🗊Презентация This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering

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This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №1This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №2This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №3This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №4This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №5This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №6This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №7This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №8This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №9This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №10This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №11This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №12This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №13This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №14This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №15This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №16This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №17This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №18This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №19This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №20This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №21This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №22This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №23This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №24This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №25This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №26This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №27This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №28This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №29This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №30This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №31This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №32This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №33This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №34This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №35This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №36This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №37This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №38This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №39This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №40This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №41This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №42This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №43This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №44This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №45This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №46This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №47


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Слайд 1

Cost Classification and Design Economics
Lecture 2; Chapter 2
Описание слайда:
Cost Classification and Design Economics Lecture 2; Chapter 2

Слайд 2

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering
These decisions often involve non-engineers 
You need to be able to communicate with these people, so you need a common language
Описание слайда:
Introduction This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering These decisions often involve non-engineers Managers Accountants Etc. You need to be able to communicate with these people, so you need a common language

Слайд 3

Introduction (cont.)
One of the important parts of economic decision is identification of costs
Several cost situations occur frequently
People have developed terms to describe these
You need to know these terms to
Understand what others are saying to you
Be able to persuade others that you know what you’re doing and therefore should be listened to
Описание слайда:
Introduction (cont.) One of the important parts of economic decision is identification of costs Several cost situations occur frequently People have developed terms to describe these You need to know these terms to Understand what others are saying to you Be able to persuade others that you know what you’re doing and therefore should be listened to

Слайд 4

What Do Organizations Produce?
Physical output (products)
Monetary income (profits)
Описание слайда:
What Do Organizations Produce? Physical output (products) Monetary income (profits)

Слайд 5

What Inputs Do They Use?
People’s services (labor)
Materials and supplies
Raw materials used to make their final products
Indirect materials (lubrication oil, etc.)
Electric power and other energy inputs
Capital (money), which is used to pay for:
Land and buildings
Producer goods (e.g., tools, equipment)
Описание слайда:
What Inputs Do They Use? People’s services (labor) Materials and supplies Raw materials used to make their final products Indirect materials (lubrication oil, etc.) Electric power and other energy inputs Capital (money), which is used to pay for: Land and buildings Producer goods (e.g., tools, equipment) Taxes

Слайд 6

Cost classification (direct and overhead)
Most operating organizations’ costs can be summarized under two headings
Direct costs
Overhead (indirect) costs

Of these, overhead costs are often the most complicated and troublesome
Описание слайда:
Cost classification (direct and overhead) Most operating organizations’ costs can be summarized under two headings Direct costs Overhead (indirect) costs Of these, overhead costs are often the most complicated and troublesome

Слайд 7

Direct costs
Most common direct costs: material & labor
These are costs that:
Can be easily measured
Can be conveniently allocated to a particular category (e.g. a product or service)
Cost of steel used for making bolts
Salary of a nurse on cardiac surgery ward
Описание слайда:
Direct costs Most common direct costs: material & labor These are costs that: Can be easily measured Can be conveniently allocated to a particular category (e.g. a product or service) Examples: Cost of steel used for making bolts Salary of a nurse on cardiac surgery ward

Слайд 8

Overhead (indirect) costs
Costs that cannot be traced directly to a particular product/service, because they help support multiple products or services
Depreciation, taxes, insurance, maintenance; electricity; general repairs; common tools
Supervisors, engineers, and other administrative/clerical personnel
Can also include materials and labor for inspection, testing, etc.
Описание слайда:
Overhead (indirect) costs Costs that cannot be traced directly to a particular product/service, because they help support multiple products or services Examples: Depreciation, taxes, insurance, maintenance; electricity; general repairs; common tools Supervisors, engineers, and other administrative/clerical personnel Can also include materials and labor for inspection, testing, etc.

