🗊Презентация Thermometers

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Thermometers, слайд №1Thermometers, слайд №2Thermometers, слайд №3Thermometers, слайд №4Thermometers, слайд №5Thermometers, слайд №6Thermometers, слайд №7Thermometers, слайд №8Thermometers, слайд №9

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Thermometers and their types
Thermometer (Greek. born - heat; μετρέω - measure) - instrument for measuring temperature of air, soil, water and so on..
Types thermometers:
Описание слайда:
Thermometers and their types Thermometer (Greek. born - heat; μετρέω - measure) - instrument for measuring temperature of air, soil, water and so on.. Types thermometers: liquid; mechanical; electronic; optical; gas; infrared.

Слайд 3

Liquid thermometers
Liquid thermometers are based on the principle of changing the volume of liquid that is poured into the thermometer (usually alcohol or mercury), when the ambient temperature changes. 
Due to the fact that since 2020 mercury will be banned worldwide because of its health hazards in many areas of activity is searching for alternative fillings for household thermometers. For example, such a replacement was galinstan (an alloy of metals: gallium, indium, tin and zinc).
Описание слайда:
Liquid thermometers Liquid thermometers are based on the principle of changing the volume of liquid that is poured into the thermometer (usually alcohol or mercury), when the ambient temperature changes. Due to the fact that since 2020 mercury will be banned worldwide because of its health hazards in many areas of activity is searching for alternative fillings for household thermometers. For example, such a replacement was galinstan (an alloy of metals: gallium, indium, tin and zinc).

Слайд 4

Mechanical thermometers
Thermometers of this type operate on the same principle as the liquid, but as a sensor is usually used a metal spiral or tape of bimetal.
Описание слайда:
Mechanical thermometers Thermometers of this type operate on the same principle as the liquid, but as a sensor is usually used a metal spiral or tape of bimetal.

Слайд 5

Electronic thermometer
The principle of operation of electronic thermometers is based on the change in the resistance of the conductor when the ambient temperature changes.
Electronic thermometers of a wider range are based on thermocouples (contact between metals with different electronegativity creates a contact potential difference depending on temperature).
Описание слайда:
Electronic thermometer The principle of operation of electronic thermometers is based on the change in the resistance of the conductor when the ambient temperature changes. Electronic thermometers of a wider range are based on thermocouples (contact between metals with different electronegativity creates a contact potential difference depending on temperature).

Слайд 6

Optical thermometers
Optical thermometers allow you to register the temperature by changing the level of luminosity, spectrum and other parameters (see Fiber optic temperature measurement) when the temperature changes. For example, an infrared temperature meter body.
Infrared thermometer allows you to measure the temperature without direct contact with a person.
Описание слайда:
Optical thermometers Optical thermometers allow you to register the temperature by changing the level of luminosity, spectrum and other parameters (see Fiber optic temperature measurement) when the temperature changes. For example, an infrared temperature meter body. Infrared thermometer allows you to measure the temperature without direct contact with a person.

Слайд 7

Technical thermometers
Technical thermometers are used at the enterprises in agriculture, petrochemical, chemical, mining and metallurgical industries, in mechanical engineering, housing and communal services, transport, construction, medicine, in a word in all spheres of life.
Описание слайда:
Technical thermometers Technical thermometers are used at the enterprises in agriculture, petrochemical, chemical, mining and metallurgical industries, in mechanical engineering, housing and communal services, transport, construction, medicine, in a word in all spheres of life.

Слайд 8

Gas thermometer
Gas thermometer — a device for measuring temperature, based on Charles ' law.
In a wide range of changes in the concentrations of gases and temperatures and low pressures, the temperature coefficient of pressure of different gases is approximately the same, so the method of measuring the temperature using a gas thermometer is little dependent on the properties of a particular substance used in the thermometer as a working fluid. The most accurate results are obtained if hydrogen or helium is used as the working fluid.
Описание слайда:
Gas thermometer Gas thermometer — a device for measuring temperature, based on Charles ' law. In a wide range of changes in the concentrations of gases and temperatures and low pressures, the temperature coefficient of pressure of different gases is approximately the same, so the method of measuring the temperature using a gas thermometer is little dependent on the properties of a particular substance used in the thermometer as a working fluid. The most accurate results are obtained if hydrogen or helium is used as the working fluid.

Слайд 9

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Описание слайда:
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