🗊Презентация Kryvyi Rih Area

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Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №1Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №2Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №3Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №4Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №5Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №6Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №7Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №8Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №9Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №10Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №11Kryvyi Rih Area, слайд №12

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Слайд 1

The Land of Kryvyi Rih Area
Legends of the Steppe
Описание слайда:
The Land of Kryvyi Rih Area Legends of the Steppe Territory

Слайд 2

A Legend About the Beauty Rudana and Her Lover,
the Hunter by the Name Ingulets
        The Gods punished the tribe of Rudana by an awful drought, and they expected to receive the victim and the most expensive one that people had:
                               To have the barns crammed with goods
                               And, as earlier, all in abounded,
                               Let the best pair of young people
                               Offer themselves in sacrifice to the gods!
        And the proud beauty Rudana together with her groom unbent and without fear, went to the sacrificial rock.
                               Rudana went up the rocky peaks,
                               Resolutely stepped to the edge,
                               And cried aloud: “Farewell, people!” –
                               And rushed as a stone downwards.
                               And not the fall of the body the tribe heard –
                               But the thunder cracked the granite!
                               By the impact the ground was stirred up,
                               And the lightning fired the zenith.
         By steep flows of the rain rushed to the ground and hid both lovers. At that place two small rivers merged: the red one, as if with the blood, Saksagan and the muddy Ingulets. And on the surface of the rock there appeared the deposits of iron ore (people say it is the blood of Rudana), the excavation of which brings a considerable benefit to the citizens of Kryvyi Rih now.
Описание слайда:
A Legend About the Beauty Rudana and Her Lover, the Hunter by the Name Ingulets The Gods punished the tribe of Rudana by an awful drought, and they expected to receive the victim and the most expensive one that people had: To have the barns crammed with goods And, as earlier, all in abounded, Let the best pair of young people Offer themselves in sacrifice to the gods! And the proud beauty Rudana together with her groom unbent and without fear, went to the sacrificial rock. Rudana went up the rocky peaks, Resolutely stepped to the edge, And cried aloud: “Farewell, people!” – And rushed as a stone downwards. And not the fall of the body the tribe heard – But the thunder cracked the granite! By the impact the ground was stirred up, And the lightning fired the zenith. By steep flows of the rain rushed to the ground and hid both lovers. At that place two small rivers merged: the red one, as if with the blood, Saksagan and the muddy Ingulets. And on the surface of the rock there appeared the deposits of iron ore (people say it is the blood of Rudana), the excavation of which brings a considerable benefit to the citizens of Kryvyi Rih now.

Слайд 3

Where did the name of Kryvyi Rih 
come from?
          In 1734, after creating the New Sich, the territory of Kryvyi Rih was included into the structure of the Russian Empire. And in February, 1775, the government assigned the Zaporizhya Kish to build a post station at the place of the merge of Saksagan and Ingulets. This honourable mission was entrusted to the clerk of the Kish, Feodosy Kudlik. So, on April the 27th (May the 8th) of 1775 the state post station of Kryvyi Rih started to function with 5 Cossacks from various regiments. Thus, the 8th of May (by the new style) is the official date of the establishment of the post station at the place where the city is located today.
           It is hard to explain where the name of Kryvyi Rih came from, though researchers give enough interpretation to the name of the city. In 1781, the academician V. Zuev made a record: “Kryvyi Rih means the stone cape between Saksagan and Ingulets, the one, that the small river Saksagan, in the length of five miles envelopes this capenin such a way that the fourth of the mile distance is between the two knees of the cape, that is why it carries the name Kryvyi Rih”.
           One more etymological version of the name is stated by the scientists of the institute of linguistics named after O. Potebnya. Scientists assert, that it resembles the large gully, which had the name, the Curve Gully (Horn). In reality, on the maps of the Novorossiyskaya province, dated 1785, the place of the lowest merge of the rivers Ingulets and Saksagan is designated as the Kryvyi Yar.
Описание слайда:
Where did the name of Kryvyi Rih come from? In 1734, after creating the New Sich, the territory of Kryvyi Rih was included into the structure of the Russian Empire. And in February, 1775, the government assigned the Zaporizhya Kish to build a post station at the place of the merge of Saksagan and Ingulets. This honourable mission was entrusted to the clerk of the Kish, Feodosy Kudlik. So, on April the 27th (May the 8th) of 1775 the state post station of Kryvyi Rih started to function with 5 Cossacks from various regiments. Thus, the 8th of May (by the new style) is the official date of the establishment of the post station at the place where the city is located today. It is hard to explain where the name of Kryvyi Rih came from, though researchers give enough interpretation to the name of the city. In 1781, the academician V. Zuev made a record: “Kryvyi Rih means the stone cape between Saksagan and Ingulets, the one, that the small river Saksagan, in the length of five miles envelopes this capenin such a way that the fourth of the mile distance is between the two knees of the cape, that is why it carries the name Kryvyi Rih”. One more etymological version of the name is stated by the scientists of the institute of linguistics named after O. Potebnya. Scientists assert, that it resembles the large gully, which had the name, the Curve Gully (Horn). In reality, on the maps of the Novorossiyskaya province, dated 1785, the place of the lowest merge of the rivers Ingulets and Saksagan is designated as the Kryvyi Yar.

