🗊Презентация Is it easy to be young ?

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Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №1Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №2Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №3Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №4Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №5Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №6Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №7Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №8Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №9Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №10Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №11Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №12Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №13Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №14Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №15Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №16Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №17Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №18Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №19Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №20Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №21Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №22Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №23Is it easy to be young ?, слайд №24

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The teacher : Kudra E.M.
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

It means
having everything for the first time
being with friends
having problems with parents
taking a lot of exams
having problems with skin
going to parties and discotheques
lacking understanding on the part of people who surround him
learning to take the consequences of actions
Описание слайда:
“BEING A TEENAGER” – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means having everything for the first time being with friends having problems with parents taking a lot of exams having problems with skin going to parties and discotheques lacking understanding on the part of people who surround him learning to take the consequences of actions

Слайд 3

What are teens’ life ambitions?
They want to 
Enjoy life
Be independent
Express their individuality
Be taken seriously
Earn money
Do well at school
Have their own values and beliefs
Try out all sort of options
Protest against the society
Change the world to the best
Описание слайда:
What are teens’ life ambitions? They want to Enjoy life Be independent Express their individuality Be taken seriously Earn money Do well at school Have their own values and beliefs Try out all sort of options Protest against the society Change the world to the best

Слайд 4

What problems worry young people ?
Family problems
Personal problems
School problems
Drug addiction
Drinking problems
Описание слайда:
What problems worry young people ? Family problems Personal problems School problems Violence Aggressiveness Cruelty Drug addiction Drinking problems Poverty Discrimination

Слайд 5

What are the reasons of the teens’ problems?
The reasons are (that)
Teens get depressed and upset
They are badly treated at home
Their parents are quite indifferent
Teens are not taken seriously
They can’t solve their problems themselves
The system of our life
The changes of the society
Описание слайда:
What are the reasons of the teens’ problems? The reasons are (that) Teens get depressed and upset They are badly treated at home Their parents are quite indifferent Teens are not taken seriously They can’t solve their problems themselves The system of our life The changes of the society

Слайд 6

Young People – Old Problems?
Nowadays, more and more social problems
 are associated with being young.
Different people explain the reasons for teenagers’ behaviour:
Описание слайда:
Young People – Old Problems? Nowadays, more and more social problems are associated with being young. Different people explain the reasons for teenagers’ behaviour:

Слайд 7

The Government says that violence, AIDS, drugs, alchohol are more and more associated with youngsters.
The specialists explain that the changes in our society force young people choose their own lifestyle.
Adults think that the teenagers are too young to be taken seriously.
Teenagers admit that they often cannot solve their problems themselves.
Описание слайда:
The Government says that violence, AIDS, drugs, alchohol are more and more associated with youngsters. The specialists explain that the changes in our society force young people choose their own lifestyle. Adults think that the teenagers are too young to be taken seriously. Teenagers admit that they often cannot solve their problems themselves.

Слайд 8

To protect children’s rights the United Nations has worked out an international agreement called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
It gives you different rights.
Описание слайда:
EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOU To protect children’s rights the United Nations has worked out an international agreement called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It gives you different rights.

Слайд 9

Are divided into
Описание слайда:
RIGHTS OF THE CHILD Are divided into

Слайд 10

Do You Know These Rights?
All Children have
The right to non-discrimination                     
The right to life
The right to name and nationality at birth
The right to health and health care
The right to education and development                                         
The right to leisure
The right to express their views 
The right to information
The right to meet other people
The right to privacy
The right to take a full and active part in everyday life 
The right to protection
Описание слайда:
Do You Know These Rights? All Children have The right to non-discrimination The right to life The right to name and nationality at birth The right to health and health care The right to education and development The right to leisure The right to express their views The right to information The right to meet other people The right to privacy The right to take a full and active part in everyday life The right to protection

Слайд 11

The difference between rule, law, regulation, 
obligation and right : (from the dictionary)
Rule-1.law or custom which guides or controls behaviour or action:~s of the game.2.something that can or must be done according to regulation.
Law - rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society.
Regulation – rule, order ; authoritative direction.
Obligation – duty that shows what action must be taken(e.g.:the power of the law, a sense of what is right).
Right – something one may do or have by law, authority, etc.: human~.
Описание слайда:
The difference between rule, law, regulation, obligation and right : (from the dictionary) Rule-1.law or custom which guides or controls behaviour or action:~s of the game.2.something that can or must be done according to regulation. Law - rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society. Regulation – rule, order ; authoritative direction. Obligation – duty that shows what action must be taken(e.g.:the power of the law, a sense of what is right). Right – something one may do or have by law, authority, etc.: human~.

Слайд 12

There are a lot of organisations all over the world that help people to cope with their problems.
 The NSPCC – National Security for the Protection of Cruelty to Children was founded in Britain in 1884. It helps children. The NSPCC has inspectors all over the country. Some people who work there are volunteers. Everybody who has a suspicion that a child is being treated badly can inform one of the inspectors or even write a letter.This organisation also includes child health care, the care and the protection of single parents.
Описание слайда:
There are a lot of organisations all over the world that help people to cope with their problems. The NSPCC – National Security for the Protection of Cruelty to Children was founded in Britain in 1884. It helps children. The NSPCC has inspectors all over the country. Some people who work there are volunteers. Everybody who has a suspicion that a child is being treated badly can inform one of the inspectors or even write a letter.This organisation also includes child health care, the care and the protection of single parents.

