🗊Презентация Regulating Water Quality

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Regulating Water Quality, слайд №1Regulating Water Quality, слайд №2Regulating Water Quality, слайд №3Regulating Water Quality, слайд №4Regulating Water Quality, слайд №5Regulating Water Quality, слайд №6Regulating Water Quality, слайд №7Regulating Water Quality, слайд №8Regulating Water Quality, слайд №9Regulating Water Quality, слайд №10Regulating Water Quality, слайд №11Regulating Water Quality, слайд №12Regulating Water Quality, слайд №13Regulating Water Quality, слайд №14Regulating Water Quality, слайд №15Regulating Water Quality, слайд №16Regulating Water Quality, слайд №17Regulating Water Quality, слайд №18Regulating Water Quality, слайд №19Regulating Water Quality, слайд №20Regulating Water Quality, слайд №21Regulating Water Quality, слайд №22Regulating Water Quality, слайд №23Regulating Water Quality, слайд №24Regulating Water Quality, слайд №25Regulating Water Quality, слайд №26Regulating Water Quality, слайд №27Regulating Water Quality, слайд №28Regulating Water Quality, слайд №29Regulating Water Quality, слайд №30Regulating Water Quality, слайд №31Regulating Water Quality, слайд №32Regulating Water Quality, слайд №33Regulating Water Quality, слайд №34Regulating Water Quality, слайд №35Regulating Water Quality, слайд №36Regulating Water Quality, слайд №37


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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Regulating Water Quality
Описание слайда:
Regulating Water Quality

Слайд 2

Water quality
Water quality is commonly defined by its physical, chemical, biological and aesthetic (appearance and smell) characteristics. 
Water may be used for drinking, irrigating crops and watering stock, industrial processes, production of fish, shellfish and crustaceans, wildlife habitats, protection of aquatic ecosystems, navigation and shipping, recreation (swimming, boating), and scientific study and education.
Описание слайда:
Water quality Water quality is commonly defined by its physical, chemical, biological and aesthetic (appearance and smell) characteristics. Water may be used for drinking, irrigating crops and watering stock, industrial processes, production of fish, shellfish and crustaceans, wildlife habitats, protection of aquatic ecosystems, navigation and shipping, recreation (swimming, boating), and scientific study and education.

Слайд 3

Protecting aquatic 
Aquatic ecosystems are an integral part of our environment. They need to be maintained if the environment is to continue to support people. World conservation strategies stress the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and genetic diversity. 
Aquatic ecosystems play an important role in maintaining water quality and are a valuable indicator of water quality and the suitability of the water for other uses. 
Aquatic ecosystems are valuable resources. Aquatic life is a major source of protein for humans. In most countries, like Portugal, commercial and sport fishing is economically important.
Описание слайда:
Protecting aquatic ecosystems Aquatic ecosystems are an integral part of our environment. They need to be maintained if the environment is to continue to support people. World conservation strategies stress the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and genetic diversity. Aquatic ecosystems play an important role in maintaining water quality and are a valuable indicator of water quality and the suitability of the water for other uses. Aquatic ecosystems are valuable resources. Aquatic life is a major source of protein for humans. In most countries, like Portugal, commercial and sport fishing is economically important.

Слайд 4

The physicochemical indicators can be classified into two groups:

● Those which have direct toxic effects on the biota (e.g., heavy metals, salinity, pesticides, and temperature)
● Those which affect ecosystems indirectly (e.g., nutrients, turbidity, and excess organic matter)
Описание слайда:
The physicochemical indicators can be classified into two groups: ● Those which have direct toxic effects on the biota (e.g., heavy metals, salinity, pesticides, and temperature) ● Those which affect ecosystems indirectly (e.g., nutrients, turbidity, and excess organic matter)

Слайд 5

The quality of the aquatic environment is a broader issue which can be described in terms of:
water quality, 
the composition and state of the biological life present in the water body, 
the nature of the particulate matter present, 
the physical description of the water body (hydrology, dimensions, nature of lake bottom or river bed, etc.).
Описание слайда:
The quality of the aquatic environment is a broader issue which can be described in terms of: water quality, the composition and state of the biological life present in the water body, the nature of the particulate matter present, the physical description of the water body (hydrology, dimensions, nature of lake bottom or river bed, etc.).

