🗊Презентация Why being eco-friendly?

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Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №1Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №2Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №3Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №4Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №5Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №6Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №7Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №8Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №9Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №10Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №11Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №12Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №13Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №14Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №15Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №16Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №17Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №18Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №19Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №20Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №21Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №22Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №23Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №24Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №25Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №26Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №27Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №28Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №29Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №30Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №31Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №32Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №33Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №34Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №35Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №36Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №37Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №38Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №39Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №40Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №41Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №42Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №43Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №44Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №45Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №46Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №47Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №48Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №49Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №50Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №51Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №52Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №53Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №54Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №55Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №56Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №57Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №58Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №59Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №60Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №61Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №62Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №63Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №64Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №65Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №66Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №67Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №68Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №69Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №70Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №71Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №72Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №73Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №74


Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему Why being eco-friendly?. Доклад-сообщение содержит 74 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Why being eco-friendly?
Описание слайда:
Why being eco-friendly?

Слайд 3

How being eco-friendly is actually about being egoistic? In which ways?
Описание слайда:
How being eco-friendly is actually about being egoistic? In which ways?

Слайд 4

Two adults, two kids, zero waste | Bea Johnson
Описание слайда:
  Two adults, two kids, zero waste | Bea Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSUmo-40pqA

Слайд 5

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №5
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Слайд 6

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №6
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Слайд 7

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Canning Sponge

Слайд 8

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №10
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Слайд 11

How long has she and her family been living zero-waste? 
How long has she and her family been living zero-waste? 
What are some crazy ideas she tried? And what decorative cosmetics she uses?
Описание слайда:
How long has she and her family been living zero-waste? How long has she and her family been living zero-waste? What are some crazy ideas she tried? And what decorative cosmetics she uses?

Слайд 12

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №12
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Слайд 13

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №13
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Слайд 14

The three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills.
The three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills.
What does it 
mean? What 
Should/ shouldn’t
You do?
Описание слайда:
The three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. The three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. What does it mean? What Should/ shouldn’t You do?

Слайд 15

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №15
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Слайд 16

What are the 5 Rs? How does it work for them? How do you see it might work for you? 
What are the 5 Rs? How does it work for them? How do you see it might work for you? 
How does consumer society work? How can we change it? Can you refuse freebies like pens at conferences?
Описание слайда:
What are the 5 Rs? How does it work for them? How do you see it might work for you? What are the 5 Rs? How does it work for them? How do you see it might work for you? How does consumer society work? How can we change it? Can you refuse freebies like pens at conferences?

Слайд 17

Law of supply and demand
Описание слайда:
Law of supply and demand

Слайд 18

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №18
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Слайд 19

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №19
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Слайд 20

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №20
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Слайд 21

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №21
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Слайд 22

What are the benefits of decluttering? Have you ever tried it? What can you do with the extra things that you find no longer useful? 
What are the benefits of decluttering? Have you ever tried it? What can you do with the extra things that you find no longer useful? 
What has she found out about cleaning products? Can you relate to that?
Описание слайда:
What are the benefits of decluttering? Have you ever tried it? What can you do with the extra things that you find no longer useful? What are the benefits of decluttering? Have you ever tried it? What can you do with the extra things that you find no longer useful? What has she found out about cleaning products? Can you relate to that?

Слайд 23

What do you think of such interiors? Imagine how it feels to live there?
Описание слайда:
What do you think of such interiors? Imagine how it feels to live there?

Слайд 24

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №24
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Слайд 25

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №25
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Слайд 26

Can you relate to these minimalistic ideas?
Can you relate to these minimalistic ideas?
What happens to their home when they go on holidays? Can you do the same with your home? Why?
Описание слайда:
Can you relate to these minimalistic ideas? Can you relate to these minimalistic ideas? What happens to their home when they go on holidays? Can you do the same with your home? Why?

Слайд 27

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №27
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Слайд 28

What reductions have been made to their wardrobe? Do you have a ‘what if’ items in your wardrobe? Why? Why do you think we (Russians) are specifically inclined to keeping things ‘just in case’? 
What reductions have been made to their wardrobe? Do you have a ‘what if’ items in your wardrobe? Why? Why do you think we (Russians) are specifically inclined to keeping things ‘just in case’?
Описание слайда:
What reductions have been made to their wardrobe? Do you have a ‘what if’ items in your wardrobe? Why? Why do you think we (Russians) are specifically inclined to keeping things ‘just in case’? What reductions have been made to their wardrobe? Do you have a ‘what if’ items in your wardrobe? Why? Why do you think we (Russians) are specifically inclined to keeping things ‘just in case’?

