🗊Презентация My favourite sport

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My favourite sport, слайд №1My favourite sport, слайд №2My favourite sport, слайд №3My favourite sport, слайд №4My favourite sport, слайд №5My favourite sport, слайд №6

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Слайд 1

My favourite sport
I will talk about the kind of sport like basketball
Описание слайда:
My favourite sport I will talk about the kind of sport like basketball

Слайд 2

Many people go in for sports, because it makes us healthy and helps to be in good shape

Many people go in for sports, because it makes us healthy and helps to be in good shape
Описание слайда:
Many people go in for sports, because it makes us healthy and helps to be in good shape Many people go in for sports, because it makes us healthy and helps to be in good shape

Слайд 3

Homeland of Belarusian basketball became Vitebsk. It was in this city that the first team (male) was formed, which in 1923 took part in the first All-Union competitions

Homeland of Belarusian basketball became Vitebsk. It was in this city that the first team (male) was formed, which in 1923 took part in the first All-Union competitions
Описание слайда:
Homeland of Belarusian basketball became Vitebsk. It was in this city that the first team (male) was formed, which in 1923 took part in the first All-Union competitions Homeland of Belarusian basketball became Vitebsk. It was in this city that the first team (male) was formed, which in 1923 took part in the first All-Union competitions

Слайд 4

Stephen Curry is an American professional basketball player, playing for the team of the National Basketball Association "Golden State Warriors" and the US team
Stephen Curry is an American professional basketball player, playing for the team of the National Basketball Association "Golden State Warriors" and the US team
Описание слайда:
  Stephen Curry is an American professional basketball player, playing for the team of the National Basketball Association "Golden State Warriors" and the US team   Stephen Curry is an American professional basketball player, playing for the team of the National Basketball Association "Golden State Warriors" and the US team

Слайд 5

I like this sport. I'm interested in watching the matches of this sport. I love cheering for my favorite team

I like this sport. I'm interested in watching the matches of this sport. I love cheering for my favorite team
Описание слайда:
I like this sport. I'm interested in watching the matches of this sport. I love cheering for my favorite team I like this sport. I'm interested in watching the matches of this sport. I love cheering for my favorite team

Слайд 6

in general I like basketball and I play it myself

in general I like basketball and I play it myself
Описание слайда:
in general I like basketball and I play it myself in general I like basketball and I play it myself

Теги My favourite sport
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