🗊Презентация Tasks

Категория: Физика
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Tasks, слайд №1Tasks, слайд №2

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

1 Ultrasonic, 1 Servo: Servo turns 90 degrees when object is too close, and turns back when it is far enough
1 temperature, 1 DC-motor: motor has 4 speed modes depending on temperature: off (when cold), slow(warm), fast(hot), very fast(too hot)
1 stepper: stepper must turn N steps provided via serial port together with direction (E.g.: 200f – means 200 steps forward, 123b – means 123 steps backward)
Описание слайда:
Tasks 1 Ultrasonic, 1 Servo: Servo turns 90 degrees when object is too close, and turns back when it is far enough 1 temperature, 1 DC-motor: motor has 4 speed modes depending on temperature: off (when cold), slow(warm), fast(hot), very fast(too hot) 1 stepper: stepper must turn N steps provided via serial port together with direction (E.g.: 200f – means 200 steps forward, 123b – means 123 steps backward)

Слайд 2

Home Work
1 Pot, 2 LDRs, 1 DC-motor, 1 Stepper, 1 Servo: Potentiometer controls the speed and direction of stepper (somewhere at the middle of the pot stepper stops), 1st LDR controls the angle of the servo, and the 2nd LDR controls the speed of the DC-motor.
Описание слайда:
Home Work 1 Pot, 2 LDRs, 1 DC-motor, 1 Stepper, 1 Servo: Potentiometer controls the speed and direction of stepper (somewhere at the middle of the pot stepper stops), 1st LDR controls the angle of the servo, and the 2nd LDR controls the speed of the DC-motor.

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