Слайд 6

This can be achieved through:

chemical analyses of water, particulate matter and aquatic organisms (such as planktonic algae and selected parts of organisms such as fish muscle), 
biological tests, such as toxicity tests and measurements of enzyme activities, 
descriptions of aquatic organisms, including their occurrence, density, biomass, physiology and diversity (from which, for example, a biotic index may be developed or microbiological characteristics determined), 
physical measurements of water temperature, pH, conductivity, light penetration, particle size of suspended and deposited material, dimensions of the water body, flow velocity, hydrological balance, etc.
Описание слайда:
This can be achieved through: chemical analyses of water, particulate matter and aquatic organisms (such as planktonic algae and selected parts of organisms such as fish muscle), biological tests, such as toxicity tests and measurements of enzyme activities, descriptions of aquatic organisms, including their occurrence, density, biomass, physiology and diversity (from which, for example, a biotic index may be developed or microbiological characteristics determined), physical measurements of water temperature, pH, conductivity, light penetration, particle size of suspended and deposited material, dimensions of the water body, flow velocity, hydrological balance, etc.

Слайд 7

Water quality indicators
Biological: algae, bacteria 
Physical:  temperature, turbidity and clarity, color, salinity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, sediment 
Chemical: pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus), organic and inorganic compounds (including toxicants) 
Aesthetic: odors, taints, color, floating matter 
Radioactive: alpha, beta and gamma radiation emitters.
Описание слайда:
Water quality indicators Biological: algae, bacteria Physical: temperature, turbidity and clarity, color, salinity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, sediment Chemical: pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus), organic and inorganic compounds (including toxicants) Aesthetic: odors, taints, color, floating matter Radioactive: alpha, beta and gamma radiation emitters.

Слайд 8

Freshwater quality deterioration at the global level
Описание слайда:
Freshwater quality deterioration at the global level

Слайд 9

Sources and significance of pollutants resulting from human activities
Описание слайда:
Sources and significance of pollutants resulting from human activities

Слайд 10

 Number of stations and of observations of water quality parameters separated by class and geographic  region (August 1, 2006).
Описание слайда:
Number of stations and of observations of water quality parameters separated by class and geographic region (August 1, 2006).

Слайд 11

 Types of Stations
Baseline  Stations  are  typically  located  in  headwater  lakes,  undisturbed  upstream  river stretches,  and  in  aquifers where  no  known  direct  diffuse  or  point-sources  of  pollutants  are likely to be found.   They are used to establish natural water quality conditions; to provide a basis  for comparison with  trend and  flux  stations; and  to determine,  through  trend analysis, the influence of long-range transport of contaminants and of climatic changes.  
Trend Stations are typically located in major river basins, lakes or aquifers.  They are used to track long-term changes in water quality related to pollution sources and land uses; to provide a basis for identifying causes or influences on measured conditions or identified trends.  Since trend stations are intended to capture human impacts on water quality, the number of trend stations  is  relatively  higher  than  the  other  types  of  stations,  to  cover  the  variety  of water quality issues facing various basins.  Most trend stations are located in basins with a range of pollution-inducing  activities.    However ,  some  stations  can  be  located  in  basins with  single, dominant activities.  Some trend stations may also serve as global river flux stations.
Flux Stations are  located at the mouth of rivers as they exit to the coast.   They are used to determine integrated annual fluxes of pollutants from river basins to oceans or regional seas, thereby  contributing  to  geochemical  cycles.    For  calculating  chemical  fluxes,  water  flow measurements must be obtained at the location of the global river flux stations.
Описание слайда:
Types of Stations Baseline Stations are typically located in headwater lakes, undisturbed upstream river stretches, and in aquifers where no known direct diffuse or point-sources of pollutants are likely to be found. They are used to establish natural water quality conditions; to provide a basis for comparison with trend and flux stations; and to determine, through trend analysis, the influence of long-range transport of contaminants and of climatic changes. Trend Stations are typically located in major river basins, lakes or aquifers. They are used to track long-term changes in water quality related to pollution sources and land uses; to provide a basis for identifying causes or influences on measured conditions or identified trends. Since trend stations are intended to capture human impacts on water quality, the number of trend stations is relatively higher than the other types of stations, to cover the variety of water quality issues facing various basins. Most trend stations are located in basins with a range of pollution-inducing activities. However , some stations can be located in basins with single, dominant activities. Some trend stations may also serve as global river flux stations. Flux Stations are located at the mouth of rivers as they exit to the coast. They are used to determine integrated annual fluxes of pollutants from river basins to oceans or regional seas, thereby contributing to geochemical cycles. For calculating chemical fluxes, water flow measurements must be obtained at the location of the global river flux stations.