Слайд 4

The Biography of the “Kryvorizhstal”
Industrial life was breathed into the city by Mr. A. Pol. By his initiative, in Paris, the “Joint-stock company of iron ores of Kryvyi Rih area” (1880) was created which undertook excavation of the iron ore in the Saksagan mine. The excavation was of the open pit-type, and the first mines appeared in five years at Lihmanivskiy and Karnavatskiy deposits.
Rapid development of the iron ore industry of Kryvbas occurred in the 90th of XIX century.
In the 90th, Kryvyi Rih gave birth to the metallurgical industry. In 1892, the Gdantsivskiy iron works began to produce the first cast iron. In 1895 – the Vasilovsky iron works. These were the first steps of the future giant of industry.
In the autumn of 1931, to the so called “third site” has come forty diggers. In 1933, there worked already 17000 men.
Описание слайда:
The Biography of the “Kryvorizhstal” Industrial life was breathed into the city by Mr. A. Pol. By his initiative, in Paris, the “Joint-stock company of iron ores of Kryvyi Rih area” (1880) was created which undertook excavation of the iron ore in the Saksagan mine. The excavation was of the open pit-type, and the first mines appeared in five years at Lihmanivskiy and Karnavatskiy deposits. Rapid development of the iron ore industry of Kryvbas occurred in the 90th of XIX century. In the 90th, Kryvyi Rih gave birth to the metallurgical industry. In 1892, the Gdantsivskiy iron works began to produce the first cast iron. In 1895 – the Vasilovsky iron works. These were the first steps of the future giant of industry. In the autumn of 1931, to the so called “third site” has come forty diggers. In 1933, there worked already 17000 men.

Слайд 5

On August 4, 1934, the blast furnace “Komsomolka” has given out the first pig-iron
Another two new blast furnaces were put into operation. And in five years, in 1939, the first Kryvyi Rih steel was received.
On the eve of the war, in 1940, the mine ”Giant” has given out 18 878 000 tons of ore.
The peaceful and creative work was interrupted by the war.
For more than 30 long months the fascists occupied the city.
The Victory salute was celebrated  in honour of the liberators on February 22,1944. The history repeated itself. Kryvyi Rih again laid in ruins. It was impossible to restore the “Kryvorizhstal” at once.
Описание слайда:
On August 4, 1934, the blast furnace “Komsomolka” has given out the first pig-iron Another two new blast furnaces were put into operation. And in five years, in 1939, the first Kryvyi Rih steel was received. On the eve of the war, in 1940, the mine ”Giant” has given out 18 878 000 tons of ore. The peaceful and creative work was interrupted by the war. For more than 30 long months the fascists occupied the city. The Victory salute was celebrated in honour of the liberators on February 22,1944. The history repeated itself. Kryvyi Rih again laid in ruins. It was impossible to restore the “Kryvorizhstal” at once.

Слайд 6

Rebuilding of the destroyed was organised in three shifts.
At the beginning of the 50th, the citizens of Kryvyi Rih have restored in complete volume not only the operation of all blast furnaces, but also the excavation of the ore.
The post-war Kryvyi Rih became the deposit of the newest mining equipment and newest technologies.
When another five blast furnace of the “Kryvorizhstal” blast furnace shop were put into operation, it became the largest steel making plant in the world. On the last day of 1974, the ninth blast furnace gave its pig-iron. Launching of the blooming and small-section mills have completed the transition of the “Kryvorizhstal” to a complete metallurgical cycle.
Описание слайда:
Rebuilding of the destroyed was organised in three shifts. At the beginning of the 50th, the citizens of Kryvyi Rih have restored in complete volume not only the operation of all blast furnaces, but also the excavation of the ore. The post-war Kryvyi Rih became the deposit of the newest mining equipment and newest technologies. When another five blast furnace of the “Kryvorizhstal” blast furnace shop were put into operation, it became the largest steel making plant in the world. On the last day of 1974, the ninth blast furnace gave its pig-iron. Launching of the blooming and small-section mills have completed the transition of the “Kryvorizhstal” to a complete metallurgical cycle.

