🗊Презентация Company name/name of the project lead

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Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №1Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №2Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №3Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №4Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №5Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №6Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №7Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №8Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №9Company name/name of the project lead, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Company name/name of the project lead
Описание слайда:
Company name/name of the project lead

Слайд 2

Description of the technology / solution
Competitive advantages 
Market analysis/commercialization plan
Intellectual property
Project roadmap
Project team
Описание слайда:
CONTENTS Problem Description of the technology / solution Competitive advantages Market analysis/commercialization plan Intellectual property Project roadmap Project team

Слайд 3

Provide the information on the problem you are going to solve: 
Describe the actual problem in the healthcare system / disease area
Confirm the problem actuality and relevancy through providing scientific publications and / or independent studies
Describe companies or consumers who benefit from solving this problem
Описание слайда:
PROBLEM Provide the information on the problem you are going to solve: Describe the actual problem in the healthcare system / disease area Confirm the problem actuality and relevancy through providing scientific publications and / or independent studies Describe companies or consumers who benefit from solving this problem

Слайд 4

Key points to discuss:
What is the main idea of your solution/technology?
Describe technology and its key properties
Provide information on the scientific and technology innovation
Provide information on Russian and international scientific publications (if applicable)
Описание слайда:
DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY / SOLUTION Key points to discuss: What is the main idea of your solution/technology? Describe technology and its key properties Provide information on the scientific and technology innovation Provide information on Russian and international scientific publications (if applicable)

Слайд 5

Key points to discuss:
Overview of the competitive landscape – who are the key players? Relative offerings and market size
Points of differentiation – what sets the applicant’s solution apart from these
Описание слайда:
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Key points to discuss: Overview of the competitive landscape – who are the key players? Relative offerings and market size Points of differentiation – what sets the applicant’s solution apart from these

Слайд 6

Describe the commercialization roadmap of your project: 
Approach to commercialization (sale to consumers, sale of IP / outlicensing / partnering&JV). Business model (B2B, B2C)
Estimates of market size & target on market share (if applicable); 
Sales plan (in units / monetary terms) – both worldwide and in Russia (if applicable)
Profiles of potential consumers
Описание слайда:
MARKET ANALYSIS AND COMMERCIALIZATION PLAN Describe the commercialization roadmap of your project: Approach to commercialization (sale to consumers, sale of IP / outlicensing / partnering&JV). Business model (B2B, B2C) Estimates of market size & target on market share (if applicable); Sales plan (in units / monetary terms) – both worldwide and in Russia (if applicable) Profiles of potential consumers

Слайд 7

Key points to discuss:
Provide info on the current IP protection policy 
Provide list of current patent applications/patents (Russia&abroad)
Provide plans for IP protection
Описание слайда:
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) Key points to discuss: Provide info on the current IP protection policy Provide list of current patent applications/patents (Russia&abroad) Provide plans for IP protection

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Key points to discuss:
Provide names & roles (scientific research, business development, etc.) of key team members 
Provide short CV of key members and their backgrounds (technical, scientific, business)
Do you have experts with international experience? 
Do you have mentors?
Do you have international partners involved in the project?
Описание слайда:
PROJECT TEAM Key points to discuss: Provide names & roles (scientific research, business development, etc.) of key team members Provide short CV of key members and their backgrounds (technical, scientific, business) Do you have experts with international experience? Do you have mentors? Do you have international partners involved in the project?

Слайд 10

contact details (e-mail, phone, web-site)
Описание слайда:
contact details (e-mail, phone, web-site)

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