🗊Презентация Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant

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Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №1Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №2Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №3Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №4Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №5Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №6Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №7Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №8Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №9Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №10Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №11Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №12Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №13Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №14Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №15Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №16

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Москва 25.04.16г.
студенты группы Р02-206:
МАтвиенко А.п.
Ястребов И.э.
Садыков с.Т.
Валюженко С.В.
Описание слайда:
Москва 25.04.16г. студенты группы Р02-206: МАтвиенко А.п. Ястребов И.э. Садыков с.Т. Валюженко С.В.

Слайд 2

«financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant»
Описание слайда:
«financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant»

Слайд 3

Table of contents
History and geographical location 
Leaders and ideological orientation 
Formed under the single name 
The internal antagonisms 
Sources of terrorism financing
Описание слайда:
Table of contents History and geographical location Leaders and ideological orientation Formed under the single name The internal antagonisms Sources of terrorism financing

Слайд 4

history of creation
Описание слайда:
history of creation

Слайд 5

islamic state of Iraq and the levant 
Black standard flag
Описание слайда:
islamic state of Iraq and the levant Black standard flag

Слайд 6

Hamid Dawud Mohamed Khalil al Zawi - known as Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi - was presented as the leader of the Mujahideen Shura Council.
Died April 18, 2010 Tikrit Iraq
Описание слайда:
Hamid Dawud Mohamed Khalil al Zawi - known as Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi - was presented as the leader of the Mujahideen Shura Council. Died April 18, 2010 Tikrit Iraq

Слайд 7

GI has set a goal to capture the Sunni part of Iraq and turn it into a militarized Islamic Sunni state.
GI has set a goal to capture the Sunni part of Iraq and turn it into a militarized Islamic Sunni state.
Описание слайда:
GI has set a goal to capture the Sunni part of Iraq and turn it into a militarized Islamic Sunni state. GI has set a goal to capture the Sunni part of Iraq and turn it into a militarized Islamic Sunni state.

Слайд 8

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of the jihadist militant organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Описание слайда:
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of the jihadist militant organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Слайд 9

Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiriis the current leader of al-Qaeda and a current or former member and senior official of Islamist organizations which have orchestrated and carried out attacks in North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Flag of the al-Nusra Front
Описание слайда:
Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiriis the current leader of al-Qaeda and a current or former member and senior official of Islamist organizations which have orchestrated and carried out attacks in North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Flag of the al-Nusra Front

Слайд 10

group «Dzhebhat en-nusra» in syria 
group «Dzhebhat en-nusra» in syria
Описание слайда:
group «Dzhebhat en-nusra» in syria group «Dzhebhat en-nusra» in syria

Слайд 11

on Lih subject to international sanctions in accordance with un security council
Описание слайда:
on Lih subject to international sanctions in accordance with un security council

Слайд 12

According to statistics on the side of LIH fighting from 10 to 15 thousand soldiers
Описание слайда:
According to statistics on the side of LIH fighting from 10 to 15 thousand soldiers

Слайд 13

The source of financing of the group are the proceeds of:
Ransom payments received after the hostage-taking
Smuggling of weapons 
Trafficking in human beings 
Drug trafficking 
Private investors from the Gulf countries, supporting the fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad
Описание слайда:
The source of financing of the group are the proceeds of: Robberies Ransom payments received after the hostage-taking Smuggling of weapons Trafficking in human beings Drug trafficking Private investors from the Gulf countries, supporting the fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad

Слайд 14

The ultimate goal of ISIS is the creation of the «great Caliphate», and should include countries that ever were under the rule of the Arab conquerors, Ottoman Empire and other neighboring areas.
Описание слайда:
The ultimate goal of ISIS is the creation of the «great Caliphate», and should include countries that ever were under the rule of the Arab conquerors, Ottoman Empire and other neighboring areas.

Слайд 15

Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

Financing of the terrorist organization islamic state of iraq and the levant, слайд №16
Описание слайда:

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