Слайд 29

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №29
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Слайд 30

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №30
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Слайд 31

Have you thought about it before – that you are actually investing in a landfill??
Описание слайда:
Have you thought about it before – that you are actually investing in a landfill??

Слайд 32

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №32
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Слайд 33

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №33
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Слайд 34

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №34
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Слайд 35

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №35
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Слайд 36

We lived without plastic once – we can do again
Описание слайда:
We lived without plastic once – we can do again

Слайд 37

Zero Waste 
So what are the main concepts of zero waste?
 Can you produce absolutely no waste? Do you have to, to adhere to the ideas of the movement? 
Can picture yourself doing any of that?
Описание слайда:
Zero Waste So what are the main concepts of zero waste? Can you produce absolutely no waste? Do you have to, to adhere to the ideas of the movement? Can picture yourself doing any of that?

Слайд 38

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №38
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Слайд 39

Refusing plastic, poisonous chemicals from mass-market products, fast-food, excessive things in our lives, we will live longer, healthier and happier.
Refusing plastic, poisonous chemicals from mass-market products, fast-food, excessive things in our lives, we will live longer, healthier and happier.
Isn’t that what we want?? 
Why don’t we do it then? Is in it our nature or habits, society pressure?
Описание слайда:
Refusing plastic, poisonous chemicals from mass-market products, fast-food, excessive things in our lives, we will live longer, healthier and happier. Refusing plastic, poisonous chemicals from mass-market products, fast-food, excessive things in our lives, we will live longer, healthier and happier. Isn’t that what we want?? Why don’t we do it then? Is in it our nature or habits, society pressure?

Слайд 40

How big is your suitcase/ carry-on when you travel? 
How big is your suitcase/ carry-on when you travel? 
Would you like to travel light?
Описание слайда:
How big is your suitcase/ carry-on when you travel? How big is your suitcase/ carry-on when you travel? Would you like to travel light? https://zenhabits.net/archives/ https://zenhabits.net/ultralight-start/

Слайд 41

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №41
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Слайд 42

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №42
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Слайд 43

Self-destructing behaviour 
Symptoms and Habits
1.  Housing self-defeating mindsets.
This is an unconscious form of self-destructive behavior because it results in self-fulfilling prophecies.  Examples include thoughts such as: “I’m going to fail, I just know it”, “I’ll never get out alive”, “This will completely destroy me”, etc.
2.  Failing to take action.
This is a passive symptom, but still self-destructive in nature.  When we know something is bad for us, but fail to take any action or steps to remedy the issue, we are essentially setting ourselves up for, and guaranteeing, failure
14.  Spending too much.
Whether through chronic gambling or constant eBay purchases, overspending may seem unusual to have on this list, but is nevertheless a form of self-destructive behavior that limits ones freedom and peace of mind.
15.  Physical neglect.
Getting poor sleep, refusing to exercise, eating unhealthy foods, and failing to maintain the general well-being of your body are all classic signs of self-destructive behavior.
Retrieved from https://lonerwolf.com/self-destructive-person/
Описание слайда:
Self-destructing behaviour Symptoms and Habits 1.  Housing self-defeating mindsets. This is an unconscious form of self-destructive behavior because it results in self-fulfilling prophecies.  Examples include thoughts such as: “I’m going to fail, I just know it”, “I’ll never get out alive”, “This will completely destroy me”, etc. 2.  Failing to take action. This is a passive symptom, but still self-destructive in nature.  When we know something is bad for us, but fail to take any action or steps to remedy the issue, we are essentially setting ourselves up for, and guaranteeing, failure 14.  Spending too much. Whether through chronic gambling or constant eBay purchases, overspending may seem unusual to have on this list, but is nevertheless a form of self-destructive behavior that limits ones freedom and peace of mind. 15.  Physical neglect. Getting poor sleep, refusing to exercise, eating unhealthy foods, and failing to maintain the general well-being of your body are all classic signs of self-destructive behavior. Retrieved from https://lonerwolf.com/self-destructive-person/

