🗊Презентация SCP case study: The American agriculture industry

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SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №1SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №2SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №3SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №4SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №5SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №6SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №7SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №8SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №9SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №10SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №11SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №12SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №13SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №14SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №15SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №16SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №17SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №18SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №19SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №20SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №21SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №22SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №23SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №24SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №25SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №26SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №27SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №28SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №29SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №30SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №31SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №32SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №33SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №34SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №35SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №36SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №37SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №38SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №39SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №40SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №41SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №42SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №43SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №44SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №45SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №46SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №47SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №48SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №49SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №50


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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Lecture 10
Описание слайда:
Lecture 10

Слайд 2

SCP case study:
The American agriculture industry
Описание слайда:
SCP case study: The American agriculture industry

Слайд 3

High correlation between the fraction of labor force engaged in agriculture and GDP per capita.
In poor nations, 50-80% work in agriculture
In rich countries, 2-4% work in agriculture
Unique organization: Farms are mostly family-owned, rather than publicly listed firms.
Farms typically operate as price takers.
Productivity growth in US agriculture has exceeded that in the rest of the economy
Описание слайда:
Introduction High correlation between the fraction of labor force engaged in agriculture and GDP per capita. In poor nations, 50-80% work in agriculture In rich countries, 2-4% work in agriculture Unique organization: Farms are mostly family-owned, rather than publicly listed firms. Farms typically operate as price takers. Productivity growth in US agriculture has exceeded that in the rest of the economy

Слайд 4

Structure – Supply and demand
Farmers must make substantial investments before production starts [sunk costs]
Investments cannot be adjusted in the short run → inelastic short-run supply
Supply can shift unexpectedly due to weather and disease conditions
Описание слайда:
Structure – Supply and demand Farmers must make substantial investments before production starts [sunk costs] Investments cannot be adjusted in the short run → inelastic short-run supply Supply can shift unexpectedly due to weather and disease conditions

Слайд 5

Structure – Supply and demand
Demand for most farm commodities is price-inelastic: food is a necessity
Unexpected supply or demand shocks lead to sharp price fluctuations 
Farmers face price risks in addition to yield risks
Описание слайда:
Structure – Supply and demand Demand for most farm commodities is price-inelastic: food is a necessity Unexpected supply or demand shocks lead to sharp price fluctuations Farmers face price risks in addition to yield risks

Слайд 6

Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

Short-run supply is inelastic, but easy entry makes long-term supply curves elastic
Rapid productivity growth → supply curves have shifted to the right
Demand growth has been limited by low population growth
As a consequence:
Real prices for agricultural commodities have been decreasing
Export markets have become increasingly important
With the rise of exports, farmers face additional risk: exchange-rate risk, foreign macroeconomic risks, etc.
Описание слайда:
Structure Short-run supply is inelastic, but easy entry makes long-term supply curves elastic Rapid productivity growth → supply curves have shifted to the right Demand growth has been limited by low population growth As a consequence: Real prices for agricultural commodities have been decreasing Export markets have become increasingly important With the rise of exports, farmers face additional risk: exchange-rate risk, foreign macroeconomic risks, etc.

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Trends in US farm structure
The number of farms peaked at 6.8 million in 1935, and declined to 2.3 million in 1974 and 2.1 million in 2002
Описание слайда:
Trends in US farm structure The number of farms peaked at 6.8 million in 1935, and declined to 2.3 million in 1974 and 2.1 million in 2002

Слайд 10

Trends in US farm structure
Sharp restructuring of agriculture towards larger operations
The median farm size has increased
Описание слайда:
Trends in US farm structure Sharp restructuring of agriculture towards larger operations The median farm size has increased

Слайд 11

Family farms, profits and household income, 2003
Описание слайда:
Family farms, profits and household income, 2003

Слайд 12

Variation in profitability
Considerable variation in profitability, many small farms remain profitable:
Risk variability (climate, natural disasters, price shocks)
Skill disparities
Product innovation by small farms → niche markets through marketing, special products (kiwi fruit, tofu-variety soybeans etc.) and/or special product attributes (free-range chicken, organic vegetables etc.)
Описание слайда:
Variation in profitability Considerable variation in profitability, many small farms remain profitable: Risk variability (climate, natural disasters, price shocks) Skill disparities Product innovation by small farms → niche markets through marketing, special products (kiwi fruit, tofu-variety soybeans etc.) and/or special product attributes (free-range chicken, organic vegetables etc.)

