🗊Презентация Political philosophy

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Political philosophy, слайд №1Political philosophy, слайд №2Political philosophy, слайд №3Political philosophy, слайд №4Political philosophy, слайд №5Political philosophy, слайд №6Political philosophy, слайд №7Political philosophy, слайд №8Political philosophy, слайд №9Political philosophy, слайд №10Political philosophy, слайд №11Political philosophy, слайд №12Political philosophy, слайд №13Political philosophy, слайд №14Political philosophy, слайд №15Political philosophy, слайд №16Political philosophy, слайд №17Political philosophy, слайд №18Political philosophy, слайд №19Political philosophy, слайд №20Political philosophy, слайд №21Political philosophy, слайд №22Political philosophy, слайд №23Political philosophy, слайд №24Political philosophy, слайд №25Political philosophy, слайд №26Political philosophy, слайд №27Political philosophy, слайд №28Political philosophy, слайд №29

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Слайд 1

Political Philosophy
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy

Слайд 2

Page 2 - Contents
Page 3 - Fling the Teacher
Pages 4 to 6 - What is Political Philosophy
Pages 7 - Antiquity
Page 8 - Video presentation on Plato’s Republic
Pages 10 - Christian history and Political Philosophy
Page 11 - Islam and Political Philosophy
Page 13 - Medieval Europe
Pages 14 to 15 - European Renaissance
Pages 16 to 19 - European Age of Enlightenment.
Page 20 - Industrialisation and the modern era.
Page 21 - Video Presentation on Marxism
Pages 23 to 28 - Contemporary Political Philosophy
Page 29 - Community of Inquiry on Rawls Theory of Justice
Page 30 - Bibliography
Описание слайда:
Contents Page 2 - Contents Page 3 - Fling the Teacher Pages 4 to 6 - What is Political Philosophy Pages 7 - Antiquity Page 8 - Video presentation on Plato’s Republic Pages 10 - Christian history and Political Philosophy Page 11 - Islam and Political Philosophy Page 13 - Medieval Europe Pages 14 to 15 - European Renaissance Pages 16 to 19 - European Age of Enlightenment. Page 20 - Industrialisation and the modern era. Page 21 - Video Presentation on Marxism Pages 23 to 28 - Contemporary Political Philosophy Page 29 - Community of Inquiry on Rawls Theory of Justice Page 30 - Bibliography

Слайд 3

Click on the image above for a game of “Fling the Teacher”. Try playing the game with your students at the start and the end of the unit. Make sure you have started the slide show and are connected to the internet.
Описание слайда:
Click on the image above for a game of “Fling the Teacher”. Try playing the game with your students at the start and the end of the unit. Make sure you have started the slide show and are connected to the internet.

Слайд 4

Political philosophy is the study of questions about the city, government, politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority.
Political philosophy is the study of questions about the city, government, politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority.
Описание слайда:
Political philosophy is the study of questions about the city, government, politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority. Political philosophy is the study of questions about the city, government, politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority.

Слайд 5

Political Philosophy
Political philosophy can also be understood by analysing it through the perspectives of metaphysics, epistemology and axiology.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Political philosophy can also be understood by analysing it through the perspectives of metaphysics, epistemology and axiology.

Слайд 6

Political Philosophy
As an academic discipline, Western political philosophy has its origins in Ancient Greece.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Antiquity As an academic discipline, Western political philosophy has its origins in Ancient Greece.

Слайд 7

YOUTUBE Video Plato’s Republic

Click on the image to the right. You will need to be connected to the internet to view this presentation.
Enlarge to full screen
Описание слайда:
YOUTUBE Video Plato’s Republic Click on the image to the right. You will need to be connected to the internet to view this presentation. Enlarge to full screen

Слайд 8

Political Philosophy
Confucius, Mencius, Mozi and the Legalist school in China, and the Laws of Manu and Chanakya in India were working to the same ends.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Independently, Confucius, Mencius, Mozi and the Legalist school in China, and the Laws of Manu and Chanakya in India were working to the same ends.

Слайд 9

Political Philosophy
Christianity would be characterized as a movement which sought to critique the political movements in which Christians lived.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Christianity Christianity would be characterized as a movement which sought to critique the political movements in which Christians lived.

Слайд 10

Political Philosophy
Medieval Islam
The rise of Islam, based on both the Qur'an and Muhammad strongly altered the power balances in Europe.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Medieval Islam The rise of Islam, based on both the Qur'an and Muhammad strongly altered the power balances in Europe.

Слайд 11

Political Philosophy

Islamic political philosophy did not cease in the classical period.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Islamic political philosophy did not cease in the classical period.

Слайд 12

Political Philosophy
Medieval Europe
Medieval political philosophy in Europe was heavily influenced by Christian thinking.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Medieval Europe Medieval political philosophy in Europe was heavily influenced by Christian thinking.

Слайд 13

Political Philosophy
European Renaissance
During the Renaissance secular political philosophy began to emerge after about a century of theological political thought in Europe
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy European Renaissance During the Renaissance secular political philosophy began to emerge after about a century of theological political thought in Europe

Слайд 14

Political Philosophy
John Locke in particular exemplified this new age of political theory with his work Two Treatises of Government.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy John Locke in particular exemplified this new age of political theory with his work Two Treatises of Government.

