🗊Презентация The rule of law

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The rule of law, слайд №1The rule of law, слайд №2The rule of law, слайд №3The rule of law, слайд №4The rule of law, слайд №5The rule of law, слайд №6The rule of law, слайд №7The rule of law, слайд №8The rule of law, слайд №9The rule of law, слайд №10The rule of law, слайд №11The rule of law, слайд №12The rule of law, слайд №13

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Rule of law – 1. supremacy of law. 2. A feature attributed to the UK constitution by Professor Dicey (Law of the Constitution, 1885). It embodied three concepts: the absolute predominance of regular law, so that government has no arbitrary authority over the citizen; the equal subjection of all (including officials) to the ordinary law administered by the ordinary Courts;and the fact that  the citizen’s personal freedoms are formulated and protected by the ordinary law rather than by abstract constitutional declarations
Rule of law – 1. supremacy of law. 2. A feature attributed to the UK constitution by Professor Dicey (Law of the Constitution, 1885). It embodied three concepts: the absolute predominance of regular law, so that government has no arbitrary authority over the citizen; the equal subjection of all (including officials) to the ordinary law administered by the ordinary Courts;and the fact that  the citizen’s personal freedoms are formulated and protected by the ordinary law rather than by abstract constitutional declarations
Conventions – practices relating to the exercise of their functions by the Crown, the government, Parliament, and the judiciary that are not legally enforceable but are commonly followed as if they were.
Rechtsstaat is a doctrine in continental European legal thinking, originating in German jurisprudence, that can be translated as "legal state", "state of law", "state of justice", "state of rights", or "state based on justice and integrity".
 Rechtsstaat is a "constitutional state" in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by the law
Описание слайда:
Rule of law – 1. supremacy of law. 2. A feature attributed to the UK constitution by Professor Dicey (Law of the Constitution, 1885). It embodied three concepts: the absolute predominance of regular law, so that government has no arbitrary authority over the citizen; the equal subjection of all (including officials) to the ordinary law administered by the ordinary Courts;and the fact that the citizen’s personal freedoms are formulated and protected by the ordinary law rather than by abstract constitutional declarations Rule of law – 1. supremacy of law. 2. A feature attributed to the UK constitution by Professor Dicey (Law of the Constitution, 1885). It embodied three concepts: the absolute predominance of regular law, so that government has no arbitrary authority over the citizen; the equal subjection of all (including officials) to the ordinary law administered by the ordinary Courts;and the fact that the citizen’s personal freedoms are formulated and protected by the ordinary law rather than by abstract constitutional declarations Conventions – practices relating to the exercise of their functions by the Crown, the government, Parliament, and the judiciary that are not legally enforceable but are commonly followed as if they were. Rechtsstaat is a doctrine in continental European legal thinking, originating in German jurisprudence, that can be translated as "legal state", "state of law", "state of justice", "state of rights", or "state based on justice and integrity".  Rechtsstaat is a "constitutional state" in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by the law

Слайд 3

Immigration – the act of entering a country other than  one’s native country with the intention there permanently
Immigration – the act of entering a country other than  one’s native country with the intention there permanently
Asylum əˈsaɪləm – refuge granted to an individual whose extradition is sought by a foreign government or who is fleeing persecution in his native state.
Law lords, Lords of Appeal in Ordinary – formerly, up to 12 persons, holders of high judicial office or practising barristers of at least 15 years’ standing, who were appointed to life peerages under the Appelate Jurisdiction Act 1876 to carry out yhe judicial functions of the House of Lords.  Under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 these functions were transferred  to a new Supreme Court and the Law Lords were removed from the legislature
Lord Chancellor – historically,  the head of the judiciary, a government minister and Speaker of the House of Lords. He thus combined judicial, executive and legislative functions.
Secretary of State for Justice is a seniour position in the Cabinet of the UK Kingdom, held in conjunction with the office of Lord Chancellor
Описание слайда:
Immigration – the act of entering a country other than one’s native country with the intention there permanently Immigration – the act of entering a country other than one’s native country with the intention there permanently Asylum əˈsaɪləm – refuge granted to an individual whose extradition is sought by a foreign government or who is fleeing persecution in his native state. Law lords, Lords of Appeal in Ordinary – formerly, up to 12 persons, holders of high judicial office or practising barristers of at least 15 years’ standing, who were appointed to life peerages under the Appelate Jurisdiction Act 1876 to carry out yhe judicial functions of the House of Lords. Under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 these functions were transferred to a new Supreme Court and the Law Lords were removed from the legislature Lord Chancellor – historically, the head of the judiciary, a government minister and Speaker of the House of Lords. He thus combined judicial, executive and legislative functions. Secretary of State for Justice is a seniour position in the Cabinet of the UK Kingdom, held in conjunction with the office of Lord Chancellor

Слайд 4

Parliamentary sovereignty – the constitutional principle that the legislative competence of Parliament is unlimited
Parliamentary sovereignty – the constitutional principle that the legislative competence of Parliament is unlimited
Secretary of State for the Home Department or Home Secretary is a senior official as one of the Great Offices of State within Her Majesty's Government and head of the Home Office. Home secretary is responsible for the internal affairs of England and Wales and for immigration and citizenship  for the UK
Описание слайда:
Parliamentary sovereignty – the constitutional principle that the legislative competence of Parliament is unlimited Parliamentary sovereignty – the constitutional principle that the legislative competence of Parliament is unlimited Secretary of State for the Home Department or Home Secretary is a senior official as one of the Great Offices of State within Her Majesty's Government and head of the Home Office. Home secretary is responsible for the internal affairs of England and Wales and for immigration and citizenship for the UK

Слайд 5

The rule of law, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

The rule of law, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

The rule of law, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

The rule of law, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

The rule of law, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The rule of law, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

The rule of law, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

The rule of law, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

The rule of law, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Теги The rule of law
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