Слайд 9

Standard Costs
Representative costs per unit of output established before the good or service is produced or delivered
They are developed from anticipated direct labor hours, materials, and overhead categories
Play an important role in cost control and other management functions
Comparing the actual cost with the standard cost
Estimating future manufacturing costs
Preparing bids on products or services requested by customers
Описание слайда:
Standard Costs Representative costs per unit of output established before the good or service is produced or delivered They are developed from anticipated direct labor hours, materials, and overhead categories Play an important role in cost control and other management functions Comparing the actual cost with the standard cost Estimating future manufacturing costs Preparing bids on products or services requested by customers

Слайд 10

Operating expenses
The costs of doing business (typically not including depreciation) 
Includes both direct and indirect costs, but not capital
Materials and supplies, 
wages and salaries, 
fuel, water, electric power, 
taxes, insurance
Описание слайда:
Operating expenses The costs of doing business (typically not including depreciation) Includes both direct and indirect costs, but not capital Examples Materials and supplies, wages and salaries, fuel, water, electric power, taxes, insurance

Слайд 11

First Cost 
The cost or total amount of investment required for getting an activity started:
Occurs only once for any given activity
Typically assumed to be paid in year 0
Typically used for capital (land, buildings, tools, equipment), not operating expenses
Описание слайда:
First Cost The cost or total amount of investment required for getting an activity started: Occurs only once for any given activity Typically assumed to be paid in year 0 Typically used for capital (land, buildings, tools, equipment), not operating expenses

Слайд 12

Fixed Costs
Costs that remain constant:
Don’t vary with level of production
Depreciation, maintenance, taxes, insurance, lease rentals, interest, sales programs, administrative expenses, research, heat, light, janitorial (doorkeeper) services
Fixed costs are only relatively fixed, they may change when:
Large changes in usage of resources occur
When plant expansion or shutdown is involved
Описание слайда:
Fixed Costs Costs that remain constant: Don’t vary with level of production Examples: Depreciation, maintenance, taxes, insurance, lease rentals, interest, sales programs, administrative expenses, research, heat, light, janitorial (doorkeeper) services Fixed costs are only relatively fixed, they may change when: Large changes in usage of resources occur When plant expansion or shutdown is involved

Слайд 13

Variable Costs
Costs that vary with activity level:
E.g., with number of units produced
Typically only direct costs
May (or may not) remain constant per unit of product 
Materials costs, direct labor, direct electric power
Описание слайда:
Variable Costs Costs that vary with activity level: E.g., with number of units produced Typically only direct costs May (or may not) remain constant per unit of product Examples: Materials costs, direct labor, direct electric power

Слайд 14

Average cost
This is simply total cost divided by volume
Often called “unit cost”
Example 1: cost is $250 N, where N is number of units of product made
Here cost is purely variable (no fixed cost)
Average cost is (250 N)/N = $250
Example 2: cost is $6000 + $100 N
Average cost is $100 + 6000/N (decreases with larger N; economy of scale)
Описание слайда:
Average cost This is simply total cost divided by volume Often called “unit cost” Example 1: cost is $250 N, where N is number of units of product made Here cost is purely variable (no fixed cost) Average cost is (250 N)/N = $250 Example 2: cost is $6000 + $100 N Average cost is $100 + 6000/N (decreases with larger N; economy of scale)

Слайд 15

Marginal (Incremental) cost
This is the cost change for making one more or one fewer of the product
For Example 2 (cost = $6000 + 100 N):
N = 100: cost is $16,000
N = 101: cost is $16,100
Here marginal cost is $100, but average cost (at N = 100) is $160
So average and marginal cost may differ!
Описание слайда:
Marginal (Incremental) cost This is the cost change for making one more or one fewer of the product For Example 2 (cost = $6000 + 100 N): N = 100: cost is $16,000 N = 101: cost is $16,100 Here marginal cost is $100, but average cost (at N = 100) is $160 So average and marginal cost may differ!

Слайд 16

Marginal (incremental cost): 
an example
Let’s say:
Fixed cost is $50, variable cost is $1 per unit  
(Cost equation = $50 + $1 N)
If we make 10 units: 
Total cost is $60  
Average cost is total cost/number of units: 
$60/10=$6 per unit
Marginal cost is the extra cost (additional cost) if we increase our production by 1 unit: $1 per unit
Описание слайда:
Marginal (incremental cost): an example Let’s say: Fixed cost is $50, variable cost is $1 per unit (Cost equation = $50 + $1 N) If we make 10 units: Total cost is $60 Average cost is total cost/number of units: $60/10=$6 per unit Marginal cost is the extra cost (additional cost) if we increase our production by 1 unit: $1 per unit