Слайд 15

Political Philosophy

European Age of Enlightenment
During the Enlightenment period, new theories about what the human was and is and about the definition of reality and the way it was perceived, along with the discovery of other societies in the Americas.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy European Age of Enlightenment During the Enlightenment period, new theories about what the human was and is and about the definition of reality and the way it was perceived, along with the discovery of other societies in the Americas.

Слайд 16

Political Philosophy
These theorists were driven by two basic questions: one, by what right or need do people form states; and two, what the best form for a state could be.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy These theorists were driven by two basic questions: one, by what right or need do people form states; and two, what the best form for a state could be.

Слайд 17

Political Philosophy
Political and economic relations were drastically influenced by these theories.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Political and economic relations were drastically influenced by these theories.

Слайд 18

Political Philosophy
In the Ottoman Empire, these ideological reforms did not take place and these views did not integrate into common thought until much later.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy In the Ottoman Empire, these ideological reforms did not take place and these views did not integrate into common thought until much later.

Слайд 19

Political Philosophy
Industrialization and the Modern Era
Karl Marx and his theory of Communism developed along with Friedrich Engels proved to be one of the most influential political ideologies of the 20th century.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Industrialization and the Modern Era Karl Marx and his theory of Communism developed along with Friedrich Engels proved to be one of the most influential political ideologies of the 20th century.

Слайд 20

YOUTUBE Video on Marxism

Click on the image to the right. You will need to be connected to the internet to view this presentation.
Enlarge to full screen
Описание слайда:
YOUTUBE Video on Marxism Click on the image to the right. You will need to be connected to the internet to view this presentation. Enlarge to full screen

Слайд 21

Political Philosophy
World War I was a watershed event in human history. The Russian Revolution of 1917 brought communism - on the world stage.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy World War I was a watershed event in human history. The Russian Revolution of 1917 brought communism - on the world stage.

Слайд 22

Political Philosophy
Contemporary political philosophy
After World War II political philosophy moved into a temporary eclipse in the Anglo-American academic world.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Contemporary political philosophy After World War II political philosophy moved into a temporary eclipse in the Anglo-American academic world.

Слайд 23

Political Philosophy
Communism remained an important focus especially during the 1950s and 60s.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Communism remained an important focus especially during the 1950s and 60s.

Слайд 24

Political Philosophy
In Anglo-American academic political philosophy the publication of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice in 1971 is considered a milestone.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy In Anglo-American academic political philosophy the publication of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice in 1971 is considered a milestone.

Слайд 25

Political Philosophy
 Contemporaneously with the rise of analytic ethics in Anglo-American thought, in Europe several new lines of philosophy directed at critique of existing societies arose between the 1950s and 1980s
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Contemporaneously with the rise of analytic ethics in Anglo-American thought, in Europe several new lines of philosophy directed at critique of existing societies arose between the 1950s and 1980s

Слайд 26

Political Philosophy
In the late 20th century, communitarianism, opposed exalted forms of individualism.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy In the late 20th century, communitarianism, opposed exalted forms of individualism.

Слайд 27

Political Philosophy
Today some debates regarding punishment and law centre on the question of natural law and the degree to which human constraints on action are determined by nature, as revealed by science in particular.
Описание слайда:
Political Philosophy Today some debates regarding punishment and law centre on the question of natural law and the degree to which human constraints on action are determined by nature, as revealed by science in particular.

Слайд 28

CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR THE STIMULUS MATERIAL FOR A DISCUSSION ON RAWLS THEORY OF JUSTICE. (You might like to print this material out and distribute it to the class.)
Описание слайда:
COMMUNITY OF INQUIRY CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR THE STIMULUS MATERIAL FOR A DISCUSSION ON RAWLS THEORY OF JUSTICE. (You might like to print this material out and distribute it to the class.)

Слайд 29

Kymlicka, W. 1990. Contemporary Political Philosophy: an Introduction. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 
Swift, A. 2001 Political Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide for Students and Politicians. Oxford: Polity 
Miller, D. 1976. Social Justice. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 
Goodin, R. E., and P. Pettit. eds. 1993. A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell. 
Knowles, Dudley. 2001 Political Philosophy. London: Routledge. 
Wolff, J. 1996. An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Relates contemporary problems in political philosophy to the works of some of the great political philosophers of the past. 
Goodin, R. E., and P. Pettit. eds. 1997. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell. Contains many important and interesting recent papers. 
Levine, A. 2001. Engaging Political Philosophy: From Hobbes to Rawls. Oxford: Blackwell 
Hampton, J. 1997. Political Philosophy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. 
Rosen, Michael, and Jonathan Wolff, eds. 1999. Political Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Contains many relevant extracts. 
Wikipedia-Political Philosophy- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_philosophy
Описание слайда:
Bibliography Kymlicka, W. 1990. Contemporary Political Philosophy: an Introduction. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swift, A. 2001 Political Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide for Students and Politicians. Oxford: Polity Miller, D. 1976. Social Justice. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Goodin, R. E., and P. Pettit. eds. 1993. A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell. Knowles, Dudley. 2001 Political Philosophy. London: Routledge. Wolff, J. 1996. An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Relates contemporary problems in political philosophy to the works of some of the great political philosophers of the past. Goodin, R. E., and P. Pettit. eds. 1997. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell. Contains many important and interesting recent papers. Levine, A. 2001. Engaging Political Philosophy: From Hobbes to Rawls. Oxford: Blackwell Hampton, J. 1997. Political Philosophy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. Rosen, Michael, and Jonathan Wolff, eds. 1999. Political Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Contains many relevant extracts. Wikipedia-Political Philosophy- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_philosophy

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