🗊Презентация The Category of Voice

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The Category of Voice , слайд №1The Category of Voice , слайд №2The Category of Voice , слайд №3The Category of Voice , слайд №4The Category of Voice , слайд №5The Category of Voice , слайд №6The Category of Voice , слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Category of Voice
Different Approaches
Описание слайда:
The Category of Voice Different Approaches

Слайд 2

The Category of Voice: General Information
The category of voice shows the information focus in the sentence.
Voice (from Latin vox-vocis ‘a faculty of speech’) is the grammatical category of the verb expressing parsing of the situation information structure as conceived by the speaker. It is a speaker-related category.
Different approaches to voice:
formal (traditional): two voices - H. Sweet, O. Jespersen, A.I. Smirnitsky, L.S. Barchudarov;
semantic: five voices - H. Poutsma, I.I. Ivanova;
V.Y. Plotkin’s: no voices.
Описание слайда:
The Category of Voice: General Information The category of voice shows the information focus in the sentence. Voice (from Latin vox-vocis ‘a faculty of speech’) is the grammatical category of the verb expressing parsing of the situation information structure as conceived by the speaker. It is a speaker-related category. Different approaches to voice: formal (traditional): two voices - H. Sweet, O. Jespersen, A.I. Smirnitsky, L.S. Barchudarov; semantic: five voices - H. Poutsma, I.I. Ivanova; V.Y. Plotkin’s: no voices.

Слайд 3

Traditional Approach: Two Voices | Form
The category of voice (as well as aspect and phase) is based on the existence of analytical forms within the system of the English verb, which are opposed to the unmarked forms (L.S. Barchudarov).
It is the opposition of the categorial forms of active and passive voice.
The active voice is unmarked. The passive voice is marked, analytical, has a discontinuous morpheme {be + -ed/n, etc.}.
Some verbs are not used in forms of passive voice: be, seem, become, appear, go*, come*, belong, consist, or used rarely, with certain semantic and contextual restrictions: sit, live, sleep, walk, jump, have, etc.
* is gone, is come are combinations of be + participle II.
Описание слайда:
Traditional Approach: Two Voices | Form The category of voice (as well as aspect and phase) is based on the existence of analytical forms within the system of the English verb, which are opposed to the unmarked forms (L.S. Barchudarov). It is the opposition of the categorial forms of active and passive voice. The active voice is unmarked. The passive voice is marked, analytical, has a discontinuous morpheme {be + -ed/n, etc.}. Some verbs are not used in forms of passive voice: be, seem, become, appear, go*, come*, belong, consist, or used rarely, with certain semantic and contextual restrictions: sit, live, sleep, walk, jump, have, etc. * is gone, is come are combinations of be + participle II.

Слайд 4

Traditional Approach: Two Voices | Meaning
Active Voice
active meaning (agent)
He opened the door.
non-active (not or not only the agent)
She broke her leg (passive).
The concert began (middle).
John shaved himself (reflexive).
They kissed each other (reciprocal).
Описание слайда:
Traditional Approach: Two Voices | Meaning Active Voice extensive active meaning (agent) He opened the door. non-active (not or not only the agent) She broke her leg (passive). The concert began (middle). John shaved himself (reflexive). They kissed each other (reciprocal).

Слайд 5

Semantic Approach: Five Voices
Active voice
I asked a question.
Passive voice
He was asked a question.
Middle voice
The door opened.
Reflexive voice
She dressed herself.
Reciprocal voice
They met in the street.
Описание слайда:
Semantic Approach: Five Voices Active voice I asked a question. Passive voice He was asked a question. Middle voice The door opened. Reflexive voice She dressed herself. Reciprocal voice They met in the street.

Слайд 6

V.Y. Plotkin’s Approach: No Voices
There were no category of voice in OE and it did not appear in ModE due to the absence of synthetic forms.
According to V.Y. Plotkin, a grammatical category may only be distinguished 
if it has the ‘synthetic basis’.
He is asked is an analytical combination with passive meaning.
Описание слайда:
V.Y. Plotkin’s Approach: No Voices There were no category of voice in OE and it did not appear in ModE due to the absence of synthetic forms. According to V.Y. Plotkin, a grammatical category may only be distinguished if it has the ‘synthetic basis’. He is asked is an analytical combination with passive meaning.

Слайд 7

Thank you for your attention!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention!

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