🗊Презентация Five steps to make your family happier

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Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №1Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №2Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №3Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №4Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №5Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №6Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №7Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №8Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №9Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №10Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №11Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №12Five steps to make your family happier, слайд №13

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Слайд 1

5 Steps to make your family happier
Описание слайда:
5 Steps to make your family happier YOU NEED THIS!

Слайд 2

Something about family problems
As soon you become a teenager you start developing confidence that what are you doing is right and stop listening to hat your parents want to say. You start feeling that there os a generation gap between you and your parents. Ut it never means that you should not respect them or start ignoring them. Giving respect to your parents can give them happiness.
Описание слайда:
Something about family problems As soon you become a teenager you start developing confidence that what are you doing is right and stop listening to hat your parents want to say. You start feeling that there os a generation gap between you and your parents. Ut it never means that you should not respect them or start ignoring them. Giving respect to your parents can give them happiness.

Слайд 3

First step:
Do things together!
Описание слайда:
First step: Do things together!

Слайд 4

The first step to make you life more colorful and happier is to make some things together with your parents…You wanna watch some film? How about watch it with you dad or mom? You’ll do two thing in one way : you’ll watch some good film AND give some relax and calmness to your parents after their hard working day! 
The first step to make you life more colorful and happier is to make some things together with your parents…You wanna watch some film? How about watch it with you dad or mom? You’ll do two thing in one way : you’ll watch some good film AND give some relax and calmness to your parents after their hard working day!
Описание слайда:
The first step to make you life more colorful and happier is to make some things together with your parents…You wanna watch some film? How about watch it with you dad or mom? You’ll do two thing in one way : you’ll watch some good film AND give some relax and calmness to your parents after their hard working day! The first step to make you life more colorful and happier is to make some things together with your parents…You wanna watch some film? How about watch it with you dad or mom? You’ll do two thing in one way : you’ll watch some good film AND give some relax and calmness to your parents after their hard working day!

Слайд 5

SECOND step:
Share your thoughts!
Описание слайда:
SECOND step: Share your thoughts!

Слайд 6

Don’t be close with you family! Be open! If you have some “hard” thoughts, share it! Your family will always give you some good advice. Even if you won’t do thing like they advice you, their part will help you to make right choice.
Don’t be close with you family! Be open! If you have some “hard” thoughts, share it! Your family will always give you some good advice. Even if you won’t do thing like they advice you, their part will help you to make right choice.
Описание слайда:
Don’t be close with you family! Be open! If you have some “hard” thoughts, share it! Your family will always give you some good advice. Even if you won’t do thing like they advice you, their part will help you to make right choice. Don’t be close with you family! Be open! If you have some “hard” thoughts, share it! Your family will always give you some good advice. Even if you won’t do thing like they advice you, their part will help you to make right choice.

Слайд 7

Be understandeble!
Описание слайда:
THIRD STEP: Be understandeble!

Слайд 8

Sometimes your parents have some problems in their life as like any of us…Don’t try to make their life more difficult as it is now. Don’t require some big attention to you from them. Try to understand and help to live through it. 
Sometimes your parents have some problems in their life as like any of us…Don’t try to make their life more difficult as it is now. Don’t require some big attention to you from them. Try to understand and help to live through it.
Описание слайда:
Sometimes your parents have some problems in their life as like any of us…Don’t try to make their life more difficult as it is now. Don’t require some big attention to you from them. Try to understand and help to live through it. Sometimes your parents have some problems in their life as like any of us…Don’t try to make their life more difficult as it is now. Don’t require some big attention to you from them. Try to understand and help to live through it.

Слайд 9

FOUrth step: 
Show your appreciation!
Описание слайда:
FOUrth step: Show your appreciation!

Слайд 10

Your parents have done a lot for you, that is the only reason that you are enjoying your life with a proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude with a card, flower or a hug?
Your parents have done a lot for you, that is the only reason that you are enjoying your life with a proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude with a card, flower or a hug?
Описание слайда:
Your parents have done a lot for you, that is the only reason that you are enjoying your life with a proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude with a card, flower or a hug? Your parents have done a lot for you, that is the only reason that you are enjoying your life with a proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude with a card, flower or a hug?

Слайд 11

FIFth step:
Don’t skimp with praise!
Описание слайда:
FIFth step: Don’t skimp with praise!

Слайд 12

Praise your family more! There is no enough praise! You may praise your mom for tasty dinner, your father for his achievements at work, your brother for sports and for many other good things!
Praise your family more! There is no enough praise! You may praise your mom for tasty dinner, your father for his achievements at work, your brother for sports and for many other good things!
Описание слайда:
Praise your family more! There is no enough praise! You may praise your mom for tasty dinner, your father for his achievements at work, your brother for sports and for many other good things! Praise your family more! There is no enough praise! You may praise your mom for tasty dinner, your father for his achievements at work, your brother for sports and for many other good things!

Слайд 13

That’s not all…
Of course there are many ways to make your familylife more happier, and you need to find them…Maybe not all, but you should always try to live your familylife better as it is now. And I wish you good luck with that!
Описание слайда:
That’s not all… Of course there are many ways to make your familylife more happier, and you need to find them…Maybe not all, but you should always try to live your familylife better as it is now. And I wish you good luck with that!

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