Описание слайда: Let's turn off our video games, and run outside. From so many sports, we may choose and decide. Baseball, ____________, and ____________ are fun, Let's grab some friends, and play in the sun. In baseball, you will be, running around. When you hit the __________, it's a beautiful sound. Let's turn off our video games, and run outside. From so many sports, we may choose and decide. Baseball, ____________, and ____________ are fun, Let's grab some friends, and play in the sun. In baseball, you will be, running around. When you hit the __________, it's a beautiful sound. In football, you pass the ball, wearing ___________, Wear a ____________, and run to the ___________. In basketball, alas, you don’t have a _____________, Unlike in ____________ and big _____________ set. Whatever sports, you decide to play, Enjoy them with friends, each and every day. ГБОУ СОШ № 213 с углубленным изучением английского языка football basketball ball boots jersey goals net volleyball tennis Exercise 1. Listen to the poem and write the missing words