Слайд 7

People of the Steel Character
     Twice Hero of the             Twice Hero of the Soviet
                                              Union – V. Mihlik
 Soviet Union – D.Glinka
Описание слайда:
People of the Steel Character Twice Hero of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union – V. Mihlik Soviet Union – D.Glinka

Слайд 8

Kryvyi Rih
Kryvyi Rih (Ukrainian: Кривий Ріг; Russian: Кривой Рог, Krivoy Rog) is a city in central Ukraine. It is situated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, to the southwest of the oblast's administrative center, Dnipropetrovsk, at the confluence of the Inhulets and Saksahan rivers. The estimated population was 690,622 as of 2007.
Kryvyi Rih is arguably the main steel industry city of Eastern Europe, being a large globally important metallurgical center in the Kryvbas iron mining region.
Описание слайда:
Kryvyi Rih Kryvyi Rih (Ukrainian: Кривий Ріг; Russian: Кривой Рог, Krivoy Rog) is a city in central Ukraine. It is situated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, to the southwest of the oblast's administrative center, Dnipropetrovsk, at the confluence of the Inhulets and Saksahan rivers. The estimated population was 690,622 as of 2007. Kryvyi Rih is arguably the main steel industry city of Eastern Europe, being a large globally important metallurgical center in the Kryvbas iron mining region.

Слайд 9

The city was founded in the 18th century by Zaporozhian Cossacks. Kryvyi Rih in Ukrainian literally means Crooked Horn. According to local legend, the city was founded by a crooked (Ukrainian slang for one-eyed) Cossack named Rih. However, records pre-dating the existence of the city refer to the area by the same name, due to the shape of the landmass formed by the merging of the river Saksagan into the Inhulets.
The area's industrial growth began in the 1880s, when European investment founded a mining syndicate. The metallurgical works in the city, Kryvorizhstal, in particular, expanded through Soviet times, and now remain some of the largest in the world.
During the Russian Civil War, the city and its hinterland were at the nucleus of Nestor Makhno's anarchist insurgency.
During World War II, Kryvyi Rih was almost totally destroyed by the fleeing Red Army. After the war, people lived among the ruins while housing stocks were rebuilt. The housing shortage was met by innovative technological solutions, which meant temporary barracks and houses could be built quickly. The two kinds of cheap new materials[clarification needed] were used later for years afterwards.
Postal station Kryvyy Rih tabernacle was built by order of Peter Kalnyshevsky
The main street of Kryvyi Rih, the beginning of the twentieth century
Olexander Paul studied in detail the iron ore of Kryvyi Rih and proved their commercial value., took the further economic development Dnieper region.
Описание слайда:
History The city was founded in the 18th century by Zaporozhian Cossacks. Kryvyi Rih in Ukrainian literally means Crooked Horn. According to local legend, the city was founded by a crooked (Ukrainian slang for one-eyed) Cossack named Rih. However, records pre-dating the existence of the city refer to the area by the same name, due to the shape of the landmass formed by the merging of the river Saksagan into the Inhulets. The area's industrial growth began in the 1880s, when European investment founded a mining syndicate. The metallurgical works in the city, Kryvorizhstal, in particular, expanded through Soviet times, and now remain some of the largest in the world. During the Russian Civil War, the city and its hinterland were at the nucleus of Nestor Makhno's anarchist insurgency. During World War II, Kryvyi Rih was almost totally destroyed by the fleeing Red Army. After the war, people lived among the ruins while housing stocks were rebuilt. The housing shortage was met by innovative technological solutions, which meant temporary barracks and houses could be built quickly. The two kinds of cheap new materials[clarification needed] were used later for years afterwards. Postal station Kryvyy Rih tabernacle was built by order of Peter Kalnyshevsky The main street of Kryvyi Rih, the beginning of the twentieth century Olexander Paul studied in detail the iron ore of Kryvyi Rih and proved their commercial value., took the further economic development Dnieper region.

Слайд 10

From the History
Postal station Kryvyy Rih tabernacle was built
 by order of Peter Kalnyshevsky
Описание слайда:
From the History Postal station Kryvyy Rih tabernacle was built by order of Peter Kalnyshevsky

Слайд 11

Modern Kryvyi Rih
Описание слайда:
Modern Kryvyi Rih

Слайд 12

Kryvyi Rih is My City
      Boat station on the river Saksagan
      Some of the biggest flower clock in Europe
      Kryvyi Rih Metrotram
      Central Station
Описание слайда:
Kryvyi Rih is My City Boat station on the river Saksagan Some of the biggest flower clock in Europe Kryvyi Rih Metrotram Central Station

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