🗊Презентация Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret»

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Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №1Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №2Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №3Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №4Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №5Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №6Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №7Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №8Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №9Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret», слайд №10

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Слайд 1

Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret»
Описание слайда:
Lexico-Stylistic Pecularities in the Translation from English into Ukrainian of the Novel by Liane Moriarty «The Husband`s Secret»

Слайд 2

The main goal of the work lies in the definition of problems in the translation of the lexical expressive means and stylistic devices from English into Ukrainian on the example of the novel «The Husband`s Secret». 
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to do an integrated study of the vocabulary and stylistic devices of the novel «The Husband`s Secret».
Описание слайда:
The main goal of the work lies in the definition of problems in the translation of the lexical expressive means and stylistic devices from English into Ukrainian on the example of the novel «The Husband`s Secret». The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to do an integrated study of the vocabulary and stylistic devices of the novel «The Husband`s Secret».

Слайд 3

Problems of style and stylistics were investigated by:
Описание слайда:
Scientists Problems of style and stylistics were investigated by:

Слайд 4

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Слайд 5

Translation of SIMILE and COMPARISON
Word-For-Word Translation:«man pummeling his chest like a gorilla» – б`ючи себе кулаками в груди, як горила;
Omission: «like one of those giant jigsaw» – розміром з величезний пазл;
Описание слайда:
Translation of SIMILE and COMPARISON Word-For-Word Translation:«man pummeling his chest like a gorilla» – б`ючи себе кулаками в груди, як горила; Omission: «like one of those giant jigsaw» – розміром з величезний пазл;

Слайд 6

Translation of EPITHETS
Word-For-Word Translation: «usual after-school frenzy» – «звичайна пiсляшкiльна метушня»;
«but-this-the-way-we`ve-always-done-it company» – «але ми завжди робили це саме так»;
Omission: «dressed full-body» – одягнений;
Morphological transformation: «in a scratchy blue ballpoint pen» – нашкрябали синьою кульковою ручкою.
Описание слайда:
Translation of EPITHETS Word-For-Word Translation: «usual after-school frenzy» – «звичайна пiсляшкiльна метушня»; «but-this-the-way-we`ve-always-done-it company» – «але ми завжди робили це саме так»; Omission: «dressed full-body» – одягнений; Morphological transformation: «in a scratchy blue ballpoint pen» – нашкрябали синьою кульковою ручкою.

Слайд 7

Word-by-word Translation: «oh God» – «O Боже» for admiration, irritation;
Addition – «Боже праведний» for sympathy, relief;
 «Aha!» – «Йо-хо-хо!»;
  Compensation – «Oh, Connor, of course» –  «Так-так, Коннор, звiсно.»
Описание слайда:
Translation of INTERJECTIONS AND EXCLAMATORY WORDS Word-by-word Translation: «oh God» – «O Боже» for admiration, irritation; Addition – «Боже праведний» for sympathy, relief; «Aha!» – «Йо-хо-хо!»; Compensation – «Oh, Connor, of course» – «Так-так, Коннор, звiсно.»

Слайд 8

Translation of Phraseological Units
Equivalent Selection:«an old hand» – стрiляний горобець;
Explication: «wolf-whistle» – присвиснути услiд гарнiй жiнцi;
Omission:«junk mail» – спам;
Описание слайда:
Translation of Phraseological Units Equivalent Selection:«an old hand» – стрiляний горобець; Explication: «wolf-whistle» – присвиснути услiд гарнiй жiнцi; Omission:«junk mail» – спам;

Слайд 9

To sum up
 L. Moriarty has her individual style (simile, comparison, allusion, epithet), so translator should preserve all the pecularities of the original text.
The problem lies in the fact that Ukrainian phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and phraseology differ from English and it is sometimes impossible to select an appropriate equivalent. In this case, the translator uses translation transformations and techniques.
The crucial strategy is to make a similar impact upon the reader of the target text as did a source text on its receptor.
Описание слайда:
To sum up L. Moriarty has her individual style (simile, comparison, allusion, epithet), so translator should preserve all the pecularities of the original text. The problem lies in the fact that Ukrainian phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and phraseology differ from English and it is sometimes impossible to select an appropriate equivalent. In this case, the translator uses translation transformations and techniques. The crucial strategy is to make a similar impact upon the reader of the target text as did a source text on its receptor.

Слайд 10

Thank you for your attention!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention!

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