🗊Презентация Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis

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Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №1Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №2Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №3Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №4Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №5Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №6Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №7Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis, слайд №8

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Слайд 1

Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis
Описание слайда:
Ways to strengthen your business in an economic crisis

Слайд 2

Ways to strengthen your business during economic downturn
Financial management;
Strategies to hold your customer base;
Improve business activity.
Описание слайда:
Ways to strengthen your business during economic downturn Financial management; Strategies to hold your customer base; Improve business activity.

Слайд 3

Making customers a major priority
Описание слайда:
Making customers a major priority

Слайд 4

Marketing strategies
Описание слайда:
Marketing strategies

Слайд 5

Managing staff
Описание слайда:
Managing staff

Слайд 6

«All that we are - our ideas and our people. Just brilliantly clever people in the company make us getting up in the morning and going to work every day. I have always believed that the correct selection of employees - is the key to success in any business» 

«There is no use in hiring smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people, so that they can tell us what to do»
Описание слайда:
«All that we are - our ideas and our people. Just brilliantly clever people in the company make us getting up in the morning and going to work every day. I have always believed that the correct selection of employees - is the key to success in any business» «There is no use in hiring smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people, so that they can tell us what to do»

Слайд 7

Developing innovative practices
Adapt to changing conditions;
Stay ahead of competitors;
«It is better to invent tomorrow than to worry about that yesterday was so-so»
Описание слайда:
Developing innovative practices Adapt to changing conditions; Stay ahead of competitors; «It is better to invent tomorrow than to worry about that yesterday was so-so»

Слайд 8

Thank you for attention!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for attention!

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