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Welcome to Australia!, слайд №1Welcome to Australia!, слайд №2Welcome to Australia!, слайд №3Welcome to Australia!, слайд №4Welcome to Australia!, слайд №5Welcome to Australia!, слайд №6Welcome to Australia!, слайд №7Welcome to Australia!, слайд №8Welcome to Australia!, слайд №9Welcome to Australia!, слайд №10Welcome to Australia!, слайд №11Welcome to Australia!, слайд №12Welcome to Australia!, слайд №13Welcome to Australia!, слайд №14Welcome to Australia!, слайд №15Welcome to Australia!, слайд №16Welcome to Australia!, слайд №17Welcome to Australia!, слайд №18Welcome to Australia!, слайд №19Welcome to Australia!, слайд №20Welcome to Australia!, слайд №21

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Слайд 1

      Welcome to Australia!      Form 10  Made by Dasha Zhirnova
Описание слайда:
Welcome to Australia! Form 10 Made by Dasha Zhirnova

Слайд 2

Why did I create this project?       I wanted to learn more information about English-speaking countries. But most of all I was interested in Australia, because it was cut off from the rest of the world, it was the last continent to be discovered.
Описание слайда:
Why did I create this project? I wanted to learn more information about English-speaking countries. But most of all I was interested in Australia, because it was cut off from the rest of the world, it was the last continent to be discovered.

Слайд 3

Task    I. Questions:  What can you say about the population of Australia?  Who is formally the head of the state in Australia?  What kind of state is Australia?
Описание слайда:
Task I. Questions: What can you say about the population of Australia? Who is formally the head of the state in Australia? What kind of state is Australia?

Слайд 4

II. Crossword    Across:  1) a toothless ant-eater of Australia; 3) an Australian animal which jumps along on its large back legs and which carries its young in a pouch (a special pocket of flesh); 5) a small Australian animal that lays eggs and has a beak like a duck’s, but gives milk to its young.  Down:   2) a wild dog of Australia, about fifty centimetres high and usually sandy-coloured; 4) an Australia animal like a small bear which lives in trees.
Описание слайда:
II. Crossword Across: 1) a toothless ant-eater of Australia; 3) an Australian animal which jumps along on its large back legs and which carries its young in a pouch (a special pocket of flesh); 5) a small Australian animal that lays eggs and has a beak like a duck’s, but gives milk to its young. Down: 2) a wild dog of Australia, about fifty centimetres high and usually sandy-coloured; 4) an Australia animal like a small bear which lives in trees.

Слайд 5

History of Australia        The east coast of Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770. It was then first used as a colony for convicts.
Описание слайда:
History of Australia The east coast of Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770. It was then first used as a colony for convicts.

Слайд 6

    Towards the end of the 19th century, the Australian colonies began to discuss some form of union. They formed a federation, the new constitution was introduced on January 1, 1901; and the birth of the new nation was celebrated.
Описание слайда:
Towards the end of the 19th century, the Australian colonies began to discuss some form of union. They formed a federation, the new constitution was introduced on January 1, 1901; and the birth of the new nation was celebrated.

Слайд 7

     It is the world’s largest island and its the smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2000000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year.          It is the world’s largest island and its the smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2000000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year.
Описание слайда:
It is the world’s largest island and its the smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2000000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. It is the world’s largest island and its the smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2000000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year.

Слайд 8

    Its population is very small ( only 0.3 % of the world’s population ) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.          Its population is very small ( only 0.3 % of the world’s population ) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.
Описание слайда:
Its population is very small ( only 0.3 % of the world’s population ) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water. Its population is very small ( only 0.3 % of the world’s population ) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

Слайд 9

The Commonwealth of Australia         The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General
Описание слайда:
The Commonwealth of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General

Слайд 10

    Australia has a parliament in each state and the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth at Canberra. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The federal government of the country is headed by the Prime Minister.        Australia has a parliament in each state and the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth at Canberra. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The federal government of the country is headed by the Prime Minister.
Описание слайда:
Australia has a parliament in each state and the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth at Canberra. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The federal government of the country is headed by the Prime Minister. Australia has a parliament in each state and the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth at Canberra. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The federal government of the country is headed by the Prime Minister.

Слайд 11

  Australian native animals         Australia has been called “the land of differences” and “the continent of contrasts”. It certainly is both. There are many ways in which it is different from other countries.       The first thing most people think of are the strange native animals. Early in the world’s history Australia was separated from the other continents and her animals developed differently.
Описание слайда:
Australian native animals Australia has been called “the land of differences” and “the continent of contrasts”. It certainly is both. There are many ways in which it is different from other countries. The first thing most people think of are the strange native animals. Early in the world’s history Australia was separated from the other continents and her animals developed differently.

