🗊Презентация Interest Rates and Monetary Policy

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Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №1Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №2Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №3Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №4Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №5Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №6Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №7Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №8Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №9Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №10Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №11Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №12Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №13Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №14Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №15Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №16Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №17Interest Rates and Monetary Policy, слайд №18

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Слайд 1

Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
Описание слайда:
Interest Rates and Monetary Policy

Слайд 2

Interest Rates
The price paid for the use of money
Many different interest rates
Speak as if only one interest rate
Determined by the money supply and money demand
Описание слайда:
Interest Rates The price paid for the use of money Many different interest rates Speak as if only one interest rate Determined by the money supply and money demand

Слайд 3

Demand for Money
Why hold money?
Transactions demand, Dt
Determined by nominal GDP
Independent of the interest rate
Asset demand, Da
Money as a store of value
Varies inversely with the interest rate
Total money demand, Dm
Описание слайда:
Demand for Money Why hold money? Transactions demand, Dt Determined by nominal GDP Independent of the interest rate Asset demand, Da Money as a store of value Varies inversely with the interest rate Total money demand, Dm

Слайд 4

Demand for Money
Описание слайда:
Demand for Money

Слайд 5

Loans to commercial banks
Reserves of commercial banks
Treasury deposits
Federal Reserve Notes outstanding
Описание слайда:
Assets Assets Securities Loans to commercial banks Liabilities Reserves of commercial banks Treasury deposits Federal Reserve Notes outstanding

Слайд 6

Tools of Monetary Policy
Open market operations
Buying and selling of government securities (or bonds)
Commercial banks and the general public
Used to influence the money supply
When the Fed sells securities, commercial bank reserves are reduced
Описание слайда:
Tools of Monetary Policy Open market operations Buying and selling of government securities (or bonds) Commercial banks and the general public Used to influence the money supply When the Fed sells securities, commercial bank reserves are reduced

Слайд 7

Tools of Monetary Policy
Fed buys bonds from commercial banks
Описание слайда:
Tools of Monetary Policy Fed buys bonds from commercial banks

Слайд 8

Tools of Monetary Policy
Fed sells bonds to commercial banks
Описание слайда:
Tools of Monetary Policy Fed sells bonds to commercial banks

Слайд 9

Tools of Monetary Policy
The reserve ratio
Changes the money multiplier
The discount rate
The Fed as lender of last resort
Short term loans
Term auction facility
Introduced December 2007
Banks bid for the right to borrow reserves
Описание слайда:
Tools of Monetary Policy The reserve ratio Changes the money multiplier The discount rate The Fed as lender of last resort Short term loans Term auction facility Introduced December 2007 Banks bid for the right to borrow reserves

Слайд 10

Tools of Monetary Policy
Open market operations are the most important
Reserve ratio last changed in 1992
Discount rate was a passive tool
Term auction facility is new
Guaranteed amount lent by the Fed
Описание слайда:
Tools of Monetary Policy Open market operations are the most important Reserve ratio last changed in 1992 Discount rate was a passive tool Term auction facility is new Guaranteed amount lent by the Fed Anonymous

Слайд 11

The Federal Funds Rate
Rate charged by banks on overnight loans
Targeted by the Federal Reserve
FOMC conducts open market operations to achieve the target
Demand curve for Federal funds
Supply curve for Federal funds
Описание слайда:
The Federal Funds Rate Rate charged by banks on overnight loans Targeted by the Federal Reserve FOMC conducts open market operations to achieve the target Demand curve for Federal funds Supply curve for Federal funds

Слайд 12

Monetary Policy
Expansionary monetary policy
Economy faces a recession
Lower target for Federal funds rate
Fed buys securities 
Expanded money supply
Downward pressure on other interest rates
Описание слайда:
Monetary Policy Expansionary monetary policy Economy faces a recession Lower target for Federal funds rate Fed buys securities Expanded money supply Downward pressure on other interest rates

Слайд 13

Monetary Policy
Restrictive monetary policy
Periods of rising inflation
Increases Federal funds rate
Increases money supply
Increases other interest rates
Описание слайда:
Monetary Policy Restrictive monetary policy Periods of rising inflation Increases Federal funds rate Increases money supply Increases other interest rates

Слайд 14

Taylor Rule
Rule of thumb for tracking actual monetary policy
Fed has 2% target inflation rate
If real GDP = potential GDP and inflation is 2%, then targeted Federal funds rate is 4%
Target varies as inflation and real GDP vary
Описание слайда:
Taylor Rule Rule of thumb for tracking actual monetary policy Fed has 2% target inflation rate If real GDP = potential GDP and inflation is 2%, then targeted Federal funds rate is 4% Target varies as inflation and real GDP vary

Слайд 15

Expansionary Monetary Policy
Описание слайда:
Expansionary Monetary Policy

Слайд 16

Restrictive Monetary Policy
Описание слайда:
Restrictive Monetary Policy

Слайд 17

Evaluation and Issues
Advantages over fiscal policy
Speed and flexibility
Isolation from political pressure
Monetary policy is more subtle than fiscal policy
Описание слайда:
Evaluation and Issues Advantages over fiscal policy Speed and flexibility Isolation from political pressure Monetary policy is more subtle than fiscal policy

Слайд 18

Problems and Complications
Recognition and operational
Cyclical asymmetry
Liquidity trap
Описание слайда:
Problems and Complications Lags Recognition and operational Cyclical asymmetry Liquidity trap

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