🗊Презентация Aliya Mustafina

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Aliya Mustafina
                                                                                          Выполнила: Батманова Я.О
Описание слайда:
Aliya Mustafina Выполнила: Батманова Я.О

Слайд 2

Aliya Mustafina was born in September 30, 1994 in Egoryevsk. In 2010, she became absolute champion of the world and in the same year became the world champion in the team competition, as well as three-time runner-up of the World Cup. 
Описание слайда:
Aliya Mustafina was born in September 30, 1994 in Egoryevsk. In 2010, she became absolute champion of the world and in the same year became the world champion in the team competition, as well as three-time runner-up of the World Cup. 

Слайд 3

Alia was lead to sport by her father, Farhat Mustafin, in the past - a famous athlete, who was involved in the  
Greco-Roman wrestling. Mustafina was 6 years old then. Alia grew rapidly in sports career, she won almost 
all children, and then junior tournaments. Thus, in the third Student Games Aliya Mustafina managed to win 
five gold medals.
Описание слайда:
Alia was lead to sport by her father, Farhat Mustafin, in the past - a famous athlete, who was involved in the Greco-Roman wrestling. Mustafina was 6 years old then. Alia grew rapidly in sports career, she won almost all children, and then junior tournaments. Thus, in the third Student Games Aliya Mustafina managed to win five gold medals.

Слайд 4

Svetlana Khorkina won Olympic "gold“ medal on the bars during Olympic Games in Atlanta and Sydney-1996- 2000. And now,thanks to Aliya Mustafina after 12 years, the Russian team is again a champion on this kind of sport. 
Описание слайда:
Svetlana Khorkina won Olympic "gold“ medal on the bars during Olympic Games in Atlanta and Sydney-1996- 2000. And now,thanks to Aliya Mustafina after 12 years, the Russian team is again a champion on this kind of sport. 

Слайд 5

It was hard to win this medal, especially after an injury. But she was able to overcome everything and won the fifth "gold" medal! 
Описание слайда:
It was hard to win this medal, especially after an injury. But she was able to overcome everything and won the fifth "gold" medal! 

Слайд 6

Aliya Mustafina the winner of the 2012 th Olympic Games will lead Russia's national team during Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. 
Описание слайда:
Aliya Mustafina the winner of the 2012 th Olympic Games will lead Russia's national team during Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. 

Слайд 7

 I think Aliya Mustafina is a great sportswoman and wonderful example for many sportsmen and for us. In my opinion to go in for sport is a good opportunity to show your talent and be successful. 
Описание слайда:
 I think Aliya Mustafina is a great sportswoman and wonderful example for many sportsmen and for us. In my opinion to go in for sport is a good opportunity to show your talent and be successful. 

Теги Aliya Mustafina
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