🗊Презентация 10 reasons to exercise

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Слайд 1

      10 reasons to exercise
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10 reasons to exercise

Слайд 2

The first reason, she and the main, it is, of course, health. People involved in sports health at times stronger than those without them. And this because the sports activities strengthen the heart, normalize blood pressure, improves the functioning of all vital systems of the body, and improve brain activity and slow the aging process.
Описание слайда:
The first reason, she and the main, it is, of course, health. People involved in sports health at times stronger than those without them. And this because the sports activities strengthen the heart, normalize blood pressure, improves the functioning of all vital systems of the body, and improve brain activity and slow the aging process.

Слайд 3

The second reason is the good mood provided by sports. After exercise people almost always feel a surge of strength, even though physically she was tired; No wonder they say that sport is the best remedy for depression, because it helps to step back from problems and troubles and look at them from a different angle, and this, among other things, helps to relax.
Описание слайда:
The second reason is the good mood provided by sports. After exercise people almost always feel a surge of strength, even though physically she was tired; No wonder they say that sport is the best remedy for depression, because it helps to step back from problems and troubles and look at them from a different angle, and this, among other things, helps to relax.

Слайд 4

The third reason is the sport that strengthens faith in yourself and your strength, improves self esteem, develops the will and makes the person a stronger person. Indeed, in many cases, training is closely linked to overcome their weaknesses, work on the limit of its capabilities and a reassessment of its values and many other things that temper a person's character.
Описание слайда:
The third reason is the sport that strengthens faith in yourself and your strength, improves self esteem, develops the will and makes the person a stronger person. Indeed, in many cases, training is closely linked to overcome their weaknesses, work on the limit of its capabilities and a reassessment of its values and many other things that temper a person's character.

Слайд 5

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №5
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Слайд 6

The fourth reason is quite trivial, but nevertheless very important is the saturation of the body with oxygen. During the execution of various exercises for the human body begins to consume more oxygen, thereby saturating all your cells. And it improves circulation and the function of capillaries, as well as exclusively beneficial effect on the reaction, reflexes and muscle function.
Описание слайда:
The fourth reason is quite trivial, but nevertheless very important is the saturation of the body with oxygen. During the execution of various exercises for the human body begins to consume more oxygen, thereby saturating all your cells. And it improves circulation and the function of capillaries, as well as exclusively beneficial effect on the reaction, reflexes and muscle function.

Слайд 7

The fifth reason is one of the most pleasant, since it is directly related to the appearance of man. If you search information, for example, on the Internet, you can find countless examples of people radically changed their appearance: pumped muscle, the eternal "skeletons" and fat people became a people with a stunning figure. For many it is the most strongly motivated. Besides, a beautiful body is a sexy body, what also can not but rejoice, because success with the opposite sex provided at 100%. But. Of course, we should not forget about personal and spiritual growth.
Описание слайда:
The fifth reason is one of the most pleasant, since it is directly related to the appearance of man. If you search information, for example, on the Internet, you can find countless examples of people radically changed their appearance: pumped muscle, the eternal "skeletons" and fat people became a people with a stunning figure. For many it is the most strongly motivated. Besides, a beautiful body is a sexy body, what also can not but rejoice, because success with the opposite sex provided at 100%. But. Of course, we should not forget about personal and spiritual growth.

Слайд 8

The sixth reason is the normalization of sleep. Regular sports provide a healthy sleep, making stimulates the body's production of endorphins, which relieve a person from nervous tension and stress, prevent depression and insomnia
Описание слайда:
The sixth reason is the normalization of sleep. Regular sports provide a healthy sleep, making stimulates the body's production of endorphins, which relieve a person from nervous tension and stress, prevent depression and insomnia

Слайд 9

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

Seventh cause of Athletic exercises, among other things, are a great way to control appetite. Here again it is necessary to say about the endorphins, because they serve as a fuse that blocks the feeling of hunger unnecessary moments, and activates it only when the body really needs recharging. So it turns out that, doing sports, man stops as underfed and abused food.
Описание слайда:
Seventh cause of Athletic exercises, among other things, are a great way to control appetite. Here again it is necessary to say about the endorphins, because they serve as a fuse that blocks the feeling of hunger unnecessary moments, and activates it only when the body really needs recharging. So it turns out that, doing sports, man stops as underfed and abused food.

Слайд 11

The eighth reason is that sport is a way to counteract chronic fatigue, improve stress resistance, increase stamina and maintain excellent health. When visiting the gym, walking for exercise, doing Jogging, man makes himself stronger in the influence of external circumstances and pressures of everyday life. Every day is filled with incentives and a desire to achieve goals, boldly striding through life.
Описание слайда:
The eighth reason is that sport is a way to counteract chronic fatigue, improve stress resistance, increase stamina and maintain excellent health. When visiting the gym, walking for exercise, doing Jogging, man makes himself stronger in the influence of external circumstances and pressures of everyday life. Every day is filled with incentives and a desire to achieve goals, boldly striding through life.

Слайд 12

The ninth reason involves quick recovery of the body after traumas, serious illnesses, operations, etc. And it is interesting that it works in all cases, that is not important, preceded sports any health problems or health problems was preceded by a sport – the positive effect will be visible always because the body becomes significantly stronger than it was before.
Описание слайда:
The ninth reason involves quick recovery of the body after traumas, serious illnesses, operations, etc. And it is interesting that it works in all cases, that is not important, preceded sports any health problems or health problems was preceded by a sport – the positive effect will be visible always because the body becomes significantly stronger than it was before.

Слайд 13

And as the tenth reason may be the way of life in General. Playing sports, people can really change myself, my personality and my life. And there's a lot of evidence. The sport can even be called a kind of therapy, because a lot of people that their life seemed like a dark tunnel, at the end of which there was no light, after a few months of training have started to notice the long-awaited spark, and eventually even came to harmony and happiness.  
Описание слайда:
And as the tenth reason may be the way of life in General. Playing sports, people can really change myself, my personality and my life. And there's a lot of evidence. The sport can even be called a kind of therapy, because a lot of people that their life seemed like a dark tunnel, at the end of which there was no light, after a few months of training have started to notice the long-awaited spark, and eventually even came to harmony and happiness.  

Слайд 14

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №14
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Слайд 15

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №15
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Слайд 16

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №16
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Слайд 17

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №17
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Слайд 18

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №18
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Слайд 19

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №19
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Слайд 20

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №20
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Слайд 21

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №21
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Слайд 22

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №22
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Слайд 23

10 reasons to exercise, слайд №23
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