🗊Презентация Florence Nightingale

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Florence Nightingale, слайд №1Florence Nightingale, слайд №2Florence Nightingale, слайд №3Florence Nightingale, слайд №4Florence Nightingale, слайд №5Florence Nightingale, слайд №6Florence Nightingale, слайд №7Florence Nightingale, слайд №8Florence Nightingale, слайд №9Florence Nightingale, слайд №10Florence Nightingale, слайд №11Florence Nightingale, слайд №12Florence Nightingale, слайд №13Florence Nightingale, слайд №14Florence Nightingale, слайд №15

Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему Florence Nightingale. Доклад-сообщение содержит 15 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Florence Nightingale
The Lady with the Lamp
Описание слайда:
Florence Nightingale The Lady with the Lamp

Слайд 2

Florence Nightingale
Born in Florence in 1820
First helped a sick dog with a broken leg
Loved her dolls
One day she visited a hospital
Описание слайда:
Florence Nightingale Born in Florence in 1820 First helped a sick dog with a broken leg Loved her dolls One day she visited a hospital THIS CHANGED HER LIFE

Слайд 3

Hospitals in 1830’s
Often people who went into hospital died
Описание слайда:
Hospitals in 1830’s Often people who went into hospital died

Слайд 4

Florence Nightingale
Parents did not want her to become a nurse
She studied medicine books herself for years
She was 30 when her parents let her go to Germany and Paris to study nursing
Описание слайда:
Florence Nightingale Parents did not want her to become a nurse She studied medicine books herself for years She was 30 when her parents let her go to Germany and Paris to study nursing

Слайд 5

Crimean War
Broke out when Florence 34 was years old
War Russia v Turkey(Britain and France)
Reports were coming through about terrible conditions in hospitals
Описание слайда:
Crimean War Broke out when Florence 34 was years old War Russia v Turkey(Britain and France) Reports were coming through about terrible conditions in hospitals

Слайд 6

Florence leaves London
No cheering
No crowds
“You’ll be back,” her family said
Описание слайда:
Florence leaves London No cheering No crowds “You’ll be back,” her family said

Слайд 7

She got to work
Scrubbed the floors
Cleaned the wards 
Washed the bedclothes
Made the men comfortable
Описание слайда:
She got to work Scrubbed the floors Cleaned the wards Washed the bedclothes Made the men comfortable

Слайд 8

Florence Nightingale, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

They began to get better
Sitting up, cheerful  and happier!
Описание слайда:
They began to get better Sitting up, cheerful and happier!

Слайд 10

Letter from Queen Victoria
Thanking “Miss Nightingale and her ladies” for all their hard work
Описание слайда:
Letter from Queen Victoria Thanking “Miss Nightingale and her ladies” for all their hard work

Слайд 11

She was given a diamond brooch with ‘Blessed are the merciful’ engraved on it
She was given a diamond brooch with ‘Blessed are the merciful’ engraved on it
Описание слайда:
She was given a diamond brooch with ‘Blessed are the merciful’ engraved on it She was given a diamond brooch with ‘Blessed are the merciful’ engraved on it

Слайд 12

Florence Nightingale, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Florence Nightingale
died in 1910, age 90
Описание слайда:
Florence Nightingale died in 1910, age 90

Слайд 14

Until recently her picture was on our British £10 note
Until recently her picture was on our British £10 note
Описание слайда:
Until recently her picture was on our British £10 note Until recently her picture was on our British £10 note

Слайд 15

She was famous all over the world
She changed hospitals all over the world
There is a museum in London which celebrates her life and work
Описание слайда:
She was famous all over the world She changed hospitals all over the world There is a museum in London which celebrates her life and work

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