Слайд 13

The organisation “SAVE the CHILDREN”
This organisation was founded in 1990 in Latvia by initiative of a children’s doctor Inguna Ebele. Experts and specialists investigate into the family’s situation, work out documents aimed at the improvement of this situation. More than 1000 members work there nowadays.
A centre responsible for implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was founded in Latvia.
Описание слайда:
The organisation “SAVE the CHILDREN” This organisation was founded in 1990 in Latvia by initiative of a children’s doctor Inguna Ebele. Experts and specialists investigate into the family’s situation, work out documents aimed at the improvement of this situation. More than 1000 members work there nowadays. A centre responsible for implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was founded in Latvia.

Слайд 14

What rules does your family have?
Описание слайда:
ALL FAMILIES HAVE RULES What rules does your family have? MY PARENTS

Слайд 15

To watch what I want on TV
To eat what I want and like
To have my pocket money
To dress the way I want
To drive the car
To decide what to do after finishing school
To make friends with a boy or a girl
Описание слайда:
MY PARENTS ALLOW ME: To watch what I want on TV To eat what I want and like To have my pocket money To dress the way I want To drive the car To decide what to do after finishing school To make friends with a boy or a girl

Слайд 16

Choose my own friends
Get a part time job
Cook dinner for myself
Spend my pocket money
Go to discos
Wear jeans to school
Organize parties at home
Описание слайда:
MY PARENTS LET ME Choose my own friends Get a part time job Cook dinner for myself Spend my pocket money Go to discos Wear jeans to school Organize parties at home

Слайд 17

be home by 11 o’clock
wear school uniform
help about the house
do my lessons
show my school diary
read books
play musical instruments
be always carefully
Описание слайда:
MY PARENTS MAKE ME be home by 11 o’clock wear school uniform help about the house do my lessons show my school diary read books play musical instruments be always carefully

Слайд 18

to stay late at night
to smoke
to drink alcohol
to wear jeans to school
to organize parties at home
to drive a car
to watch film for adults on TV
Описание слайда:
MY PARENTS FORBID ME to stay late at night to smoke to drink alcohol to wear jeans to school to organize parties at home to drive a car to watch film for adults on TV

Слайд 19

Teenagers like wearing T-shirts
with messages on them:
Описание слайда:
Teenagers like wearing T-shirts with messages on them:

Слайд 20

Poems with rules decided for 
young people by adults
   “ Learn well your grammar, 
    And never stammer,
    Write well and neatly,
    And sing most sweetly”.
                                         Edward Lear
Описание слайда:
Poems with rules decided for young people by adults “ Learn well your grammar, And never stammer, Write well and neatly, And sing most sweetly”. Edward Lear

Слайд 21

You who are the oldest,
You who are the tallest,
Don’t you think you ought to help
The youngest and the smallest?

                          You who are the strongest,
                          You who are the quickest,
                          Don’t you think you ought to help
                          The weakest and the sickest?

                                                                                    Gelett Burgess
Описание слайда:
YOU ARE THE OLDEST You who are the oldest, You who are the tallest, Don’t you think you ought to help The youngest and the smallest? You who are the strongest, You who are the quickest, Don’t you think you ought to help The weakest and the sickest? Gelett Burgess

Слайд 22

“ For a child “
A child should always say what’s true
And speak when he is spoken to,
And behave mannerly at the table;
At least as far as he is able.

                                    Robert Louis Stevenson
Описание слайда:
“ For a child “ A child should always say what’s true And speak when he is spoken to, And behave mannerly at the table; At least as far as he is able. Robert Louis Stevenson

Слайд 23

“ Do as I say ! ”
Take out the papers and the trash,
Or you don’t get no spending cash.
You ain’t gonna rock and roll no more.
Don’t tack back.
                                            Just finish cleaning up your room,
                                            Let’s see the dust fly with that broom,
                                            Get all the garbage out of sight,
                                            Or you don’t go out Friday night.
Don’t you give me no dirty looks,
Your mother hip, she knows what cook.
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside,
You ain’t got time to take a ride.              J. Leiber and M. Stoller
Описание слайда:
“ Do as I say ! ” Take out the papers and the trash, Or you don’t get no spending cash. You ain’t gonna rock and roll no more. Yakety-yak. Don’t tack back. Just finish cleaning up your room, Let’s see the dust fly with that broom, Get all the garbage out of sight, Or you don’t go out Friday night. Don’t you give me no dirty looks, Your mother hip, she knows what cook. Just tell your hoodlum friend outside, You ain’t got time to take a ride. J. Leiber and M. Stoller

Слайд 24

I claim the human right to live.
I claim the human right to love.
I claim the human right to work.
I claim the right of every child to eat.

You should have the right to talk 
And of course the right to leisure.
You should have the right to rest
And enjoy the life for pleasure.
Описание слайда:
“ MY RIGHTS “ I claim the human right to live. I claim the human right to love. I claim the human right to work. I claim the right of every child to eat. You should have the right to talk And of course the right to leisure. You should have the right to rest And enjoy the life for pleasure.

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