Слайд 12

    Of these, the strangest of all are the waterloving platypus and the echidna. The appearance of the platypus is so unusual that  when the skin of one was first sent to England some scientists said that no such animal could possibly exist.        Of these, the strangest of all are the waterloving platypus and the echidna. The appearance of the platypus is so unusual that  when the skin of one was first sent to England some scientists said that no such animal could possibly exist.
Описание слайда:
Of these, the strangest of all are the waterloving platypus and the echidna. The appearance of the platypus is so unusual that when the skin of one was first sent to England some scientists said that no such animal could possibly exist. Of these, the strangest of all are the waterloving platypus and the echidna. The appearance of the platypus is so unusual that when the skin of one was first sent to England some scientists said that no such animal could possibly exist.

Слайд 13

Australia is also the home of the kangaroos    Australia is also the home of the kangaroos
Описание слайда:
Australia is also the home of the kangaroos Australia is also the home of the kangaroos

Слайд 14

The koala and the kangaroo are found only in Australia
Описание слайда:
The koala and the kangaroo are found only in Australia

Слайд 15

    Koala is a tree-loving, comical-looking animal, that lives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. It will eat nothing more. It usually sleeps during the day.        Koala is a tree-loving, comical-looking animal, that lives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. It will eat nothing more. It usually sleeps during the day.
Описание слайда:
Koala is a tree-loving, comical-looking animal, that lives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. It will eat nothing more. It usually sleeps during the day. Koala is a tree-loving, comical-looking animal, that lives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. It will eat nothing more. It usually sleeps during the day.

Слайд 16

    The dingo, or wild dog, is the only killer among  the native animals. You can meet dingoes in many parts of Australia, but most of them now live in mountains or hills. In some places they were a very great danger to sheep and many of them were killed for that reason.           The dingo, or wild dog, is the only killer among  the native animals. You can meet dingoes in many parts of Australia, but most of them now live in mountains or hills. In some places they were a very great danger to sheep and many of them were killed for that reason.
Описание слайда:
The dingo, or wild dog, is the only killer among the native animals. You can meet dingoes in many parts of Australia, but most of them now live in mountains or hills. In some places they were a very great danger to sheep and many of them were killed for that reason. The dingo, or wild dog, is the only killer among the native animals. You can meet dingoes in many parts of Australia, but most of them now live in mountains or hills. In some places they were a very great danger to sheep and many of them were killed for that reason.

Слайд 17

     The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu, for example, which, with the kangaroo, is represented on the Australian coat-of-arms, is the next-tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.              The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu, for example, which, with the kangaroo, is represented on the Australian coat-of-arms, is the next-tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.
Описание слайда:
The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu, for example, which, with the kangaroo, is represented on the Australian coat-of-arms, is the next-tallest bird in the world after the ostrich. The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu, for example, which, with the kangaroo, is represented on the Australian coat-of-arms, is the next-tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.

Слайд 18

Conclusion        Conclusion       I think, Australia is a unique country, which is situated on the other side of the world. It is a country of birds and animals which can not be found in other parts of the world. The climate of Australia differs from other countries. The sun shines brightly in winter and it is very hot is summer.
Описание слайда:
Conclusion Conclusion I think, Australia is a unique country, which is situated on the other side of the world. It is a country of birds and animals which can not be found in other parts of the world. The climate of Australia differs from other countries. The sun shines brightly in winter and it is very hot is summer.

Слайд 19

I’d like to visit this country
Описание слайда:
I’d like to visit this country

Слайд 20

Task    I. Questions:  What can you say about the population of Australia?  Who is formally the head of the state in Australia?  What kind of state is Australia?
Описание слайда:
Task I. Questions: What can you say about the population of Australia? Who is formally the head of the state in Australia? What kind of state is Australia?

Слайд 21

II. Crossword    Across:  1) a toothless ant-eater of Australia; 3) an Australian animal which jumps along on its large back legs and which carries its young in a pouch (a special pocket of flesh); 5) a small Australian animal that lays eggs and has a beak like a duck’s, but gives milk to its young.  Down:   2) a wild dog of Australia, about fifty centimetres high and usually sandy-coloured; 4) an Australia animal like a small bear which lives in trees.
Описание слайда:
II. Crossword Across: 1) a toothless ant-eater of Australia; 3) an Australian animal which jumps along on its large back legs and which carries its young in a pouch (a special pocket of flesh); 5) a small Australian animal that lays eggs and has a beak like a duck’s, but gives milk to its young. Down: 2) a wild dog of Australia, about fifty centimetres high and usually sandy-coloured; 4) an Australia animal like a small bear which lives in trees.

Теги Welcome to Australia!
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