (cont.) Compute Incremental B/C for C-A In this case, since Incremental B/C of (C-A) = 1.40 we prefer Alternative C over Alternative A. Since we have no more alternatives we decide that Alternative C is the best one Examples 6.6 and 6.7, page 258

Слайд 46

We learned how to compare projects by
Net benefit
Benefit/cost ratio:
Compare projects against each other in order of increasing cost
Size of ratio does not say which is best!
Benefit/cost ratio tells you: 
Whether an investment is beneficial or not (depending if the B/C ratio is >1 (beneficial) or <1 (not beneficial)
Описание слайда:
Review We learned how to compare projects by Net benefit Benefit/cost ratio: Compare projects against each other in order of increasing cost Size of ratio does not say which is best! Benefit/cost ratio tells you: Whether an investment is beneficial or not (depending if the B/C ratio is >1 (beneficial) or <1 (not beneficial)

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