Слайд 17

Marginal (incremental cost)
Marginal cost: 
It is the correct value to look at in deciding whether to increase production or not
We need to compare marginal costs to marginal benefits
In our example, marginal cost<<average cost
High fixed cost creates economies of scale 
Marginal cost can also be > average cost
Описание слайда:
Marginal (incremental cost) Marginal cost: It is the correct value to look at in deciding whether to increase production or not We need to compare marginal costs to marginal benefits In our example, marginal cost<<average cost High fixed cost creates economies of scale Marginal cost can also be > average cost

Слайд 18

Average Versus Marginal Cost
Описание слайда:
Average Versus Marginal Cost

Слайд 19

Marginal (incremental cost)
Описание слайда:
Marginal (incremental cost)

Слайд 20

Recurring and Nonrecurring Costs
Recurring are the costs that are repetitive
All variable costs are recurring, but not all recurring costs have to be variable
A fixed cost can be recurring cost, e.g. Office space rental for architectural and engineering service
An example of a nonrecurring cost can be the cost of constructing a plant or purchasing a piece of land
Описание слайда:
Recurring and Nonrecurring Costs Recurring are the costs that are repetitive All variable costs are recurring, but not all recurring costs have to be variable A fixed cost can be recurring cost, e.g. Office space rental for architectural and engineering service An example of a nonrecurring cost can be the cost of constructing a plant or purchasing a piece of land

Слайд 21

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is what you have to give up to get something
Often expressed in dollar terms; but not always:
Opportunity cost of this lecture is 1 hour’s sleep, or more
Описание слайда:
Opportunity cost Opportunity cost is what you have to give up to get something Often expressed in dollar terms; but not always: Opportunity cost of this lecture is 1 hour’s sleep, or more

Слайд 22

Sunk Costs
Sunk costs are costs that can’t be recovered
Not the same as past costs
Sunk costs are generally irrelevant to decision

If a firm sinks $1 million on an enterprise software installation, that cost is "sunk" because it was a one-time thing and cannot be recovered once expended. 
Room painting
Описание слайда:
Sunk Costs Sunk costs are costs that can’t be recovered Not the same as past costs Sunk costs are generally irrelevant to decision Example: If a firm sinks $1 million on an enterprise software installation, that cost is "sunk" because it was a one-time thing and cannot be recovered once expended. Room painting

Слайд 23

Life-cycle cost
This is the total cost for a system, machine, project, etc. during its service life
Major subdivisions:
Acquisition cost 
Operation cost
Maintenance cost
Описание слайда:
Life-cycle cost This is the total cost for a system, machine, project, etc. during its service life Major subdivisions: Acquisition cost Operation cost Maintenance cost

Слайд 24

Cost-Estimating Methods
Accounting Method
Engineering Method
Statistical Method
Описание слайда:
Cost-Estimating Methods Accounting Method Engineering Method Statistical Method

Слайд 25

Accounting Method
Based on historical data
Costs are classified into fixed, variable and semivariable
low cost
future might not be like the past
Описание слайда:
Accounting Method Based on historical data Costs are classified into fixed, variable and semivariable Advantages: simplicity low cost Disadvantages: future might not be like the past

Слайд 26

Engineering Method
Depends upon the knowledge of physical relationships (labor-hours, kw of energy, pounds of material)
Conjecture about the future is made on the basis of the knowledge on the capacity of equipment, capabilities of people…
Useful when historical data is unavailable
Описание слайда:
Engineering Method Depends upon the knowledge of physical relationships (labor-hours, kw of energy, pounds of material) Conjecture about the future is made on the basis of the knowledge on the capacity of equipment, capabilities of people… Useful when historical data is unavailable

Слайд 27

Statistical Method
Uses statistical tools (from simple graphs to complex regressions)
Objective is to find a functional relationship between changes in costs and factors like output rate
The most reliable method when data is available
Описание слайда:
Statistical Method Uses statistical tools (from simple graphs to complex regressions) Objective is to find a functional relationship between changes in costs and factors like output rate The most reliable method when data is available

Слайд 28

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №28
Описание слайда:

Слайд 29

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №29
Описание слайда:

Слайд 30

Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship
Описание слайда:
Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship

Слайд 31

Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship
Описание слайда:
Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship

Слайд 32

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №32
Описание слайда:

Слайд 33

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №33
Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

This course is concerned with making good economic decisions in engineering, слайд №34
Описание слайда:

Слайд 35

Example 2.6
Описание слайда:
Example 2.6

Слайд 36

Описание слайда:

Слайд 37

Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship
Scenario 2: demand is independent of price.
Описание слайда:
Cost, Volume, and Breakeven point Relationship Scenario 2: demand is independent of price.

