🗊Презентация Generations

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Generations, слайд №1Generations, слайд №2Generations, слайд №3Generations, слайд №4Generations, слайд №5Generations, слайд №6

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Слайд 1

The Baby Boomers
Описание слайда:
Generations The Baby Boomers X Y Z

Слайд 2

The baby boomers
Baby Boomers are people that were born during the period of time right after World War II. This group of consumers often takes important leadership positions of large companies, especially law firms. They usually  have high social status, trust advertising companies and value quality of the products.
Описание слайда:
The baby boomers 1946-1960 Baby Boomers are people that were born during the period of time right after World War II. This group of consumers often takes important leadership positions of large companies, especially law firms. They usually have high social status, trust advertising companies and value quality of the products.

Слайд 3

Generation X
Generation X is very individualistic. As a result, representatives of the generation X want to be as  independent as it is only possible. They appreciate freedom and responsibility, support well-known brands,  pay attention to opinions of authoritative personalities. While buying a product, they tend to save time and energy, so they rarely change their buying habits.
Описание слайда:
Generation X 1964-1978 Generation X is very individualistic. As a result, representatives of the generation X want to be as independent as it is only possible. They appreciate freedom and responsibility, support well-known brands, pay attention to opinions of authoritative personalities. While buying a product, they tend to save time and energy, so they rarely change their buying habits.

Слайд 4

Generation Y
Generation Y has grown during the development of technology, they adapt to new inventions and actively use them in daily life. They are practical and cynical, they rarely trust advertising or celebrities and are ready for various experiments. They value reasonable prices combined with good quality of goods and positive experience of use, prefer brands with good reputation. Most of the information about goods and brands they learn from the Internet.
Описание слайда:
Generation Y 1978-1994 Generation Y has grown during the development of technology, they adapt to new inventions and actively use them in daily life. They are practical and cynical, they rarely trust advertising or celebrities and are ready for various experiments. They value reasonable prices combined with good quality of goods and positive experience of use, prefer brands with good reputation. Most of the information about goods and brands they learn from the Internet.

Слайд 5

Generation Z
Generation Z It’s my generation- generation of high-tech world. We try to find a balance between the individual and regular, we remember well-known brands and love to  make experiments, we combine expensive with cheap, classic with unusual. We follow the rules of fashion, but do not forget about our own preferences and comfort. We buy a lot, for many of us shopping brings pleasure and can be a form of creativity. We don't follow the advice of celebrities and don't watch ads on TV.
Описание слайда:
Generation Z 1994-today Generation Z It’s my generation- generation of high-tech world. We try to find a balance between the individual and regular, we remember well-known brands and love to make experiments, we combine expensive with cheap, classic with unusual. We follow the rules of fashion, but do not forget about our own preferences and comfort. We buy a lot, for many of us shopping brings pleasure and can be a form of creativity. We don't follow the advice of celebrities and don't watch ads on TV.

Слайд 6

To sum up, I'd like to say that each generation differs from the previous one. 
To sum up, I'd like to say that each generation differs from the previous one. 
But we mustn’t forget that we all - individuals and all of us are various no matter what period of time we were born
Описание слайда:
To sum up, I'd like to say that each generation differs from the previous one. To sum up, I'd like to say that each generation differs from the previous one. But we mustn’t forget that we all - individuals and all of us are various no matter what period of time we were born

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