Слайд 12

Physicochemical Indicators
Color (this can influence primary production)
Dissolved oxygen (this can adversely affect fish and invertebrates)
Nutrients (in excess, these can result in cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) blooms)
pH (low pH can adversely affect aquatic biota directly and also can result in release of
heavy metals from sediments)
Salinity (high salinity can adversely affect freshwater macrophytes and other aquatic biota)
Suspended particulate matter and turbidity (these can influence primary production)
Temperature (both high and low temperatures can adversely affect aquatic biota)
Описание слайда:
Physicochemical Indicators Color (this can influence primary production) Dissolved oxygen (this can adversely affect fish and invertebrates) Nutrients (in excess, these can result in cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) blooms) pH (low pH can adversely affect aquatic biota directly and also can result in release of heavy metals from sediments) Salinity (high salinity can adversely affect freshwater macrophytes and other aquatic biota) Suspended particulate matter and turbidity (these can influence primary production) Temperature (both high and low temperatures can adversely affect aquatic biota)

Слайд 13

Water quality parameters
The total dissolved solids (TDS) in water consist of inorganic salts and dissolved materials. 
Sediment is composed of organic and inorganic particles of various sizes.
Описание слайда:
Water quality parameters Temperature Salinity. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in water consist of inorganic salts and dissolved materials. Sediment Sediment is composed of organic and inorganic particles of various sizes.

Слайд 14

Sediment classes.
Описание слайда:
Sediment classes.

Слайд 15

Water quality parameters
pH is defined as the negative log-base 10 of the hydrogen ion activity:
Описание слайда:
Water quality parameters pH pH is defined as the negative log-base 10 of the hydrogen ion activity:

Слайд 16

Water quality parameters
Dissolved oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to the volume of oxygen that is contained in water. 
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere as gaseous molecular nitrogen, but most plants can use it only in the fixed forms of nitrate and ammonium. Nitrate and nitrite are inorganic ions occurring naturally as part of the nitrogen cycle. 
Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for all life forms. It plays a role in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), adenosinediphosphate (ADP), and adenosinetriphosphate (ATP). Phosphorus is required for these necessary components of life to occur. 
Heavy metals
Описание слайда:
Water quality parameters Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to the volume of oxygen that is contained in water. Nitrogen Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere as gaseous molecular nitrogen, but most plants can use it only in the fixed forms of nitrate and ammonium. Nitrate and nitrite are inorganic ions occurring naturally as part of the nitrogen cycle. Phosphorus Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for all life forms. It plays a role in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), adenosinediphosphate (ADP), and adenosinetriphosphate (ATP). Phosphorus is required for these necessary components of life to occur. Heavy metals

Слайд 17

Inorganic compounds (e.g., ammonia, cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide)
Heavy metals (e.g., copper, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic)
Organic compounds (e.g., pesticides, PCBs, and dioxins)
Описание слайда:
Toxicants Inorganic compounds (e.g., ammonia, cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide) Heavy metals (e.g., copper, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic) Organic compounds (e.g., pesticides, PCBs, and dioxins)

Слайд 18

Biological Indicators
 Species richness
 Species composition
 Primary production
 Ecosystem function
Описание слайда:
Biological Indicators Species richness Species composition Primary production Ecosystem function

Слайд 19

Regulating Water Quality
According to the Sanitary Regulations and Standards (SanPiN, potable water shall be safe with regard to epidemiological and radiation properties, harmless with regard to chemical composition and shall have favorable organoleptic properties.
Описание слайда:
Regulating Water Quality According to the Sanitary Regulations and Standards (SanPiN, potable water shall be safe with regard to epidemiological and radiation properties, harmless with regard to chemical composition and shall have favorable organoleptic properties.

