🗊Презентация American Revolution

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American Revolution , слайд №1American Revolution , слайд №2American Revolution , слайд №3American Revolution , слайд №4American Revolution , слайд №5American Revolution , слайд №6American Revolution , слайд №7American Revolution , слайд №8American Revolution , слайд №9American Revolution , слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

growing tension b/w residents of GB's 13 colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown, because of high taxes
“taxation without representation”
Описание слайда:
Reasons growing tension b/w residents of GB's 13 colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown, because of high taxes “taxation without representation”

Слайд 3

Boston Tea Party
December 16th, 1773 
destruction of a shipment of tea by colonists. 
As a result, the port of Boston was closed. 
The Patriots in MA set up an alternative shadow government.
12 colonies + MA formed a Continental Congress.
Описание слайда:
Boston Tea Party December 16th, 1773 destruction of a shipment of tea by colonists. As a result, the port of Boston was closed. The Patriots in MA set up an alternative shadow government. 12 colonies + MA formed a Continental Congress.

Слайд 4

April 1775 
skirmishes b/w British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord kicked off the armed conflict, which developed in a full-scale war for the independence of the rebels
Описание слайда:
April 1775 skirmishes b/w British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord kicked off the armed conflict, which developed in a full-scale war for the independence of the rebels

Слайд 5

June 17th, 1775
The Battle of Bunker Hill
during the Siege of Boston
a victory for the British, but with massive losses
gave encouragement to the colonists
Описание слайда:
June 17th, 1775 The Battle of Bunker Hill during the Siege of Boston a victory for the British, but with massive losses gave encouragement to the colonists

Слайд 6

France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists
the war became an international conflict
Описание слайда:
1778 France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists the war became an international conflict

Слайд 7

January 16th,1780
The Battle of Cape St. Vincent 
off the southern coast of Portugal
a British fleet under Admiral Sir George Rodney defeated a Spanish squadron under Don Juan de Lángara
 Moonlight Battle (it was unusual for naval battles in the Age of Sail to take place at night)
Описание слайда:
January 16th,1780 The Battle of Cape St. Vincent off the southern coast of Portugal a British fleet under Admiral Sir George Rodney defeated a Spanish squadron under Don Juan de Lángara Moonlight Battle (it was unusual for naval battles in the Age of Sail to take place at night)

Слайд 8

January 17th,1781
The Battle of Cowpens
a decisive victory by the Continental Army forces under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan over the British Army led by Colonel Banastre Tarleton
a turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina from the British
Описание слайда:
January 17th,1781 The Battle of Cowpens a decisive victory by the Continental Army forces under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan over the British Army led by Colonel Banastre Tarleton a turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina from the British

Слайд 9

American Revolution , слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The Peace of Paris was signed in 1783
American independence 
Britain loses area east of Mississippi River and south of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River to independent United States and to Spain
Spain gains East Florida, West Florida and Minorca
Britain cedes Tobago and Senegal to France
Dutch Republic cedes Negapatnam to Britain
Описание слайда:
Results The Peace of Paris was signed in 1783 American independence Britain loses area east of Mississippi River and south of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River to independent United States and to Spain Spain gains East Florida, West Florida and Minorca Britain cedes Tobago and Senegal to France Dutch Republic cedes Negapatnam to Britain

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