🗊Презентация The new housing strategy for Russia

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The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №1The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №2The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №3The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №4The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №5The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №6The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №7The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №8The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №9The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №10The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №11The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №12The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №13The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №14The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №15The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №16The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №17

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The New Housing Strategy for Russia:
An Expert Vision
Prepared within the Program of Fundamental Research of HSE in 2015


Nadezhda B. Kosareva, President of the Institute for Urban Economics
Alexander S. Puzanov, General Director of the Institute for Urban Economics
Tatyana D. Polidi, Executive Director of the Institute for Urban Economics
Evgeniy G. Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the Higher School of Economics
Описание слайда:
The New Housing Strategy for Russia: An Expert Vision Prepared within the Program of Fundamental Research of HSE in 2015 www.urbaneconomics.ru/en/expert/kosareva/housing-policy-ru Authors: Nadezhda B. Kosareva, President of the Institute for Urban Economics Alexander S. Puzanov, General Director of the Institute for Urban Economics Tatyana D. Polidi, Executive Director of the Institute for Urban Economics Evgeniy G. Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the Higher School of Economics

Слайд 2

The Key Achievements of the Housing Policy in 1991 – 2014
Описание слайда:
The Key Achievements of the Housing Policy in 1991 – 2014

Слайд 3

Key Challenges and Threats in the Housing Sector
Описание слайда:
Key Challenges and Threats in the Housing Sector

Слайд 4

Dynamics of Multi-Apartment (White) and Individual (Black) Housing Construction 
(mln sq. m)
Описание слайда:
Dynamics of Multi-Apartment (White) and Individual (Black) Housing Construction (mln sq. m)

Слайд 5

Investment in Restorative (Black) and Additional (White) Production of the Housing Stock (Bln Rub.), Share of Restorative Investment (Blue Line), %
Описание слайда:
Investment in Restorative (Black) and Additional (White) Production of the Housing Stock (Bln Rub.), Share of Restorative Investment (Blue Line), %

Слайд 6

The Structure of Expenditures in the Housing Sector
 Sources of Finance in %
Описание слайда:
The Structure of Expenditures in the Housing Sector Sources of Finance in %

Слайд 7

The New Housing Strategy: 
Objective and Priorities
Описание слайда:
The New Housing Strategy: Objective and Priorities

Слайд 8

Strategic Priorities
Описание слайда:
Strategic Priorities

Слайд 9

Fostering Developments of Housing Rental and Cooperative sectors, First Home Buyers Support
Описание слайда:
Fostering Developments of Housing Rental and Cooperative sectors, First Home Buyers Support

Слайд 10

Fostering competition in housing construction
Описание слайда:
Fostering competition in housing construction

Слайд 11

Redevelopment and beautification of built-up areas
Описание слайда:
Redevelopment and beautification of built-up areas

Слайд 12

Capital repairs of housing
Описание слайда:
Capital repairs of housing

Слайд 13

Regional differentiation and decentralization of the housing policy
Описание слайда:
Regional differentiation and decentralization of the housing policy

Слайд 14

Financial Support for the New Housing Strategy: Radical Change in the Structure of Financial Sources
Описание слайда:
Financial Support for the New Housing Strategy: Radical Change in the Structure of Financial Sources

Слайд 15

Financial Support for the New Housing Strategy: 
The Need for Radical Change in the Structure of Expenditures
Описание слайда:
Financial Support for the New Housing Strategy: The Need for Radical Change in the Structure of Expenditures

Слайд 16

Optimization of public expenditures
(in 2012 prices)
Описание слайда:
Optimization of public expenditures (in 2012 prices)

Слайд 17

The new housing strategy for Russia, слайд №17
Описание слайда:

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