Слайд 20

Water quality
Water quality means its content and properties, which determine its applicability within certain types of water use; however, quality indices are properties, which allow assessment of the water quality.
Sanitary properties help establish microbiological and parasitologic properties of water (amount of microorganisms and bacteria of the colon bacillus group per volume unit). Toxicological properties of water, characterizing safety of its chemical composition, are determined depending on a composition of substances, the amount of which shall not exceed the established standards. And the last, but not the least: when assessing water quality, organoleptic properties (temperature, transparency, color, taste, hardness.
Описание слайда:
Water quality Water quality means its content and properties, which determine its applicability within certain types of water use; however, quality indices are properties, which allow assessment of the water quality. Sanitary properties help establish microbiological and parasitologic properties of water (amount of microorganisms and bacteria of the colon bacillus group per volume unit). Toxicological properties of water, characterizing safety of its chemical composition, are determined depending on a composition of substances, the amount of which shall not exceed the established standards. And the last, but not the least: when assessing water quality, organoleptic properties (temperature, transparency, color, taste, hardness.

Слайд 21

Water quality
Sanitary Regulations and Standards SanPiN establish requirements to water supplied through non-central supply systems, regulating smell, taste, color, turbidity, and specifying that the content of chemical substances shall not exceed rates established through relevant standards.
Just like for the atmospheric air, water quality is regulated through maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs).
Описание слайда:
Water quality Sanitary Regulations and Standards SanPiN establish requirements to water supplied through non-central supply systems, regulating smell, taste, color, turbidity, and specifying that the content of chemical substances shall not exceed rates established through relevant standards. Just like for the atmospheric air, water quality is regulated through maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs).

Слайд 22

Maximum permissible concentration
Maximum permissible concentration for household and cultural and general water use (MPCw) is a concentration of a harmful substance in the water, which should not produce direct or indirect effect on the human being throughout life or on health of the next generations, and which should not worsen hygienic conditions of the water use.
Maximum permissible concentration in a piece of water, used for fishery (MPCf) is a concentration of harmful substances in water, which should produce no harmful effect on fish stock, and, notably, commercial fish stock.
Описание слайда:
Maximum permissible concentration Maximum permissible concentration for household and cultural and general water use (MPCw) is a concentration of a harmful substance in the water, which should not produce direct or indirect effect on the human being throughout life or on health of the next generations, and which should not worsen hygienic conditions of the water use. Maximum permissible concentration in a piece of water, used for fishery (MPCf) is a concentration of harmful substances in water, which should produce no harmful effect on fish stock, and, notably, commercial fish stock.

Слайд 23

MPCf is often considered as an environmental standard, which is not correct. Practically, MPCf is the concentration of a harmful substance in water, which effect on the environment is accompanied with the following conditions:
No fish or organisms, being the fodder base, die;
No species of fish, which earlier inhabited the waters, disappear; no fish or organisms, valuable as fodder, are replaced with species, inappropriate for food;
No damage to commercial properties of the fish is observed,
No changes, which may potentially result in death of fish, replacement of fodder or loss of commercial properties of the species, occur.
Описание слайда:
MPC MPCf is often considered as an environmental standard, which is not correct. Practically, MPCf is the concentration of a harmful substance in water, which effect on the environment is accompanied with the following conditions: No fish or organisms, being the fodder base, die; No species of fish, which earlier inhabited the waters, disappear; no fish or organisms, valuable as fodder, are replaced with species, inappropriate for food; No damage to commercial properties of the fish is observed, No changes, which may potentially result in death of fish, replacement of fodder or loss of commercial properties of the species, occur.

Слайд 24

MPCsf are usually more stringent, than MPCsw. 
It should be emphasized, that it is fishery and consumer protection in the first place, although certain principles of environmental water protection, have been considered within the standards. 
However, since they are established for Russia (or the USSR), they are not based upon the characteristics of geographical zones, biogeochemical provinces, hydrological conditions, etc, which speaks for commerce being the priority.
Описание слайда:
MPC MPCsf are usually more stringent, than MPCsw. It should be emphasized, that it is fishery and consumer protection in the first place, although certain principles of environmental water protection, have been considered within the standards. However, since they are established for Russia (or the USSR), they are not based upon the characteristics of geographical zones, biogeochemical provinces, hydrological conditions, etc, which speaks for commerce being the priority.