Слайд 44

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №44
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Слайд 45

‘“Just as you are what you eat, you are what see.” The word “diet”, in fact (and I only recently learned), does not just refer to what food we eat. It comes from the Greek meaning for “way of life” or how one lives his or her life. 
With that broadened definition the word “diet” had greater meaning as to all of the things that we absorb–food, stories, images, sounds (music)–and how they impact us. 
As much as we may think that our personalities are stable, just like eating food that is bad for us can change our bodies, taking in images and stories that are unhealthy can really change how we think and behave. 
I should be clear that this does not mean to ignore the negative news. There are important things to learn about to help us understand what others are going through and to help fix the problems. 
It really means that we need a balanced visual diet—one that nourishes the soul and yet motivates us to action to make things better’ - Prof K @envisionkindness 
Follow us @ecopandas for daily good news ��
Описание слайда:
ecopandas ecopandas ‘“Just as you are what you eat, you are what see.” The word “diet”, in fact (and I only recently learned), does not just refer to what food we eat. It comes from the Greek meaning for “way of life” or how one lives his or her life. With that broadened definition the word “diet” had greater meaning as to all of the things that we absorb–food, stories, images, sounds (music)–and how they impact us.  As much as we may think that our personalities are stable, just like eating food that is bad for us can change our bodies, taking in images and stories that are unhealthy can really change how we think and behave. I should be clear that this does not mean to ignore the negative news. There are important things to learn about to help us understand what others are going through and to help fix the problems. It really means that we need a balanced visual diet—one that nourishes the soul and yet motivates us to action to make things better’ - Prof K @envisionkindness  Follow us @ecopandas for daily good news ��

Слайд 46

Activity originates in Sweden
Описание слайда:
Activity originates in Sweden

Слайд 47

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №47
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Слайд 48

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №48
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Слайд 49

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Слайд 50

Ecopandas        Beauty of human nature? 
Ecopandas        Beauty of human nature? 
Aydan started cleaning up #clarencevalley whilst jogging, he would see rubbish and pick it up, he hasn’t stopped since!

Aydan has made his way from Clarence Valley, #nsw right up to #arliebeach and is currently out in #alicesprings collecting hundreds of bags of litter as he goes.

Aydan relies on the kindness of strangers. When he receives donations he’ll stay in a backpackers hostel other times he’ll be taken in by people as a way of saying thank you. Local cafes and supermarkets offer free meals and bags to collect the rubbish. Aydan has been overwhelmed by the love and appreciation he receives. If you want to make a donation head to his @gofundmepage ‘a Wyse decision’

Join Aydan and help #keepaustraliabeautiful on March 3rd head to www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au (link in bio for today) to find your closest clean up event or start your own!

@ljayneelliott are hosting a cleanup at #picnicisland #lakeillawarra in NSW and have a local laundromat suppling a BBQ for all volunteers involved ��
Описание слайда:
Ecopandas Beauty of human nature? Ecopandas Beauty of human nature? Aydan started cleaning up #clarencevalley whilst jogging, he would see rubbish and pick it up, he hasn’t stopped since! Aydan has made his way from Clarence Valley, #nsw right up to #arliebeach and is currently out in #alicesprings collecting hundreds of bags of litter as he goes. Aydan relies on the kindness of strangers. When he receives donations he’ll stay in a backpackers hostel other times he’ll be taken in by people as a way of saying thank you. Local cafes and supermarkets offer free meals and bags to collect the rubbish. Aydan has been overwhelmed by the love and appreciation he receives. If you want to make a donation head to his @gofundmepage ‘a Wyse decision’ Join Aydan and help #keepaustraliabeautiful on March 3rd head to www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au (link in bio for today) to find your closest clean up event or start your own! @ljayneelliott are hosting a cleanup at #picnicisland #lakeillawarra in NSW and have a local laundromat suppling a BBQ for all volunteers involved ��

Слайд 51

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №51
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Слайд 52

Описание слайда:
#Trashtag #TrashtagChallenge 

Слайд 53

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №53
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Слайд 54

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Слайд 55

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №55
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Слайд 56

