🗊Презентация Tango. Managing self and leading others

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Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №1Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №2Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №3Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №4Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №5Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №6Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №7Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №8Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №9Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №10Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №11Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №12Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №13Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №14Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №15Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №16Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №17Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №18Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №19Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №20Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №21Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №22Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №23Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №24Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №25Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №26Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №27Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №28Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №29Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №30Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №31Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №32Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №33Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №34Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №35Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №36Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №37

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Tango! Managing self and leading others
Time Management in the Workplace:
A Case Study
Group 3:
Shelemba, Kristina 18078118d
So Tsz Yeung, Dominic 18052484d 
Zi Wan Ng, Vanessa 18078926d
Amangeldy, Meruyert 18078063d
Tumanbayeva, Aliya 18078162d
Matayoshi, Mia 18040629d
Описание слайда:
Tango! Managing self and leading others Time Management in the Workplace: A Case Study Group 3: Shelemba, Kristina 18078118d So Tsz Yeung, Dominic 18052484d Zi Wan Ng, Vanessa 18078926d Amangeldy, Meruyert 18078063d Tumanbayeva, Aliya 18078162d Matayoshi, Mia 18040629d

Слайд 2

Team members:
Описание слайда:
Team members:

Слайд 3

Presentation Outline
Literature review
Reference list
Описание слайда:
Presentation Outline Introduction Literature review Methodology Results Discussions Reference list

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

What is Time Management?
Work smarter, not harder!
Accomplishing goals = sense of well-being.
Описание слайда:
What is Time Management? Work smarter, not harder! Accomplishing goals = sense of well-being.

Слайд 6

Research question:
Whether, why and how time management may facilitate success in the workplace?
Описание слайда:
Research question: Whether, why and how time management may facilitate success in the workplace?

Слайд 7

Literature Review
Описание слайда:
Literature Review

Слайд 8

Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Process Model
Описание слайда:
Process Model

Слайд 11

Time Management Benefits
Описание слайда:
Time Management Benefits

Слайд 12

Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №14
Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

Primary Research:
The Interview
 Hung Yan (Peter) Ng
Описание слайда:
Primary Research: The Interview Interviewee Hung Yan (Peter) Ng

Слайд 16

EN Group Limited 
Branches of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong (3), Singapore (4), Indonesia (1), Macao.
Trading in Hong Kong and Japan
Описание слайда:
EN Group Limited Branches of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong (3), Singapore (4), Indonesia (1), Macao. Trading in Hong Kong and Japan

Слайд 17

Why this person?
Описание слайда:
Why this person?

Слайд 18

Our process
Описание слайда:
Our process

Слайд 19

Interview questions:
Was it difficult to start the business in the beginning? What obstacles did you encounter?
How have you developed your time management skills since you start your business?
Do your employees in the office often complete tasks on time? If not, how does this affect the nature of the company?
Описание слайда:
Interview questions: Was it difficult to start the business in the beginning? What obstacles did you encounter? How have you developed your time management skills since you start your business? Do your employees in the office often complete tasks on time? If not, how does this affect the nature of the company?

Слайд 20

Описание слайда:

Слайд 21

3 Umbrella Themes
Описание слайда:
3 Umbrella Themes

Слайд 22

i. Prioritizing
Описание слайда:
i. Prioritizing

Слайд 23

Time may feel limited...”
Time may feel limited...”
Hung Yan Ng
Описание слайда:
Time may feel limited...” Time may feel limited...” Hung Yan Ng

Слайд 24

ii. Commitment
Описание слайда:
ii. Commitment

Слайд 25

iii. Perseverance
Описание слайда:
iii. Perseverance

Слайд 26

How Time Management is Important
Slows down the process
Affects the bigger picture
Business reputation
Описание слайда:
How Time Management is Important Company: Slows down the process Affects the bigger picture Business reputation

Слайд 27

Описание слайда:

Слайд 28

Anticipated results
#1.  Task prioritization has highest influence on organizational effectiveness, which leads to business success
Описание слайда:
Anticipated results #1. Task prioritization has highest influence on organizational effectiveness, which leads to business success

Слайд 29

Anticipated results
#2. Time management skill development is enhanced by personal experience
Описание слайда:
Anticipated results #2. Time management skill development is enhanced by personal experience

