🗊Презентация Britain

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Britain, слайд №1Britain, слайд №2Britain, слайд №3Britain, слайд №4Britain, слайд №5Britain, слайд №6

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

The Geography
The Britain is washed three epidemic deathes, with orient German, with west Iberniyskim (or Iberniyskiy ocean, armor. Oceanus Hibernicus), in the south Britanskim.
Описание слайда:
The Geography The Britain is washed three epidemic deathes, with orient German, with west Iberniyskim (or Iberniyskiy ocean, armor. Oceanus Hibernicus), in the south Britanskim.

Слайд 3

The Culture
Britannic Celt of both chaffs was dressed in smocks, over which put on simple tunics (clothes) without sleeves, collected at a waist a strap with a buckle. A dress was completed a mantle (by a long cloak) which was fastened on a shoulder a brooch or pin. Men carried pantaloons which was densely strung round ankles. The clothes of Celt were done from flax or wool and painted accessible at that time by nature-colours. Not rare were clothes from fabric in a strip or cage. A shoe, caps and cloaks, made home animals out of skin. In business went and rare hides of wild animals, obtained on hunt, and also feather and fuzz of the birds.
Описание слайда:
The Culture Britannic Celt of both chaffs was dressed in smocks, over which put on simple tunics (clothes) without sleeves, collected at a waist a strap with a buckle. A dress was completed a mantle (by a long cloak) which was fastened on a shoulder a brooch or pin. Men carried pantaloons which was densely strung round ankles. The clothes of Celt were done from flax or wool and painted accessible at that time by nature-colours. Not rare were clothes from fabric in a strip or cage. A shoe, caps and cloaks, made home animals out of skin. In business went and rare hides of wild animals, obtained on hunt, and also feather and fuzz of the birds.

Слайд 4

Celt honoured war, riding and feasts. The developed cult rituals of Celt took a place in the special sacred caves, included the rich bringing (their archaeologists often find on the day of the rivers and lakes), and in the special cases (severe weather, crop failure, hunger) assumed the human offerings. As well as other heathen, Celt was added by magic qualities to a sun, sky, earth, Morylum to other natural phenomena. Celtic cults, consuetudes and festivals which life of people submitted, put beginning to many to traditions modern European, and later and the American culture.
Описание слайда:
Religion Celt honoured war, riding and feasts. The developed cult rituals of Celt took a place in the special sacred caves, included the rich bringing (their archaeologists often find on the day of the rivers and lakes), and in the special cases (severe weather, crop failure, hunger) assumed the human offerings. As well as other heathen, Celt was added by magic qualities to a sun, sky, earth, Morylum to other natural phenomena. Celtic cults, consuetudes and festivals which life of people submitted, put beginning to many to traditions modern European, and later and the American culture.

Слайд 5

Celtic settlings
Celt was created by vast settlements which consisted of separate economies or small the countries. For safety such settlements were worn out the high paling or earthen embankments.
Описание слайда:
Celtic settlings Celt was created by vast settlements which consisted of separate economies or small the countries. For safety such settlements were worn out the high paling or earthen embankments.

Слайд 6

The Celtic Britain

In the period of late bronze and early iron (800-700 year to n. e.) migration begins from continent on territory of Britain of Celt (last encroachment - belgi, about 75 to n. e.). Celt brought with itself elements cultures of ferrous age, coexisting originally with a bronze. After celtic and confirmed the conditional name «britty» the kel'tizirovannym population of Britain. The most first mention about Britain and inhabiting it Celt meets for a greek navigator Pifeya ok. 320 to n. e., which marked that the local lived in the wattled or wooden cabins; rear grain the harvest of which is kept under earth; brew beer from grain and honey; obtain tin which is transported in the wattled boats through a channel and sell galliyskim merchants. Pifey left us description of notable exterior of Celt: high white-headed and blue-eyed people. There are certificates, that Celt specially lighted up hairs a lemon-juice[a source is not indicated 70 days] (possibly, for frightening of soldiery opponents). Both women and men carried long hairs which sometimes plaited in scythes.
Описание слайда:
The Celtic Britain Stounhendzh In the period of late bronze and early iron (800-700 year to n. e.) migration begins from continent on territory of Britain of Celt (last encroachment - belgi, about 75 to n. e.). Celt brought with itself elements cultures of ferrous age, coexisting originally with a bronze. After celtic and confirmed the conditional name «britty» the kel'tizirovannym population of Britain. The most first mention about Britain and inhabiting it Celt meets for a greek navigator Pifeya ok. 320 to n. e., which marked that the local lived in the wattled or wooden cabins; rear grain the harvest of which is kept under earth; brew beer from grain and honey; obtain tin which is transported in the wattled boats through a channel and sell galliyskim merchants. Pifey left us description of notable exterior of Celt: high white-headed and blue-eyed people. There are certificates, that Celt specially lighted up hairs a lemon-juice[a source is not indicated 70 days] (possibly, for frightening of soldiery opponents). Both women and men carried long hairs which sometimes plaited in scythes.

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