Слайд 25

Ratio between MPCs of some substances in water
Описание слайда:
Ratio between MPCs of some substances in water

Слайд 26

Pollution rate and water quality class are sometimes determined upon microbiological properties
Описание слайда:
Pollution rate and water quality class are sometimes determined upon microbiological properties

Слайд 27

Water Pollution Index
As it is with the atmospheric air, various indices are used to ensure comparative analysis of water pollution. These indices allow analysis of several polluting substances. The most commonly used index is the complex hydrochemical Water Pollution Index (referred to as WPI in formulas). It is obtained through the following formula:
WPI = ∑Ci ∙MPCi / N,  where 
Ci — concentration of the component (or parameter value);
MPCi — the established value for the relevant type of the piece of water
N — number of properties, used to calculate the index
Описание слайда:
Water Pollution Index As it is with the atmospheric air, various indices are used to ensure comparative analysis of water pollution. These indices allow analysis of several polluting substances. The most commonly used index is the complex hydrochemical Water Pollution Index (referred to as WPI in formulas). It is obtained through the following formula: WPI = ∑Ci ∙MPCi / N, where Ci — concentration of the component (or parameter value); MPCi — the established value for the relevant type of the piece of water N — number of properties, used to calculate the index

Слайд 28

Water Pollution Index
Normally, Water Pollution Indices are calculated upon six or seven hydrochemical properties, including content of dissolved oxygen [O2], рН, biological consumption of oxygen.
Описание слайда:
Water Pollution Index Normally, Water Pollution Indices are calculated upon six or seven hydrochemical properties, including content of dissolved oxygen [O2], рН, biological consumption of oxygen.

Слайд 29

Depending on Water Pollution Index, areas of water pieces are divided in classes
Описание слайда:
Depending on Water Pollution Index, areas of water pieces are divided in classes

Слайд 30

Water Pollution Index
The grade of excess MPCf is calculated for each ingredient on the basis of actual concentration (Кi) and frequency of occurrence (Нi), as well as the general assessment grade (Bi).
Ki = Ci / MPCi
Hi = (N MPCi/Ni)∙100%
Bi = Ki * Hi
where Сi — is the concentration of i ingredient,
MPCi — maximum permissible concentration of i ingredient for waters used for commercial 11 fishery;
N  MPCi — number of frequencies of MPC excess (i ingredient);
Ni — total number of measurements of the i ingredient
Описание слайда:
Water Pollution Index The grade of excess MPCf is calculated for each ingredient on the basis of actual concentration (Кi) and frequency of occurrence (Нi), as well as the general assessment grade (Bi). Ki = Ci / MPCi Hi = (N MPCi/Ni)∙100% Bi = Ki * Hi where Сi — is the concentration of i ingredient, MPCi — maximum permissible concentration of i ingredient for waters used for commercial 11 fishery; N MPCi — number of frequencies of MPC excess (i ingredient); Ni — total number of measurements of the i ingredient

Слайд 31

Combinative Pollution Index
Ingredients, for which the value of the general assessment grade is over or equal to 11, limitative pollution index (LPI) is determined. Combinative Pollution Index (referred to as CPI in the formula below) is calculated as the total amount of assessment grades of all ingredients. Combinative Index helps establish water pollution class: 
CPI = ∑Si
Описание слайда:
Combinative Pollution Index Ingredients, for which the value of the general assessment grade is over or equal to 11, limitative pollution index (LPI) is determined. Combinative Pollution Index (referred to as CPI in the formula below) is calculated as the total amount of assessment grades of all ingredients. Combinative Index helps establish water pollution class: CPI = ∑Si

