🗊Презентация The Global Innovation Index

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The Global Innovation Index, слайд №1The Global Innovation Index, слайд №2The Global Innovation Index, слайд №3The Global Innovation Index, слайд №4The Global Innovation Index, слайд №5The Global Innovation Index, слайд №6The Global Innovation Index, слайд №7The Global Innovation Index, слайд №8The Global Innovation Index, слайд №9The Global Innovation Index, слайд №10The Global Innovation Index, слайд №11The Global Innovation Index, слайд №12The Global Innovation Index, слайд №13The Global Innovation Index, слайд №14The Global Innovation Index, слайд №15The Global Innovation Index, слайд №16The Global Innovation Index, слайд №17

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Слайд 1

индекс инноваций
The Global Innovation Index
Описание слайда:
Глобальный индекс инноваций The Global Innovation Index

Слайд 2

The GII adopts a broad notion of innovation, originally elaborated in the Oslo Manual developed by the European Communities and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
An innovation
 is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), a new process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization, or external relations.
Описание слайда:
The GII adopts a broad notion of innovation, originally elaborated in the Oslo Manual developed by the European Communities and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), a new process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization, or external relations.

Слайд 3

This definition reflects the evolution of the way innovation has been perceived and understood over the last two decades.
Previously economists and policy makers focused on R&D-based technological product innovation, largely produced in-house and mostly in manufacturing industries. 
This type of innovation was performed by a highly educated labour force in R&D-intensive companies. 
The process leading to such innovation was conceptualized as closed, internal, and localized. 
Technological breakthroughs were necessarily ‘radical’ and took place at the ‘global knowledge frontier’. 
This characterization implied the existence of leading and lagging countries, with low- or middle-income economies only catching up.
Описание слайда:
This definition reflects the evolution of the way innovation has been perceived and understood over the last two decades. Previously economists and policy makers focused on R&D-based technological product innovation, largely produced in-house and mostly in manufacturing industries. This type of innovation was performed by a highly educated labour force in R&D-intensive companies. The process leading to such innovation was conceptualized as closed, internal, and localized. Technological breakthroughs were necessarily ‘radical’ and took place at the ‘global knowledge frontier’. This characterization implied the existence of leading and lagging countries, with low- or middle-income economies only catching up.

Слайд 4

This definition reflects the evolution of the way innovation has been perceived and understood over the last two decades.
Today innovation capability is seen more as the ability to exploit new technological combinations; it embraces the notion of incremental innovation and ‘innovation without research’. Non-R&D innovative expenditure is an important component of reaping the rewards of technological innovation. 
Interest in understanding how innovation takes place in low- and middle-income countries is increasing, along with an awareness that incremental forms of innovation can impact development. 
Furthermore, the process of innova­tion itself has changed significantly. 
Investment in innovation-related activity has consistently intensified at the firm, country, and global levels, adding both new innovation actors from outside high-income economies and nonprofit actors. 
The structure of knowledge production activity is more complex and geo­graphically dispersed than ever.
Описание слайда:
This definition reflects the evolution of the way innovation has been perceived and understood over the last two decades. Today innovation capability is seen more as the ability to exploit new technological combinations; it embraces the notion of incremental innovation and ‘innovation without research’. Non-R&D innovative expenditure is an important component of reaping the rewards of technological innovation. Interest in understanding how innovation takes place in low- and middle-income countries is increasing, along with an awareness that incremental forms of innovation can impact development. Furthermore, the process of innova­tion itself has changed significantly. Investment in innovation-related activity has consistently intensified at the firm, country, and global levels, adding both new innovation actors from outside high-income economies and nonprofit actors. The structure of knowledge production activity is more complex and geo­graphically dispersed than ever.

Слайд 5

Глобальный индекс инноваций (The Global Innovation Index) 
это глобальное исследование и сопровождающий его рейтинг стран мира по показателю уровня развития инноваций. Рассчитан по методике международной бизнес-школы INSEAD, Франция. Исследование проводится с 2007 года и на данный момент представляет наиболее полный комплекс показателей инновационного развития по различным странам мира.
составлен из 80 различных переменных, которые детально характеризуют инновационное развитие стран мира, находящихся на разных уровнях экономического развития.
Авторы исследования: успешность экономики связана с наличием:
инновационного потенциала
условий для его воплощения.
Описание слайда:
Глобальный индекс инноваций (The Global Innovation Index)  это глобальное исследование и сопровождающий его рейтинг стран мира по показателю уровня развития инноваций. Рассчитан по методике международной бизнес-школы INSEAD, Франция. Исследование проводится с 2007 года и на данный момент представляет наиболее полный комплекс показателей инновационного развития по различным странам мира. составлен из 80 различных переменных, которые детально характеризуют инновационное развитие стран мира, находящихся на разных уровнях экономического развития. Авторы исследования: успешность экономики связана с наличием: инновационного потенциала условий для его воплощения.

Слайд 6

- рассчитывается как взвешенная сумма оценок двух групп показателей.
- представляет собой соотношение затрат и эффекта, что позволяет объективно оценить эффективность усилий по развитию инноваций в той или иной стране
1. Располагаемые ресурсы и условия для проведения инноваций 
(Innovation Input):
Человеческий капитал и исследования;
Развитие внутреннего рынка;
Развитие бизнеса.

2.  Достигнутые практические результаты осуществления инноваций (Innovation Output):
Развитие технологий и экономики знаний;
Результаты креативной деятельности.
Описание слайда:
GII - рассчитывается как взвешенная сумма оценок двух групп показателей. - представляет собой соотношение затрат и эффекта, что позволяет объективно оценить эффективность усилий по развитию инноваций в той или иной стране 1. Располагаемые ресурсы и условия для проведения инноваций (Innovation Input): Институты; Человеческий капитал и исследования; Инфраструктура; Развитие внутреннего рынка; Развитие бизнеса. 2. Достигнутые практические результаты осуществления инноваций (Innovation Output): Развитие технологий и экономики знаний; Результаты креативной деятельности.

Слайд 7

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №10
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Слайд 11

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №11
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Слайд 12

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №12
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Слайд 13

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №13
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Слайд 14

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №14
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Слайд 15

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

A key challenge is to find metrics that capture innovation as it actually happens in the world today.

Direct official measures that quantify innovation outputs remain extremely scarce. 
For example, there are no official statistics on the amount of innovative activity defined as the number of new products, processes, or other innovations for any given innovation actor, let alone for any given country. 
Most measures also struggle to appropriately capture the innovation outputs of a wider spectrum of innovation actors, such as the services sector or public entities. 
The GII aims to move beyond the mere measurement of such simple innovation metrics. 
To do so will require the integration of new variables, with a trade-off between the quality of the variable on the one hand and achieving good country coverage on the other hand.
Описание слайда:
A key challenge is to find metrics that capture innovation as it actually happens in the world today. Direct official measures that quantify innovation outputs remain extremely scarce. For example, there are no official statistics on the amount of innovative activity defined as the number of new products, processes, or other innovations for any given innovation actor, let alone for any given country. Most measures also struggle to appropriately capture the innovation outputs of a wider spectrum of innovation actors, such as the services sector or public entities. The GII aims to move beyond the mere measurement of such simple innovation metrics. To do so will require the integration of new variables, with a trade-off between the quality of the variable on the one hand and achieving good country coverage on the other hand.

Слайд 17

The Global Innovation Index, слайд №17
Описание слайда:

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