Описание слайда:
You are my heart, my hope, my help, Любовь сильна, как божество,
The passion that is me, И божеству равна,
The whole of which I am a part, Ее я славлю от того,
My peace, my ecstasy. Что дарит жизнь она!
You are my future, present, past,
My ship, my sail, my ocean,
The wind, that brings me home again,
The home for every motion.
You live within me, yet I am В душе померк бы свет, и тьма настала вновь,
Without you all alone. Когда бы из нее изгнали мы любовь.
With you I am full of light, Лишь тот блаженство знал, кто страстью сердца жил,
Without you I am a stone. А кто любви не знал, тот будто бы не жил!
Is this foolish? Yes, perhaps,
But also it is true.
I think of life as something I
Can spend with only you.