Слайд 13

Structure: commodity markets
Farmers are price takers in almost all commodity markets
The same is not true of buyers: processors, packers and retailers → monopsony power tendencies
Sources of monopsony power:
High nationwide concentration (e.g. packers of fed cattle CR4 = 80%)
High transport costs (e.g. fed cattle are shipped less than 160 km → regional monopsony even if there are several national buyers)
Perishability (e.g. livestock lose value when they are stored beyond their optimal weight → time-constrained search for better deals)
Specialization (e.g. a buyer’s demand causes a farm to plant a highly specific variety tailored to the buyer’s request → asset specificity)
Asymmetric information (buyers make hundreds of deals per day; sellers make a few deals per year)
Описание слайда:
Structure: commodity markets Farmers are price takers in almost all commodity markets The same is not true of buyers: processors, packers and retailers → monopsony power tendencies Sources of monopsony power: High nationwide concentration (e.g. packers of fed cattle CR4 = 80%) High transport costs (e.g. fed cattle are shipped less than 160 km → regional monopsony even if there are several national buyers) Perishability (e.g. livestock lose value when they are stored beyond their optimal weight → time-constrained search for better deals) Specialization (e.g. a buyer’s demand causes a farm to plant a highly specific variety tailored to the buyer’s request → asset specificity) Asymmetric information (buyers make hundreds of deals per day; sellers make a few deals per year)

Слайд 14

Vertical linkages
A large share of farmers rely on long-term contracts with a specific buyer, ranging from 10% for wheat to 91% for poultry and eggs
Long-term contracts are more common when farmers face perishability and transport cost problems (→ fewer potential buyers)
Prices may be set by the contract, and shift the risk price fluctuations
Описание слайда:
Vertical linkages A large share of farmers rely on long-term contracts with a specific buyer, ranging from 10% for wheat to 91% for poultry and eggs Long-term contracts are more common when farmers face perishability and transport cost problems (→ fewer potential buyers) Prices may be set by the contract, and shift the risk price fluctuations

Слайд 15

Conduct: Farmer cooperatives 
Farmers are price takers, but they buy from and sell to firms with growing market power.
Inputs: machinery, seed, petroleum, pesticide…
Industries processing farm commodities are increasingly concentrated.
Описание слайда:
Conduct: Farmer cooperatives Farmers are price takers, but they buy from and sell to firms with growing market power. Inputs: machinery, seed, petroleum, pesticide… Industries processing farm commodities are increasingly concentrated.

Слайд 16

Conduct: Farmer cooperatives 
Farmers seek pricing power by organizing cooperatives → attainment of market power is difficult as entry costs are low.
Cooperatives have little market power over consumers, but are sometimes effective in countering the monopoly power suppliers and the monopsony of buyers.
Because farmers are price takers, they are allowed to sell through cooperatives, violating the Sherman Act.
Most cooperatives do not differentiate their products.
Описание слайда:
Conduct: Farmer cooperatives Farmers seek pricing power by organizing cooperatives → attainment of market power is difficult as entry costs are low. Cooperatives have little market power over consumers, but are sometimes effective in countering the monopoly power suppliers and the monopsony of buyers. Because farmers are price takers, they are allowed to sell through cooperatives, violating the Sherman Act. Most cooperatives do not differentiate their products.

Слайд 17

High rates of agricultural productivity growth over a long period.
100 years ago, an American cow yielded 3,840 pounds of milk, while in 2006 it yielded 20,000 pounds!
Описание слайда:
Performance High rates of agricultural productivity growth over a long period. 100 years ago, an American cow yielded 3,840 pounds of milk, while in 2006 it yielded 20,000 pounds!

Слайд 18

Total factor productivity accounts for the quantity of all inputs that is used to produce a specific output
TFP growth per year in agriculture 1950-2004: 2.10%
TFP growth per year in private non-farm businesses 1950-2004: 1.15%
Because of high TPF growth in agriculture:
Nominal farm product price increase 1980-2005: 15%
Overall price increase 1980-2005: 122%
Описание слайда:
Performance Total factor productivity accounts for the quantity of all inputs that is used to produce a specific output TFP growth per year in agriculture 1950-2004: 2.10% TFP growth per year in private non-farm businesses 1950-2004: 1.15% Because of high TPF growth in agriculture: Nominal farm product price increase 1980-2005: 15% Overall price increase 1980-2005: 122%

Слайд 19

Sources of technological change/innovations in agriculture
Equipment: mechanical power replaced human/animal power; machines became faster and more reliable; IT allows better monitoring of production…
Chemicals: Chemical fertilizers replaced pesticides, herbicides and fungicides improved the control of weeds and diseases …
Genetics: Plant breeding research created higher-yielding plants with better survival traits; livestock and poultry genetics have caused increased meat yields per animal …
Описание слайда:
Sources of technological change/innovations in agriculture Equipment: mechanical power replaced human/animal power; machines became faster and more reliable; IT allows better monitoring of production… Chemicals: Chemical fertilizers replaced pesticides, herbicides and fungicides improved the control of weeds and diseases … Genetics: Plant breeding research created higher-yielding plants with better survival traits; livestock and poultry genetics have caused increased meat yields per animal …

Слайд 20

Sources of technological change/innovations in agriculture
Farmers rarely develop the innovations themselves. Most are developed by researchers in the nonprofit sector.
Early adopters of a technology derive only temporary benefits. Cost reductions increase supply, driving down prices.
Описание слайда:
Sources of technological change/innovations in agriculture Farmers rarely develop the innovations themselves. Most are developed by researchers in the nonprofit sector. Early adopters of a technology derive only temporary benefits. Cost reductions increase supply, driving down prices.