Описание слайда:
#Trashtag #TrashtagChallenge 

Слайд 57

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №57
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Слайд 58

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №58
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Слайд 59

Plastic types https://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/avoiding-toxins-in-plastic 
20 Ways to Avoid the Toxins in Plastic
Описание слайда:
https://vk.com/mycupplease_moscow Plastic types https://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/avoiding-toxins-in-plastic 20 Ways to Avoid the Toxins in Plastic

Слайд 60

Types of plastic
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Types of plastic

Слайд 61

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №61
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Слайд 62

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №62
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Слайд 63

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №63
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Слайд 64

 Bisphenol A
Описание слайда:
 Bisphenol A https://www.madesafe.org/bpa/#more-5493  

Слайд 65

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Слайд 66

Effects of Endocrine Disruptors
Endocrine disruptors (which are now widespread in food, water, soil and even the air we breathe) include a long list of chemicals such as dioxins, cadmium, parabens, bisphenol A, phthalates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), agricultural chemicals, polybrominated flame retardants, and some of the active ingredients in sunscreens.
Many of these chemicals cause problems because they can mimic the action of natural estrogen. These foreign estrogens (also known as xenoestrogens) can upset normal hormonal balance, stimulate the growth and development of reproductive tumors (breast, uterine, prostate), impair fertility, and disrupt pregnancy. Worse, many can cross the placenta to affect the fetus and get into breast milk. Chemicals such as phthalates have an antiandrogenic effect, meaning they interfere with testosterone and other hormones responsible for male sex characteristics. Exposure to these agents during fetal life and early childhood can derail normal sexual development and heighten the risk for diseases that don’t become apparent until adulthood, such as cancer.
Описание слайда:
Effects of Endocrine Disruptors Endocrine disruptors (which are now widespread in food, water, soil and even the air we breathe) include a long list of chemicals such as dioxins, cadmium, parabens, bisphenol A, phthalates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), agricultural chemicals, polybrominated flame retardants, and some of the active ingredients in sunscreens. Many of these chemicals cause problems because they can mimic the action of natural estrogen. These foreign estrogens (also known as xenoestrogens) can upset normal hormonal balance, stimulate the growth and development of reproductive tumors (breast, uterine, prostate), impair fertility, and disrupt pregnancy. Worse, many can cross the placenta to affect the fetus and get into breast milk. Chemicals such as phthalates have an antiandrogenic effect, meaning they interfere with testosterone and other hormones responsible for male sex characteristics. Exposure to these agents during fetal life and early childhood can derail normal sexual development and heighten the risk for diseases that don’t become apparent until adulthood, such as cancer.

Слайд 67

Problems with BPA (bisphenol A)
One of the most troubling endocrine disruptors
BPA is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide, with over 6 billion pounds produced each year.
BPA is found in many drinking containers, the lining of most food and beverage cans (including soda cans), bottle caps, plastic cutlery, plastic food storage containers, toys, water pipes, eyeglass lenses, and more. 
Polycarbonate is often blended with other plastics to create products such as mobile phone cases, car parts, electronic equipment, medical equipment, and household items. Because BPA is in printer ink, newspapers, and carbonless receipts, most recycled paper contains it, including paper towels and paper used to contain food.
Описание слайда:
Problems with BPA (bisphenol A) One of the most troubling endocrine disruptors BPA is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide, with over 6 billion pounds produced each year. BPA is found in many drinking containers, the lining of most food and beverage cans (including soda cans), bottle caps, plastic cutlery, plastic food storage containers, toys, water pipes, eyeglass lenses, and more. Polycarbonate is often blended with other plastics to create products such as mobile phone cases, car parts, electronic equipment, medical equipment, and household items. Because BPA is in printer ink, newspapers, and carbonless receipts, most recycled paper contains it, including paper towels and paper used to contain food.

Слайд 68

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №68
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Слайд 69

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №69
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Слайд 70

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №70
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Слайд 71

When was the last time you used any of these items? What were they? 
Can you avoid using them?
Описание слайда:
BPA When was the last time you used any of these items? What were they? Can you avoid using them?

Слайд 72

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Слайд 73

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №73
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Слайд 74

Why being eco-friendly?, слайд №74
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