🗊Презентация Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring

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Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №1Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №2Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №3Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №4Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №5Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №6Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №7Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №8Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №9Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №10Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №11Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №12Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №13Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №14Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №15Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №16Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №17Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №18Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №19Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №20Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №21Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №22Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №23Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №24Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №25Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №26Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №27Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №28Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №29Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №30Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №31Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №32Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №33Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №34Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №35Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №36Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №37Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №38Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №39


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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

The monitoring plan
Описание слайда:
The monitoring plan

Слайд 3

Useful Terms and their Definitions
Measurement: Also referred to as observation. The common term is sample, which is defined as ‘‘a small part of anything’’ or a specimen. 
Sampling: Act of testing, making a measurement, selecting a sample, making an observation, or taking a measurement or a specimen.
Sample Support: Amount of sample collected or used for measurements. This is a term frequently used by statisticians. For our purposes in this textbook it is synonymous with the term ‘‘sample.’’
Attribute: Defined as a specific aspect or quality of a measurement such as color, size, or a chemical concentration.
Population: Defined as a group of similar units (see the ‘‘Representative Units’’ section).
Описание слайда:
Useful Terms and their Definitions Measurement: Also referred to as observation. The common term is sample, which is defined as ‘‘a small part of anything’’ or a specimen. Sampling: Act of testing, making a measurement, selecting a sample, making an observation, or taking a measurement or a specimen. Sample Support: Amount of sample collected or used for measurements. This is a term frequently used by statisticians. For our purposes in this textbook it is synonymous with the term ‘‘sample.’’ Attribute: Defined as a specific aspect or quality of a measurement such as color, size, or a chemical concentration. Population: Defined as a group of similar units (see the ‘‘Representative Units’’ section).

Слайд 4

Useful Terms and their Definitions
Pattern: An environment with unique features or special characteristics. 
Physical parameter: A property associated with the physical component of the environment; it includes topography; surface water and groundwater distributions; quality, cycles, and gradients; heat temperature distributions; wind direction changes; and intensity.
Chemical parameter: A property associated with the chemical component of the environment; 
Biological parameter: A property associated with the biological component of the environment that includes plant cover, density, and distribution; water quality indicator parameters such as coliform bacteria; and soil microbe population densities such as fungi or heterotrophic bacteria.
Process: An action or series of actions involving physical, chemical, or biological entities, such as water flow, microbial growth, pollutant degradation, mineral weathering, and oxidation-reduction reactions.
Описание слайда:
Useful Terms and their Definitions Pattern: An environment with unique features or special characteristics. Physical parameter: A property associated with the physical component of the environment; it includes topography; surface water and groundwater distributions; quality, cycles, and gradients; heat temperature distributions; wind direction changes; and intensity. Chemical parameter: A property associated with the chemical component of the environment; Biological parameter: A property associated with the biological component of the environment that includes plant cover, density, and distribution; water quality indicator parameters such as coliform bacteria; and soil microbe population densities such as fungi or heterotrophic bacteria. Process: An action or series of actions involving physical, chemical, or biological entities, such as water flow, microbial growth, pollutant degradation, mineral weathering, and oxidation-reduction reactions.

Слайд 5

The collection of samples at multiple depths or altitude intervals adds a third dimension (Z) to two-dimensional (2-D) sampling. 
It is possible to collect samples at random intervals down a soil/geological profile. 
However, most of the time, either discrete sampling (at fixed intervals) or stratified sampling (defined by geologic layers) is chosen. 
In the laboratory, cores are visually inspected and often separated in layers. 
Similarly, for atmospheric measurements a priori knowledge of possible temperature inversions, winds, and turbulent layers helps atmospheric scientists define sampling locations, altitudes, and ranges.
Описание слайда:
SPATIAL PROPERTIES The collection of samples at multiple depths or altitude intervals adds a third dimension (Z) to two-dimensional (2-D) sampling. It is possible to collect samples at random intervals down a soil/geological profile. However, most of the time, either discrete sampling (at fixed intervals) or stratified sampling (defined by geologic layers) is chosen. In the laboratory, cores are visually inspected and often separated in layers. Similarly, for atmospheric measurements a priori knowledge of possible temperature inversions, winds, and turbulent layers helps atmospheric scientists define sampling locations, altitudes, and ranges.

