🗊Презентация Germanic languages

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Germanic languages, слайд №1Germanic languages, слайд №2Germanic languages, слайд №3Germanic languages, слайд №4Germanic languages, слайд №5Germanic languages, слайд №6Germanic languages, слайд №7Germanic languages, слайд №8

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Слайд 1

Germanic languages, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

The Germanic languages branch Indo-European family. Distributed on the territory of several countries of Western Europe (UK, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), North. America (USA, Canada), southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia), Asia (India), Australia, New Zealand. The total number of speakers as native languages — about 550 million people.
Описание слайда:
The Germanic languages branch Indo-European family. Distributed on the territory of several countries of Western Europe (UK, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), North. America (USA, Canada), southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia), Asia (India), Australia, New Zealand. The total number of speakers as native languages — about 550 million people.

Слайд 3

The history of the development of the Germanic languages are traditionally divided into 3 periods: 

ancient (from the appearance of writing to the XI century) — the establishment of separate languages; 
intermediate (XII—XV century) — the development of writing in the Germanic languages and the extension of their social functions; 
new (from the XVI century to the present) — the formation and normalization of the national language.
Описание слайда:
HISTORY The history of the development of the Germanic languages are traditionally divided into 3 periods:  ancient (from the appearance of writing to the XI century) — the establishment of separate languages;  intermediate (XII—XV century) — the development of writing in the Germanic languages and the extension of their social functions;  new (from the XVI century to the present) — the formation and normalization of the national language.

Слайд 4

The most ancient monuments of German literature made runes — senior (VIII—IX centuries), Junior (IX—XII centuries), punctured (XI—XIII centuries), in Gothic language. Gothic — letter (IV century). Latin letter appears together with the introduction of Christianity in England since the seventh century, Germany, VIII century, in the Scandinavian countries since the end of the XI century (Iceland, Norway) and the XIII century (Sweden, Denmark). Used Anglo-Saxon and Carolingian minuscule with the addition of a number of symbols for the transmission of sounds not found in Latin.
Описание слайда:
WRITING The most ancient monuments of German literature made runes — senior (VIII—IX centuries), Junior (IX—XII centuries), punctured (XI—XIII centuries), in Gothic language. Gothic — letter (IV century). Latin letter appears together with the introduction of Christianity in England since the seventh century, Germany, VIII century, in the Scandinavian countries since the end of the XI century (Iceland, Norway) and the XIII century (Sweden, Denmark). Used Anglo-Saxon and Carolingian minuscule with the addition of a number of symbols for the transmission of sounds not found in Latin.

Слайд 5

Germanic languages, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Admoni V. G., Yartsev V. N. Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: the Nominal forms of the verb. The category of adverbs. Monoplegia. — M.: Nauka, 1978. — 178 p. 
Berkov V. P. Modern Germanic languages. — M.: Astrel—AST, 2001. 
Bubrich D. About the Finnish language traces of Teutonic — Chud. Language and literature. I. — L., 1926. [About the Finnish elements in the Germanic languages]. 
Zhirmunskii V. M. Introduction to comparative-historical study of the Germanic languages. — M.—L., 1964. 
Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: a Category of the verb. / Under the editorship of M. M. Hohman, E. A. makaeva, V. N. The Yartsevo. — M.: Nauka, 1977. — 296 p. 
Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: Phonomorphological. Paradigmatica. Category name. / Under the editorship of M. M. Guhman. — M.: Nauka, 1977. — 360 p. 
Kuzmenko Yu. K. Phonological evolution of the Germanic languages. — L.: Nauka, 1991. — 284 p. 
Meye A. the Main features of the Germanic languages. / Per. FR. — M., 1952. 
Prokos E. Comparative grammar of the Germanic languages / Ed. from English. — M., 1954. 
Sizova I. A. Germanic languages. // Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. — M., 1990. 
Soloveva, L. N. The ancient Germanic tribes and their languages 
Comparative grammar of the Germanic languages. — T. 1-4. — M., 1962-1966. 
Toporov, T. V. Germanic languages. // Germanic and Celtic languages. Languages of the world. — Moscow: Academia, 2000. 
Grundriss der germanischen Philologie. / hrsg. von H. Paul. Bde I, II. — 1907. 
Hirt H. Handbuch des Urgermanischen. — Tl. 1-3. — Hdlb., 1931-1934. 
C. J. Hutterer, Die germanischen Sprachen. — Bdpst., 1973. 
R. E. Keller, The German language. — L.—Boston, 1975. 
W. Streitberg Urgermanische Grammatik. — Hdlb., 1900.
Описание слайда:
LITERATURE Admoni V. G., Yartsev V. N. Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: the Nominal forms of the verb. The category of adverbs. Monoplegia. — M.: Nauka, 1978. — 178 p.  Berkov V. P. Modern Germanic languages. — M.: Astrel—AST, 2001.  Bubrich D. About the Finnish language traces of Teutonic — Chud. Language and literature. I. — L., 1926. [About the Finnish elements in the Germanic languages].  Zhirmunskii V. M. Introduction to comparative-historical study of the Germanic languages. — M.—L., 1964.  Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: a Category of the verb. / Under the editorship of M. M. Hohman, E. A. makaeva, V. N. The Yartsevo. — M.: Nauka, 1977. — 296 p.  Historical and typological morphology of the Germanic languages: Phonomorphological. Paradigmatica. Category name. / Under the editorship of M. M. Guhman. — M.: Nauka, 1977. — 360 p.  Kuzmenko Yu. K. Phonological evolution of the Germanic languages. — L.: Nauka, 1991. — 284 p.  Meye A. the Main features of the Germanic languages. / Per. FR. — M., 1952.  Prokos E. Comparative grammar of the Germanic languages / Ed. from English. — M., 1954.  Sizova I. A. Germanic languages. // Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. — M., 1990.  Soloveva, L. N. The ancient Germanic tribes and their languages  Comparative grammar of the Germanic languages. — T. 1-4. — M., 1962-1966.  Toporov, T. V. Germanic languages. // Germanic and Celtic languages. Languages of the world. — Moscow: Academia, 2000.  Grundriss der germanischen Philologie. / hrsg. von H. Paul. Bde I, II. — 1907.  Hirt H. Handbuch des Urgermanischen. — Tl. 1-3. — Hdlb., 1931-1934.  C. J. Hutterer, Die germanischen Sprachen. — Bdpst., 1973.  R. E. Keller, The German language. — L.—Boston, 1975.  W. Streitberg Urgermanische Grammatik. — Hdlb., 1900.

Слайд 7

Among Indo-European languages
Distinctive features of the Germanic languages, and distinguishes them from other Indo-European: 

dynamic accent on the first (root) syllable, 
reduction of unstressed syllables, 
assimilative vowel variation, 
the movement of German consonants 
the widespread use of ablaut as Phono-morphologically funds 
the formation of the weak preterit with the help of the dental suffix 
2 declension of adjectives: strong and weak.
Описание слайда:
Among Indo-European languages Distinctive features of the Germanic languages, and distinguishes them from other Indo-European:  dynamic accent on the first (root) syllable,  reduction of unstressed syllables,  assimilative vowel variation,  the movement of German consonants  the widespread use of ablaut as Phono-morphologically funds  the formation of the weak preterit with the help of the dental suffix  2 declension of adjectives: strong and weak.

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

Теги Germanic languages
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