Слайд 21

Overall performance over time
More efficient production over time.
Larger farms have tended to be more efficient → gradual increase in concentration, but farming is still relatively decentralized in the US
The real prices of most food products have decreased over time, which is partly due to process innovation in farming
Описание слайда:
Overall performance over time More efficient production over time. Larger farms have tended to be more efficient → gradual increase in concentration, but farming is still relatively decentralized in the US The real prices of most food products have decreased over time, which is partly due to process innovation in farming

Слайд 22

Описание слайда:

Слайд 23

Module structure
Описание слайда:
Module structure

Слайд 24

The SCP paradigm

		Structure	    Conduct         Performance
Описание слайда:
The SCP paradigm Structure  Conduct  Performance

Слайд 25

SCP: Endogenous relationship?
		    Structure	    Conduct     Performance

Conduct to structure?  R&D, advertising, differentiation
Performance to structure? Growth and changing market shares
Performance to conduct? Profitability and capacity to invest in R&D, or cut prices
Описание слайда:
SCP: Endogenous relationship? Structure  Conduct  Performance Conduct to structure? R&D, advertising, differentiation Performance to structure? Growth and changing market shares Performance to conduct? Profitability and capacity to invest in R&D, or cut prices

Слайд 26

Concentration and profits in America
Описание слайда:
Concentration and profits in America

Слайд 27

Market power and welfare
Описание слайда:
Market power and welfare

Слайд 28

Market power and welfare
Application to internet monopolies
Does the internet favour such quasi-monopolies?
Are digital monopolies less harmful than traditional monopolies?
Описание слайда:
Market power and welfare Application to internet monopolies Does the internet favour such quasi-monopolies? Are digital monopolies less harmful than traditional monopolies?

Слайд 29

Market definition
Relevant product market
Описание слайда:
Market definition Relevant product market

Слайд 30

Market definition
Relevant geographic market
CED and CES analysis
Limitations of market definition
Market definition remains arbitrary
Critical values of CED, CES?
Importance of market definition
Описание слайда:
Market definition Relevant geographic market CED and CES analysis Limitations of market definition Market definition remains arbitrary Critical values of CED, CES? Importance of market definition

Слайд 31

Measures of concentration
Описание слайда:
Measures of concentration

Слайд 32

Determinants of concentration
Описание слайда:
Determinants of concentration

Слайд 33

Determinants of concentration
Описание слайда:
Determinants of concentration

Слайд 34

Views on SCP
Описание слайда:
Views on SCP

Слайд 35

Structure and profitability
Описание слайда:
Structure and profitability

Слайд 36

Описание слайда:

Слайд 37

Описание слайда:

Слайд 38

Market structure and advertising
Описание слайда:
Market structure and advertising

Слайд 39

Market structure and advertising
Описание слайда:
Market structure and advertising

Слайд 40

Welfare and advertising
Описание слайда:
Welfare and advertising

Слайд 41

R&D and market structure
Описание слайда:
R&D and market structure

Слайд 42

R&D and market structure
Описание слайда:
R&D and market structure

Слайд 43

Innovation protection
Описание слайда:
Innovation protection

Слайд 44

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №44
Описание слайда:

Слайд 45

Exam structure
1.5 hour
Secton A: Answer ONE question from TWO.  Two essay questions
Section B: Answer ONE question from THREE.   Two essay questions + one conceptual question
All questions carry equal marks.
Broad questions
Theoretical explanations
Empirical evidence to support your claims
Poor answers
No intuition provided for the theory
No empirical evidence or example
Описание слайда:
Exam structure 1.5 hour Secton A: Answer ONE question from TWO.  Two essay questions Section B: Answer ONE question from THREE.  Two essay questions + one conceptual question All questions carry equal marks. Broad questions Theoretical explanations Empirical evidence to support your claims Poor answers No intuition provided for the theory No empirical evidence or example

Слайд 46

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №46
Описание слайда:

Слайд 47

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №47
Описание слайда:

Слайд 48

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №48
Описание слайда:

Слайд 49

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №49
Описание слайда:

Слайд 50

SCP case study: The American agriculture industry, слайд №50
Описание слайда:

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