🗊Презентация History & Mystery of the English language

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History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №1History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №2History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №3History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №4History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №5History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №6History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №7History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №8History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №9History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №10History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №11History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №12History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №13History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №14History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №15History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №16History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №17History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №18History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №19History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №20History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №21History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №22History & Mystery of the English language, слайд №23

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

October, 24.
History & Mystery of the English language.
Описание слайда:
October, 24. History & Mystery of the English language.

Слайд 2

The aims of the lesson:
To summarize the material of the previous lessons.
To learn the new words.
Get the new information about the British history.
Описание слайда:
The aims of the lesson: To summarize the material of the previous lessons. To learn the new words. Get the new information about the British history.

Слайд 3

Speaking English
Repeat the following words after the speaker
Описание слайда:
Speaking English Repeat the following words after the speaker

Слайд 4

Speaking English
to include – включать
competition – соревнование
cooperation – сотрудничество 
to inhabit – населять
immemorial – незапамятные
natives – коренные жители
to invent – изобретать 
rune – руна
contribution – вклад 
basic – основной 
to remain – оставаться
Описание слайда:
Speaking English to include – включать competition – соревнование cooperation – сотрудничество to inhabit – населять immemorial – незапамятные natives – коренные жители to invent – изобретать rune – руна contribution – вклад basic – основной to remain – оставаться

Слайд 5

The History of the British Isles
      The British Isles have a long history. It includes war and peace, drama and tragedy, competition and cooperation with different nations.
Описание слайда:
The History of the British Isles The British Isles have a long history. It includes war and peace, drama and tragedy, competition and cooperation with different nations.

Слайд 6

The Celts
The Celts inhabited Britain since the times immemorial. They can be called the natives of the British Isles.
Описание слайда:
The Celts The Celts inhabited Britain since the times immemorial. They can be called the natives of the British Isles.

Слайд 7

The Celts
      The Celts invented their own written language, but instead of letters they used runes. Many places of interest, such as Stonehenge, were also built by them.
Описание слайда:
The Celts The Celts invented their own written language, but instead of letters they used runes. Many places of interest, such as Stonehenge, were also built by them.

Слайд 8

The Celts
     The Celtic contribution to the English language is not great. Only the basic words still remain in everyday use, such as: 
go, eat, drink, be, father, mother, etc.
What sphere do they belong to?
Описание слайда:
The Celts The Celtic contribution to the English language is not great. Only the basic words still remain in everyday use, such as: go, eat, drink, be, father, mother, etc. What sphere do they belong to?

Слайд 9

The Romans
     In the 44 AD the Romans invaded the British Isles.
Описание слайда:
The Romans In the 44 AD the Romans invaded the British Isles.

Слайд 10

The Romans
They built roads, walls, schools and bath houses. And of course, collected taxes. Soon most of the Celts got used to the Roman way of life.
Описание слайда:
The Romans They built roads, walls, schools and bath houses. And of course, collected taxes. Soon most of the Celts got used to the Roman way of life.

Слайд 11

The Romans
   The Romans had brought many new words to the English language. The names of food (cherry, pear, wine), buildings (wall, street), etc.
     Why do the Romans build such a great number of roads?
Описание слайда:
The Romans The Romans had brought many new words to the English language. The names of food (cherry, pear, wine), buildings (wall, street), etc. Why do the Romans build such a great number of roads?

Слайд 12

The Anglo-Saxons
      The Romans left Britain in the 5th century. And immediately it was attacked by the German tribes - Angles, Saxons, Jutes.
Описание слайда:
The Anglo-Saxons The Romans left Britain in the 5th century. And immediately it was attacked by the German tribes - Angles, Saxons, Jutes.

Слайд 13

The Anglo-Saxons
   The natives couldn’t defend themselves. The Germans founded the first kingdoms and lived in peace with the Celts for a few centuries.
Описание слайда:
The Anglo-Saxons The natives couldn’t defend themselves. The Germans founded the first kingdoms and lived in peace with the Celts for a few centuries.

Слайд 14

The Anglo-Saxons
   The Anglo-Saxon words still remain in the English language. They mostly describe the household and family being. 
- Lord, lady, bread, pork, cow, etc.
Описание слайда:
The Anglo-Saxons The Anglo-Saxon words still remain in the English language. They mostly describe the household and family being. - Lord, lady, bread, pork, cow, etc.

Слайд 15

The Church
       In the 6th century the Christianity was introduced in Britain. The new words came into the language:
- angel, altar, devil, the Bible.
Guess the meaning of these words!
Описание слайда:
The Church In the 6th century the Christianity was introduced in Britain. The new words came into the language: - angel, altar, devil, the Bible. Guess the meaning of these words!

Слайд 16

The Vikings
   From the 8th century the Vikings began to raid the British Isles. Finally they even got a piece of land – the so called Danelaw.
Описание слайда:
The Vikings From the 8th century the Vikings began to raid the British Isles. Finally they even got a piece of land – the so called Danelaw.

Слайд 17

The Vikings
  The words brought to the English language by the  Vikings have something in common: sounds “s”, “sk”, “g”, for example:
- egg, sky, ship, skirt, sea, etc.
Описание слайда:
The Vikings The words brought to the English language by the Vikings have something in common: sounds “s”, “sk”, “g”, for example: - egg, sky, ship, skirt, sea, etc.

Слайд 18

The Normans
     In the 1066 AD William the Conqueror defeated the English king Harold in the battle of Hastings and became the king himself.
Описание слайда:
The Normans In the 1066 AD William the Conqueror defeated the English king Harold in the battle of Hastings and became the king himself.

Слайд 19

The Normans
The Norman influence on the English language was great! A lot of words from French came into it, for example:
village, army, soldier, religion, venison, beef, etc.
Описание слайда:
The Normans The Norman influence on the English language was great! A lot of words from French came into it, for example: village, army, soldier, religion, venison, beef, etc.

Слайд 20

Описание слайда:

Слайд 21

Choose the right answer:
1. Who invaded Britain in the 5th century?
a) Romans  b) Normans  c) Germans
2. What was the nickname of king William?
a) the Noble  b) the Conqueror  c) the Deer
3. The Normans came from ….
a) France  b) Russia  c) USA  d) China
Описание слайда:
Choose the right answer: 1. Who invaded Britain in the 5th century? a) Romans b) Normans c) Germans 2. What was the nickname of king William? a) the Noble b) the Conqueror c) the Deer 3. The Normans came from …. a) France b) Russia c) USA d) China

Слайд 22

Choose the right answer:
4. The Christianity was introduced in …
a) 6th century  b) 11th century  c) 44 BC
5. The Vikings …
a) raided Britain  b) defended Britain
6. The runes were used by …
a) the Romans  b) the Normans  c) the Celts
Описание слайда:
Choose the right answer: 4. The Christianity was introduced in … a) 6th century b) 11th century c) 44 BC 5. The Vikings … a) raided Britain b) defended Britain 6. The runes were used by … a) the Romans b) the Normans c) the Celts

Слайд 23

The end
Описание слайда:
The end

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