🗊Презентация World wild fund for nature

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Слайд 1

World Wild Fund for Nature
Описание слайда:
World Wild Fund for Nature

Слайд 2

History of creation

Spring 1961 - Max Nicholson assembles the team; decided to organize a headquarters in Switzerland; as an emblem to take a black and white image of a panda. Ornithologist Peter Scott becomes the first chairman.
September 11, 1961 - official registration of the World Wildlife Fund. From that moment, he began to carry out a great fund-raising mission to solve acute environmental problems.
1971 - Prince of the Netherlands Bernard addressed to one thousand of the most influential people in the world with a request to support WWF. The capital collected in this way became the foundation of the trust fund, which was named "Trust 1001 for Nature Conservation"
Описание слайда:
History of creation Spring 1961 - Max Nicholson assembles the team; decided to organize a headquarters in Switzerland; as an emblem to take a black and white image of a panda. Ornithologist Peter Scott becomes the first chairman. September 11, 1961 - official registration of the World Wildlife Fund. From that moment, he began to carry out a great fund-raising mission to solve acute environmental problems. 1971 - Prince of the Netherlands Bernard addressed to one thousand of the most influential people in the world with a request to support WWF. The capital collected in this way became the foundation of the trust fund, which was named "Trust 1001 for Nature Conservation"

Слайд 3

History of creation
In 1973, WWF supported the Indian government, led by Indira Gandhi, in carrying out activities to save the tiger population.
In 1975 - began the implementation of the program to save tropical forests
1976 - program "Traffic" - for monitoring trade in wild species of animals, plants, as well as their parts.
the end of the 70s. - The fund grew from a small organization into an international network, the main goal of which was to preserve the natural diversity.
In 1983 - a large-scale campaign to raise funds - collected about 13 million dollars.
Описание слайда:
History of creation In 1973, WWF supported the Indian government, led by Indira Gandhi, in carrying out activities to save the tiger population. In 1975 - began the implementation of the program to save tropical forests 1976 - program "Traffic" - for monitoring trade in wild species of animals, plants, as well as their parts. the end of the 70s. - The fund grew from a small organization into an international network, the main goal of which was to preserve the natural diversity. In 1983 - a large-scale campaign to raise funds - collected about 13 million dollars.

Слайд 4

History of creation
In 1985, the fund sought a ban on whaling.
In the 80s, the World Foundation initiated an initiative to restructure the external debts of developing countries as a result of additional budgetary financing of environmental activities on its territory - "Debts for Nature".
In 1992, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity was signed in Rio de Janeiro.
In 1994 the Russian WWF representative office was opened.
Since 1998, WWF has published reports assessing how quickly natural resources on the planet are depleted.
Описание слайда:
History of creation In 1985, the fund sought a ban on whaling. In the 80s, the World Foundation initiated an initiative to restructure the external debts of developing countries as a result of additional budgetary financing of environmental activities on its territory - "Debts for Nature". In 1992, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity was signed in Rio de Janeiro. In 1994 the Russian WWF representative office was opened. Since 1998, WWF has published reports assessing how quickly natural resources on the planet are depleted.

Слайд 5

History of the logo
Inspiration came from Chi-Chi, a large panda brought to the London Zoo in 1961, when the World Wide Fund for Nature WWF was established. The organization needed a recognizable symbol that would bypass all language barriers.
The first sketches were made by Gerald Waterson in 1961. Based on them - Peter Scott, drew the first logo, commenting it this way:
 "We wanted an animal that would be beautiful, endangered, and at the same time loved by many for its touchingness. In addition, we wanted an animal that looks in black and white to save money on printing. "
Описание слайда:
History of the logo Inspiration came from Chi-Chi, a large panda brought to the London Zoo in 1961, when the World Wide Fund for Nature WWF was established. The organization needed a recognizable symbol that would bypass all language barriers. The first sketches were made by Gerald Waterson in 1961. Based on them - Peter Scott, drew the first logo, commenting it this way:  "We wanted an animal that would be beautiful, endangered, and at the same time loved by many for its touchingness. In addition, we wanted an animal that looks in black and white to save money on printing. "

Слайд 6

Panda Chi-Chi at the London Zoo
The evolution of the logo
Описание слайда:
Panda Chi-Chi at the London Zoo The evolution of the logo

Слайд 7

What is WWF?
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the largest independent international environmental organizations, uniting about 5 million permanent supporters and operating in more than 100 countries.
 WWF's mission is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.
Описание слайда:
What is WWF? World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the largest independent international environmental organizations, uniting about 5 million permanent supporters and operating in more than 100 countries. WWF's mission is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

Слайд 8

Regions WWF
WWF operates in the territories most important for preserving the diversity of wildlife - in the so-called ecoregions.
Worldwide WWF has identified more than 200 ecoregions - Global 200.
Описание слайда:
Regions WWF WWF operates in the territories most important for preserving the diversity of wildlife - in the so-called ecoregions. Worldwide WWF has identified more than 200 ecoregions - Global 200.

Слайд 9

Thank you for attention! Save the environment!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for attention! Save the environment!

Теги World wild fund for nature
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