Слайд 38

Cost driven design optimization
Engineers must maintain a life-cycle (“cradle to
grave”) design perspective as they design products and services
Ensures engineers consider:
Initial investment costs
Operation and maintenance expenses
Other annual expenses in later years
Environmental and social consequences over design life
Описание слайда:
Cost driven design optimization Engineers must maintain a life-cycle (“cradle to grave”) design perspective as they design products and services Ensures engineers consider: Initial investment costs Operation and maintenance expenses Other annual expenses in later years Environmental and social consequences over design life

Слайд 39

Cost-driven Design Optimization Problem Tasks
Determine optimal value for a certain alternative’s design variable
Example: what velocity of an aircraft minimizes the total annual cost of owning and operating the aircraft 
Select the best alternative, each with its own unique value for the design variable
Example: what insulation thickness is best for a home in Gyumri
Описание слайда:
Cost-driven Design Optimization Problem Tasks Determine optimal value for a certain alternative’s design variable Example: what velocity of an aircraft minimizes the total annual cost of owning and operating the aircraft Select the best alternative, each with its own unique value for the design variable Example: what insulation thickness is best for a home in Gyumri

Слайд 40

Cost-driven Design Optimization Problem Cost Types
Fixed cost(s)
Cost(s) that vary directly with the design variable
Cost(s) that vary indirectly with the design variable

Simplified Format of Cost Model With One Design Variable 
Cost = aX + (b / X) + k

a - is a parameter that represents directly varying cost(s)
b - is a parameter that represents indirectly varying cost(s)
k - is a parameter that represents the faced cost(s)
X - represents the design variable in question
(In a particular  problem, the parameters a, b and k may actually represent the sum of a group of costs in that category, and the design variable may be raised to some power for either directly or indirectly varying costs.)
Описание слайда:
Cost-driven Design Optimization Problem Cost Types Fixed cost(s) Cost(s) that vary directly with the design variable Cost(s) that vary indirectly with the design variable Simplified Format of Cost Model With One Design Variable Cost = aX + (b / X) + k a - is a parameter that represents directly varying cost(s) b - is a parameter that represents indirectly varying cost(s) k - is a parameter that represents the faced cost(s) X - represents the design variable in question (In a particular problem, the parameters a, b and k may actually represent the sum of a group of costs in that category, and the design variable may be raised to some power for either directly or indirectly varying costs.)

Слайд 41

General Approach for Optimizing a Design With Respect to Cost
Identify primary cost-driving design variable
Write an expression for the cost model in terms of the design variable
Set first derivative of cost model with respect to continuous design variable equal to 0. (For discrete design variables, compute cost model for each discrete value over selected range).
Solve equation in step 3 for optimum value of continuous design variables
For continuous design variables, use the second derivative of the cost model with respect to the design variable to determine whether optimum corresponds to global maximum or minimum.
Описание слайда:
General Approach for Optimizing a Design With Respect to Cost Identify primary cost-driving design variable Write an expression for the cost model in terms of the design variable Set first derivative of cost model with respect to continuous design variable equal to 0. (For discrete design variables, compute cost model for each discrete value over selected range). Solve equation in step 3 for optimum value of continuous design variables For continuous design variables, use the second derivative of the cost model with respect to the design variable to determine whether optimum corresponds to global maximum or minimum.

Слайд 42

Present Economy Studies
   When alternatives for accomplishing a task are compared for one year or less (I.e., influence of time on money is irrelevant)

Rules for Selecting Preferred Alternative

Rule 1 – When revenues and other economic benefits are present and vary among alternatives, choose alternative that maximizes overall profitability  based on the number of defect-free units of output
Rule 2 – When revenues and economic benefits are not present or are constant among alternatives, consider only costs and select alternative that minimizes total cost per defect-free output
Описание слайда:
Present Economy Studies When alternatives for accomplishing a task are compared for one year or less (I.e., influence of time on money is irrelevant) Rules for Selecting Preferred Alternative Rule 1 – When revenues and other economic benefits are present and vary among alternatives, choose alternative that maximizes overall profitability based on the number of defect-free units of output Rule 2 – When revenues and economic benefits are not present or are constant among alternatives, consider only costs and select alternative that minimizes total cost per defect-free output

Слайд 43

Present Economy Studies
Total Cost in Material Selection
	In many cases, selection of among materials cannot be based solely on costs of materials.  Frequently, change in materials affect design, processing, and shipping costs.

