🗊Презентация Fernan Magellan

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Fernan Magellan, слайд №1Fernan Magellan, слайд №2Fernan Magellan, слайд №3Fernan Magellan, слайд №4Fernan Magellan, слайд №5Fernan Magellan, слайд №6Fernan Magellan, слайд №7

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Слайд 1

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Слайд 2

Magellan - Portuguese Explorer, whose expedition made the first circumnavigation

Magellan was born in the spring of 1480 in Portugal, a poor but noble family, served as a page in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen. He studied astronomy, navigation, and cosmography. Participated in sea battles with the Arabs, Indians, Moors, showed himself a brave soldier, and was promoted to marine captain
Описание слайда:
Magellan - Portuguese Explorer, whose expedition made the first circumnavigation Magellan was born in the spring of 1480 in Portugal, a poor but noble family, served as a page in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen. He studied astronomy, navigation, and cosmography. Participated in sea battles with the Arabs, Indians, Moors, showed himself a brave soldier, and was promoted to marine captain .

Слайд 3

The path to the "spice Islands»
Because of intrigues at the court of the Queen, Magellan moved to Spain, where he proposed to king Charles I draft circumnavigation. The expedition was undertaken with the aim of finding a Western route to the rich "colonial goods" in the Moluccan Islands
Описание слайда:
The path to the "spice Islands» Because of intrigues at the court of the Queen, Magellan moved to Spain, where he proposed to king Charles I draft circumnavigation. The expedition was undertaken with the aim of finding a Western route to the rich "colonial goods" in the Moluccan Islands

Слайд 4

Fernan Magellan, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

The expedition in the way

Weather, fortunately, was good, and Magellan named the Pacific ocean. Almost 4 months lasted a very difficult voyage, when people ate bread dust mixed with worms, drinking putrid water and eating cowhide, wood chips, and ship rats. Famine and scurvy. Many died. Magellan, even though he was short in stature but had a great physical strength and confidence.
Описание слайда:
The expedition in the way Weather, fortunately, was good, and Magellan named the Pacific ocean. Almost 4 months lasted a very difficult voyage, when people ate bread dust mixed with worms, drinking putrid water and eating cowhide, wood chips, and ship rats. Famine and scurvy. Many died. Magellan, even though he was short in stature but had a great physical strength and confidence.

Слайд 6

The Death Of Magellan
March 15, 1521, the expedition came to the great Philippine archipelago, where strong and courageous Magellan, in the role of patron they baptized the natives, intervened in civil war and was killed in a skirmish near the island of Matan.
Описание слайда:
The Death Of Magellan March 15, 1521, the expedition came to the great Philippine archipelago, where strong and courageous Magellan, in the role of patron they baptized the natives, intervened in civil war and was killed in a skirmish near the island of Matan.

Слайд 7

The return of the ship "Victoria"

On 6 September 1522, 18 of the 265-year-sailors participating the first ever circumnavigation of the great Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan on the Caravel Victoria after 18 months of sailing, he returned to Spain. Magellan proved the existence of a single World ocean and provided practical evidence sphericity of the Earth.
Описание слайда:
The return of the ship "Victoria" On 6 September 1522, 18 of the 265-year-sailors participating the first ever circumnavigation of the great Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan on the Caravel Victoria after 18 months of sailing, he returned to Spain. Magellan proved the existence of a single World ocean and provided practical evidence sphericity of the Earth.

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