Слайд 32

Combinative Pollution Index 
Combinative Pollution Index is applicable only when the impact effect is aggravated through parallel impact produced by several substances.
Apart from approaches to regulating water quality upon hydrochemical properties, there is a different approach, based on bioindication. This approach implies analysis of the presence and amount of organisms of certain species, inhabiting the environment, as the indicators of natural processes, conditions or man-caused changes in the habitat. 
In Russia, hydrobiological assessment of water quality is based mainly on the saprobity index and Woodiviss and Mayer index.
Описание слайда:
Combinative Pollution Index Combinative Pollution Index is applicable only when the impact effect is aggravated through parallel impact produced by several substances. Apart from approaches to regulating water quality upon hydrochemical properties, there is a different approach, based on bioindication. This approach implies analysis of the presence and amount of organisms of certain species, inhabiting the environment, as the indicators of natural processes, conditions or man-caused changes in the habitat. In Russia, hydrobiological assessment of water quality is based mainly on the saprobity index and Woodiviss and Mayer index.

Слайд 33

Saprobity Index
Integral characteristics of the quality also include the saprobity index, which is calculated onthe basis of individual properties of the species saprobity, present in various aquatic communities (phytoplankton, periphyton):
S = ∑Si∙hi / hi
Where Si – is the value of the individual saprobity index of the i-th aquatic organism, which is established through special reference tables;
hi – relative frequency of occurrence of indicative organisms (when under the microscope);
N – number of indicative organisms selected (usually, N>30)
Описание слайда:
Saprobity Index Integral characteristics of the quality also include the saprobity index, which is calculated onthe basis of individual properties of the species saprobity, present in various aquatic communities (phytoplankton, periphyton): S = ∑Si∙hi / hi Where Si – is the value of the individual saprobity index of the i-th aquatic organism, which is established through special reference tables; hi – relative frequency of occurrence of indicative organisms (when under the microscope); N – number of indicative organisms selected (usually, N>30)

Слайд 34

Saprobity Index
The Si value represents the aggregate of the physiological and biochemical properties of an aquatic organisms, which pre-condition its ability to inhabit in water, containing a certain amount of organic substances. Therefore, the index characterizes the nutritional status of the water body. Water quality is regulated according to the value of S
Описание слайда:
Saprobity Index The Si value represents the aggregate of the physiological and biochemical properties of an aquatic organisms, which pre-condition its ability to inhabit in water, containing a certain amount of organic substances. Therefore, the index characterizes the nutritional status of the water body. Water quality is regulated according to the value of S

Слайд 35

Saprobity Index
Описание слайда:
Saprobity Index

Слайд 36

Integral Indices
integral indices as such are not the assessment of the mancaused environmental load. 
High values of water pollution indices can also be preconditioned by natural properties of the catchment area (for instance, by ashen-gray soils, peats, which condition high content of organic substances in water, identified as oil products through some techniques, high natural content of cuprum, ore, manganese, low value of dissolved oxygen concentration, etc). 
In this case, even rivers, experiencing minor mancaused loads, will be referred to as exceedingly polluted or polluted on the basis of water pollution indices.
 Thus, state reports cover the case of the Pra river, which basin lies within the protected areas of Meschyora and Meschyorskiy national parks. Man-caused load isminor, certain sections of the river are included in the list of wetlands of international significance as home for rare water fauna species.
Therefore, one shall be careful assessing environmental load on the basis values, grounded upon the MPC system. These values are expedient for assessment of tendencies towards time changes or for comparison of various sections of the water body.
Описание слайда:
Integral Indices integral indices as such are not the assessment of the mancaused environmental load. High values of water pollution indices can also be preconditioned by natural properties of the catchment area (for instance, by ashen-gray soils, peats, which condition high content of organic substances in water, identified as oil products through some techniques, high natural content of cuprum, ore, manganese, low value of dissolved oxygen concentration, etc). In this case, even rivers, experiencing minor mancaused loads, will be referred to as exceedingly polluted or polluted on the basis of water pollution indices. Thus, state reports cover the case of the Pra river, which basin lies within the protected areas of Meschyora and Meschyorskiy national parks. Man-caused load isminor, certain sections of the river are included in the list of wetlands of international significance as home for rare water fauna species. Therefore, one shall be careful assessing environmental load on the basis values, grounded upon the MPC system. These values are expedient for assessment of tendencies towards time changes or for comparison of various sections of the water body.

Слайд 37

Regulating Water Quality, слайд №37
Описание слайда:

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