Alternative Machine Speeds
	Machines can frequently be operated at different speeds, resulting in different rates of product output.  However, this usually results in different frequencies of machine downtime.  Such situations lead to present economy studies to determine preferred operating speed.
Описание слайда:
Present Economy Studies Total Cost in Material Selection In many cases, selection of among materials cannot be based solely on costs of materials. Frequently, change in materials affect design, processing, and shipping costs. Alternative Machine Speeds Machines can frequently be operated at different speeds, resulting in different rates of product output. However, this usually results in different frequencies of machine downtime. Such situations lead to present economy studies to determine preferred operating speed.

Слайд 44

Present Economy Studies
Make Versus Purchase (Outsourcing) Studies
A company may choose to produce an item in house, rather than purchase from a supplier at a price lower than production costs if: 
 direct, indirect or overhead costs are incurred regardless of whether the item is purchased from an outside supplier, and
 The incremental cost of producing the item in the short run is less than the supplier’s price.
The relevant short-run costs of the make versus purchase decisions are the incremental costs incurred and the opportunity costs of resources
Описание слайда:
Present Economy Studies Make Versus Purchase (Outsourcing) Studies A company may choose to produce an item in house, rather than purchase from a supplier at a price lower than production costs if: direct, indirect or overhead costs are incurred regardless of whether the item is purchased from an outside supplier, and The incremental cost of producing the item in the short run is less than the supplier’s price. The relevant short-run costs of the make versus purchase decisions are the incremental costs incurred and the opportunity costs of resources

Слайд 45

Present Economy Studies
Make Versus Purchase (Outsourcing) Studies
Opportunity costs may become significant when in-house manufacture of an item causes other production opportunities to be foregone (E.G., insufficient capacity)
In the long run, capital investments in additional manufacturing plant and capacity are often feasible alternatives to outsourcing.
Описание слайда:
Present Economy Studies Make Versus Purchase (Outsourcing) Studies Opportunity costs may become significant when in-house manufacture of an item causes other production opportunities to be foregone (E.G., insufficient capacity) In the long run, capital investments in additional manufacturing plant and capacity are often feasible alternatives to outsourcing.

Слайд 46

Example 2.13 – Best Operating Speed
Lumber put through the planer increases in value by $0.10 per board foot. When the planer is operated at a cutting speed of 5,000 feet per minute, the blades have to be sharpened after 2 hours of operation, and the lumber can be planed at the rate of 1,000 board-feet per hour. When the machine is operated at 6,000 feet per minute, the blades have to be sharpened after 1-1/2 hours of operation, and the rate of planing is 1,200 board-feet per hour. Each time blades are changed, the machine has to be shut down for 15 minutes. The blades, unsharpened, cost $50 per set and can be sharpened 10 times before having to be discarded. Sharpening costs $10 per occurrence. The crew that operates the planer changes and resets the blades. 
At what speed should the planer be operated?
At what speed should it be operated when only one job requiring 6,000 board-feet of planing is considered.
Описание слайда:
Example 2.13 – Best Operating Speed Lumber put through the planer increases in value by $0.10 per board foot. When the planer is operated at a cutting speed of 5,000 feet per minute, the blades have to be sharpened after 2 hours of operation, and the lumber can be planed at the rate of 1,000 board-feet per hour. When the machine is operated at 6,000 feet per minute, the blades have to be sharpened after 1-1/2 hours of operation, and the rate of planing is 1,200 board-feet per hour. Each time blades are changed, the machine has to be shut down for 15 minutes. The blades, unsharpened, cost $50 per set and can be sharpened 10 times before having to be discarded. Sharpening costs $10 per occurrence. The crew that operates the planer changes and resets the blades. At what speed should the planer be operated? At what speed should it be operated when only one job requiring 6,000 board-feet of planing is considered.

Слайд 47

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