Слайд 6

Usually sample collection or measurements over time are defined with natural cycles such as daytime; nighttime; or daily, seasonal, or yearly intervals. Additionally, more precise intervals are sometimes simply defined in convenient time units such as seconds (or fractions), minutes, hours, weeks, or months. Therefore most temporal sampling programs can be defined as systematic because they are usually carried out at regular intervals. For example, groundwater monitoring at landfill sites is often done once every 4 months over a year.
Описание слайда:
TEMPORAL PROPERTIES Usually sample collection or measurements over time are defined with natural cycles such as daytime; nighttime; or daily, seasonal, or yearly intervals. Additionally, more precise intervals are sometimes simply defined in convenient time units such as seconds (or fractions), minutes, hours, weeks, or months. Therefore most temporal sampling programs can be defined as systematic because they are usually carried out at regular intervals. For example, groundwater monitoring at landfill sites is often done once every 4 months over a year.

Слайд 7

Some examples of samples collected from different environments
Описание слайда:
Some examples of samples collected from different environments

Слайд 8

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Statistical-based monitoring plans require environmental scientists to collect samples from an environment at statistically determined locations. 
Random: Sampling location selected at random. All units have the same chance of being selected. 
Systematic: This approach is a subset of random sampling if the initial sampling locations are selected randomly
Описание слайда:
SAMPLING LOCATIONS Statistical-based monitoring plans require environmental scientists to collect samples from an environment at statistically determined locations. Random: Sampling location selected at random. All units have the same chance of being selected. Systematic: This approach is a subset of random sampling if the initial sampling locations are selected randomly

Слайд 10

Grab, Search, or Exploratory: Typically used in pollution monitoring and may include the collection of one or two samples to try to identify the type of pollution or presence/absence of a pollutant. This haphazard approach of sampling is highly suspect and should be accepted only for the purposes previously stated. 
Surrogate: Done in cases where the substitution of one measurement is possible for another at a reduced cost. 
Composite (bulking): Commonly done to reduce analytical costs in sampling schemes where the spatial or temporal variances are not needed. 
Path Integrated: Used in open path infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy air chemical analysis. 
Time Integrated: Commonly used in weather stations that measure ambient air properties such as temperature and wind speed, but report time-averaged hourly and daily values.
Remote sensing: Commonly used to collect two-dimensional photographs of the earth surface passive radiation using IR, UV, and Vis light sensors
Описание слайда:
SAMPLING LOCATIONS Grab, Search, or Exploratory: Typically used in pollution monitoring and may include the collection of one or two samples to try to identify the type of pollution or presence/absence of a pollutant. This haphazard approach of sampling is highly suspect and should be accepted only for the purposes previously stated. Surrogate: Done in cases where the substitution of one measurement is possible for another at a reduced cost. Composite (bulking): Commonly done to reduce analytical costs in sampling schemes where the spatial or temporal variances are not needed. Path Integrated: Used in open path infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy air chemical analysis. Time Integrated: Commonly used in weather stations that measure ambient air properties such as temperature and wind speed, but report time-averaged hourly and daily values. Remote sensing: Commonly used to collect two-dimensional photographs of the earth surface passive radiation using IR, UV, and Vis light sensors

Слайд 11

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Quality Control:
a) Blanks are collected to make sure that containers or the preservation techniques are not contaminating the samples.
b) Trip samples are blank samples carried during a sampling trip.
c) Sample replicates are collected to check the precision of the sampling procedure: preservation and contamination.
d) Split samples are usually collected for archival purposes.
Описание слайда:
Quality Control: a) Blanks are collected to make sure that containers or the preservation techniques are not contaminating the samples. b) Trip samples are blank samples carried during a sampling trip. c) Sample replicates are collected to check the precision of the sampling procedure: preservation and contamination. d) Split samples are usually collected for archival purposes.

Слайд 14

Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

Elements of a Sampling Plan with Data Quality Objectives

Number and types of samples collected in space and time. This section should discuss the statistical basis for the number of samples and sampling patterns selected. 
Actual costs of the plan, including sample collection, analysis and interpretation. A cost analysis that provides a measure of the cost versus effectiveness of the plan. Alternate approaches can also be included. Sampling costs are determined by the precision and accuracy of the results.
Data quality control and objectives are also needed in a sampling plan.
Quality: Discuss statistical measures of:
Описание слайда:
Elements of a Sampling Plan with Data Quality Objectives Number and types of samples collected in space and time. This section should discuss the statistical basis for the number of samples and sampling patterns selected. Actual costs of the plan, including sample collection, analysis and interpretation. A cost analysis that provides a measure of the cost versus effectiveness of the plan. Alternate approaches can also be included. Sampling costs are determined by the precision and accuracy of the results. Data quality control and objectives are also needed in a sampling plan. Quality: Discuss statistical measures of:

