🗊Презентация Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability

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Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №1Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №2Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №3Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №4Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №5Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №6Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №7Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №8Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №9Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №10Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №11Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №12Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №13Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №14

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability
Описание слайда:
Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability

Слайд 2

1. Essence and basic forms of unemployment
Описание слайда:
1. Essence and basic forms of unemployment

Слайд 3

Unemployment - a condition in which the willing can not find work at the regular rate of wages.
Unemployment - a condition in which the willing can not find work at the regular rate of wages.
Unemployment rate - the percentage of the unemployed to the labor force, which does not include: students, pensioners, prisoners, and boys and girls up to 16 years.
The overall unemployment rate - the percentage of the unemployed to the total labor force, including those engaged in active military service.
Описание слайда:
Unemployment - a condition in which the willing can not find work at the regular rate of wages. Unemployment - a condition in which the willing can not find work at the regular rate of wages. Unemployment rate - the percentage of the unemployed to the labor force, which does not include: students, pensioners, prisoners, and boys and girls up to 16 years. The overall unemployment rate - the percentage of the unemployed to the total labor force, including those engaged in active military service.

Слайд 4

Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation are both manifestations of economic instability, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Employment rate - the percentage of the adult population employed that are not on welfare, in shelters, nursing homes, etc.
Employment rate - the percentage of the adult population employed that are not on welfare, in shelters, nursing homes, etc.
Full employment does not mean complete absence of unemployment. 
Natural rate of unemployment - a set of frictional and structural unemployment and the unemployment rate is associated with a stable economy, when the real national product is at the natural rate, and lacks both slowing and accelerating inflation or when the expected rate of inflation is equal to the actual level of inflation.
Описание слайда:
Employment rate - the percentage of the adult population employed that are not on welfare, in shelters, nursing homes, etc. Employment rate - the percentage of the adult population employed that are not on welfare, in shelters, nursing homes, etc. Full employment does not mean complete absence of unemployment. Natural rate of unemployment - a set of frictional and structural unemployment and the unemployment rate is associated with a stable economy, when the real national product is at the natural rate, and lacks both slowing and accelerating inflation or when the expected rate of inflation is equal to the actual level of inflation.

Слайд 6

In modern conditions, employment status based on the following principles:
Описание слайда:
In modern conditions, employment status based on the following principles:

Слайд 7

2.The effect of unemployment rate on the value of GNP. The Law of Oaken
Описание слайда:
2.The effect of unemployment rate on the value of GNP. The Law of Oaken

Слайд 8

In cyclical unemployment production capacity is not fully utilized and the amount of GDP less than that which would be at full employment. The difference between potential output at full employment GDP and actually achieved in cyclical unemployment GDP is GDP gap.
In cyclical unemployment production capacity is not fully utilized and the amount of GDP less than that which would be at full employment. The difference between potential output at full employment GDP and actually achieved in cyclical unemployment GDP is GDP gap.
The Law of Oaken expresses the relationship between the level of unemployment or lost in GDP. If the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate of 1%, the gap in GDP of approximately 2.5%. This ratio (1:2.5) allows us to calculate the absolute loss associated with any level of unemployment.
Описание слайда:
In cyclical unemployment production capacity is not fully utilized and the amount of GDP less than that which would be at full employment. The difference between potential output at full employment GDP and actually achieved in cyclical unemployment GDP is GDP gap. In cyclical unemployment production capacity is not fully utilized and the amount of GDP less than that which would be at full employment. The difference between potential output at full employment GDP and actually achieved in cyclical unemployment GDP is GDP gap. The Law of Oaken expresses the relationship between the level of unemployment or lost in GDP. If the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate of 1%, the gap in GDP of approximately 2.5%. This ratio (1:2.5) allows us to calculate the absolute loss associated with any level of unemployment.

Слайд 9

The main method of the state employment policy are the programs for the reduction of unemployment.
Описание слайда:
The main method of the state employment policy are the programs for the reduction of unemployment.

Слайд 10

The labor exchanges, which are:
Описание слайда:
The labor exchanges, which are:

Слайд 11

3.Inflation and its causes
Описание слайда:
3.Inflation and its causes

Слайд 12

The essence of inflation is that the national currency depreciates in relation to goods, services and foreign currency, preserving the stability of its purchasing power. 
The essence of inflation is that the national currency depreciates in relation to goods, services and foreign currency, preserving the stability of its purchasing power.
Описание слайда:
The essence of inflation is that the national currency depreciates in relation to goods, services and foreign currency, preserving the stability of its purchasing power. The essence of inflation is that the national currency depreciates in relation to goods, services and foreign currency, preserving the stability of its purchasing power.

Слайд 13

The types of inflation
Описание слайда:
The types of inflation

Слайд 14

The types of inflation
Описание слайда:
The types of inflation

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