Слайд 30

Anticipated results
#3.  Poor time management has negative effect both on stress level and success in the workplace
Описание слайда:
Anticipated results #3. Poor time management has negative effect both on stress level and success in the workplace

Слайд 31

Unanticipated results
Описание слайда:
Unanticipated results

Слайд 32

Unanticipated results
Описание слайда:
Unanticipated results

Слайд 33

Tango. Managing self and leading others, слайд №33
Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

Problems and Limitations
Insufficient number of secondary sources
Primary data cannot be generalized, findings cannot be extrapolated on a broader scale
One-sided view
Описание слайда:
Problems and Limitations Insufficient number of secondary sources Primary data cannot be generalized, findings cannot be extrapolated on a broader scale One-sided view

Слайд 35

For me it was trial and error.  ”
For me it was trial and error.  ”
Hung Yan Ng
Описание слайда:
For me it was trial and error. ” For me it was trial and error. ” Hung Yan Ng

Слайд 36

Adebayo, F. A., & Omojola, I. (2012). Influence of Time Management on Administrative Effectiveness in
Higher Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 3(1), 61-65.
Adebisi, J. F. (2013). Time Management Practices and Its Effect on Business Performance. Canadian Social	Science,9(1), 165-168. doi:10.3968/j.css.1923669720130901.2419
Ferrari, J. R. (2005). Exploring Procrastination in Corporate Settings: Sex, Status, and Settings for Arousal
and Avoidance Types. Individual Differences Research, 3(2), 140-149.
Levin, A. (n.d.). "Hold on a second, Bob. I'm putting you on a stickie." - New Yorker Cartoon Premium Giclee
Print by Arnie Levin at AllPosters.com. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from
Macan, T. (1994). Time Management: Test of a Process Model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(3), 381-391.
Описание слайда:
References Adebayo, F. A., & Omojola, I. (2012). Influence of Time Management on Administrative Effectiveness in Higher Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 3(1), 61-65. Adebisi, J. F. (2013). Time Management Practices and Its Effect on Business Performance. Canadian Social Science,9(1), 165-168. doi:10.3968/j.css.1923669720130901.2419 Ferrari, J. R. (2005). Exploring Procrastination in Corporate Settings: Sex, Status, and Settings for Arousal and Avoidance Types. Individual Differences Research, 3(2), 140-149. Levin, A. (n.d.). "Hold on a second, Bob. I'm putting you on a stickie." - New Yorker Cartoon Premium Giclee Print by Arnie Levin at AllPosters.com. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from https://www.allposters.com/-sp/Hold-on-a-second-Bob-I-m-putting-you-on-a-stickie-New-Yorker-Cartoon-Posters_i9165902_.htm Macan, T. (1994). Time Management: Test of a Process Model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(3), 381-391. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.79.3.381

Слайд 37

P. (2017, June 22). The Irrationality and Evil of Moral Relativism. Retrieved March 25, 2019, from
“Quality & Originality.” En Group, en.com.hk/main/.
T. (2015, January). What is time management? - Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from
“The Eisenhower Matrix: Introduction & 3-Minute Video Tutorial.” Eisenhower,
The Science of Setting Goals: What Works and What Backfires. Retrieved March 25, 2019, from
Ziekye, J. (2016). Impact of Time Management on Organizational Effectiveness. Texila International Journal
Of Management, 2(1), 11-19. doi:10.21522/tijmg.2015.02.01.art003
Описание слайда:
References P. (2017, June 22). The Irrationality and Evil of Moral Relativism. Retrieved March 25, 2019, from http://thebladeonline.org/wordpress/2017/06/the-irrationality-and-evil-of-moral-relativism/ “Quality & Originality.” En Group, en.com.hk/main/. T. (2015, January). What is time management? - Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/time-management “The Eisenhower Matrix: Introduction & 3-Minute Video Tutorial.” Eisenhower, www.eisenhower.me/eisenhower-matrix/. The Science of Setting Goals: What Works and What Backfires. Retrieved March 25, 2019, from https://ethicalleadership.nd.edu/news/getting-goals-right/ Ziekye, J. (2016). Impact of Time Management on Organizational Effectiveness. Texila International Journal Of Management, 2(1), 11-19. doi:10.21522/tijmg.2015.02.01.art003

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