Слайд 17

Accuracy (bias): How data will be compared with reference values when known. Estimate overall bias of the project based on criteria and assumptions made.
Precision: Discuss the specific (sampling methods, instruments, measurements) variances and overall variances of the data or data sets when possible using relative standard deviations or percent coefficient of variation (%CV).
Defensible: Ensure that sufficient documentation is available after the project is complete to trace the origins of all data.
Reproducible: Ensure that the data can be duplicated by following accepted sampling protocols, methods of analyses, and sound statistical evaluations.
Representative: Discuss the statistical principles used to ensure that the data collected represents the environment targeted in the study.
Useful: Ensure that the data generated meets regulatory criteria and sound scientific principles.
Comparable: Show similarities or differences between this and other data sets, if any.
Complete: Address any incomplete data and how this might affect decisions derived from these data.
Описание слайда:
Quality: Accuracy (bias): How data will be compared with reference values when known. Estimate overall bias of the project based on criteria and assumptions made. Precision: Discuss the specific (sampling methods, instruments, measurements) variances and overall variances of the data or data sets when possible using relative standard deviations or percent coefficient of variation (%CV). Defensible: Ensure that sufficient documentation is available after the project is complete to trace the origins of all data. Reproducible: Ensure that the data can be duplicated by following accepted sampling protocols, methods of analyses, and sound statistical evaluations. Representative: Discuss the statistical principles used to ensure that the data collected represents the environment targeted in the study. Useful: Ensure that the data generated meets regulatory criteria and sound scientific principles. Comparable: Show similarities or differences between this and other data sets, if any. Complete: Address any incomplete data and how this might affect decisions derived from these data.

Слайд 18

Описание слайда:

Слайд 19

Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

Schematic showing the layout of a square grid and
locations where soil cores would be collected.
Описание слайда:
Schematic showing the layout of a square grid and locations where soil cores would be collected.

Слайд 21

Modification of a square grid where alternating rows of
sample points are shifted one half thedistance from the
cell center and edge.
Описание слайда:
Modification of a square grid where alternating rows of sample points are shifted one half thedistance from the cell center and edge.

Слайд 22

Schematic showing the layout of a systematic unaligned
grid. The x, y coordinates were determined from a
random number table.
Описание слайда:
Schematic showing the layout of a systematic unaligned grid. The x, y coordinates were determined from a random number table.

Слайд 23

Equipment for sampling
Описание слайда:
Equipment for sampling

Слайд 24

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №24
Описание слайда:

Слайд 25

Soil samples collected for issues related to contamination, public health, and risk and safety assessment usually require special procedures.
 Typically, samples are not allowed to dry and are collected and preserved ‘‘as is,’’ meaning that soil moisture and chemical field conditions are maintained. 
Therefore these soil samples are usually collected in glass or plastic jars, sealed, and kept cool. Cooling the samples to near freezing is also necessary to reduce biological activity. Freezing soil samples, although sometimes done, is not recommended because freezing will change the biological and perhaps even the physical nature of the soil medium.
 No chemical preservatives are added to soil samples.
Описание слайда:
SOIL SAMPLE STORAGE AND PRESERVATION Soil samples collected for issues related to contamination, public health, and risk and safety assessment usually require special procedures. Typically, samples are not allowed to dry and are collected and preserved ‘‘as is,’’ meaning that soil moisture and chemical field conditions are maintained. Therefore these soil samples are usually collected in glass or plastic jars, sealed, and kept cool. Cooling the samples to near freezing is also necessary to reduce biological activity. Freezing soil samples, although sometimes done, is not recommended because freezing will change the biological and perhaps even the physical nature of the soil medium. No chemical preservatives are added to soil samples.

Слайд 26

Описание слайда:

Слайд 27

Описание слайда:

Слайд 28

Описание слайда:

Слайд 29

Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring, слайд №29
Описание слайда:

Слайд 30

Location of sampling points 
Sampling points should be selected such that the samples taken are representative of the different sources from which water is obtained by the public or enters the system. 
 These points should include those that yield samples representative of the conditions at the most unfavourable sources or places in the supply system, particularly points of possible contamination such as unprotected sources, loops, reservoirs, low-pressure zones, ends of the system, etc. 
 Sampling points should be uniformly distributed throughout a piped distribution system, taking population distribution into account; the number of sampling points should be proportional to the number of links or branches.
Описание слайда:
Location of sampling points Sampling points should be selected such that the samples taken are representative of the different sources from which water is obtained by the public or enters the system. These points should include those that yield samples representative of the conditions at the most unfavourable sources or places in the supply system, particularly points of possible contamination such as unprotected sources, loops, reservoirs, low-pressure zones, ends of the system, etc. Sampling points should be uniformly distributed throughout a piped distribution system, taking population distribution into account; the number of sampling points should be proportional to the number of links or branches.

Слайд 31

Location of sampling points
The points chosen should generally yield samples that are representative of the system as a whole and of its main components. 
 Sampling points should be located in such a way that water can be sampled from reserve tanks and reservoirs, etc.
 In systems with more than one water source, the locations of the sampling points should take account of the number of inhabitants served by each source. 
 There should be at least one sampling point directly after the clean-water outlet from each treatment plant.
Описание слайда:
Location of sampling points The points chosen should generally yield samples that are representative of the system as a whole and of its main components. Sampling points should be located in such a way that water can be sampled from reserve tanks and reservoirs, etc. In systems with more than one water source, the locations of the sampling points should take account of the number of inhabitants served by each source. There should be at least one sampling point directly after the clean-water outlet from each treatment plant.

Слайд 32

Sampling sites. 
fixed and agreed with the supply agency; 
fixed, but not agreed with the supply agency; 
random or variable
Описание слайда:
Sampling sites. fixed and agreed with the supply agency; fixed, but not agreed with the supply agency; random or variable

Слайд 33

Equipment for sampling
Описание слайда:
Equipment for sampling

Слайд 34

Описание слайда:

Слайд 35

Depending on the contaminants of concern, air samples may be collected using several techniques, including: whole air sampling, solid sorbent sampling (active or passive), impinger sampling, and filter sampling.
Описание слайда:
SAMPLING THE AIR ENVIRONMENT Depending on the contaminants of concern, air samples may be collected using several techniques, including: whole air sampling, solid sorbent sampling (active or passive), impinger sampling, and filter sampling.  

Слайд 36

Equipment for sampling
Описание слайда:
Equipment for sampling

Слайд 37

Adsorbent tubes
Adsorbent tubes are used to collect samples in the gaseous and vapour states such as solvent vapours, some gases, and acids. 
They are glass tubes containing two sections of adsorbent. These tubes may contain activated charcoal, silica gel, or certain polymers. By analyzing each of the sections individually, the efficiency of adsorption of the collecting medium can be verified. 
Sampling is considered as acceptable if less than 10% of the chemical is found in the second section. If more than 25% of the chemical is found in it, a loss has probably occurred and the results express a minimum concentration. However,  this rule may vary when more than one substance enters the tube, thus promoting competition for the adsorption sites. 
The ends of the tube are broken on the sampling site and connected to the pump by means of special devices. The tube must be placed with the arrow in the direction of air flow. The tube must be vertical to prevent any channeling, which would reduce the adsorption efficiency.
Описание слайда:
Adsorbent tubes Adsorbent tubes are used to collect samples in the gaseous and vapour states such as solvent vapours, some gases, and acids. They are glass tubes containing two sections of adsorbent. These tubes may contain activated charcoal, silica gel, or certain polymers. By analyzing each of the sections individually, the efficiency of adsorption of the collecting medium can be verified. Sampling is considered as acceptable if less than 10% of the chemical is found in the second section. If more than 25% of the chemical is found in it, a loss has probably occurred and the results express a minimum concentration. However, this rule may vary when more than one substance enters the tube, thus promoting competition for the adsorption sites. The ends of the tube are broken on the sampling site and connected to the pump by means of special devices. The tube must be placed with the arrow in the direction of air flow. The tube must be vertical to prevent any channeling, which would reduce the adsorption efficiency.

Слайд 38

Sampling with a passive dosimeter
Описание слайда:
Sampling with a passive dosimeter

Слайд 39

Sampling bags
Описание слайда:
Sampling bags

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