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Llinguistics, слайд №1Llinguistics, слайд №2Llinguistics, слайд №3Llinguistics, слайд №4Llinguistics, слайд №5Llinguistics, слайд №6Llinguistics, слайд №7

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Слайд 1

      The definition of interpersonal communication:   An ongoing process in which individuals exchange messages whose meanings are influenced by the history of the relationship and the experience of the participants.                  Intercultural Communication
Описание слайда:
The definition of interpersonal communication: An ongoing process in which individuals exchange messages whose meanings are influenced by the history of the relationship and the experience of the participants. Intercultural Communication

Слайд 2

    How do we define culture? (p. 35)  Traditionally:         A learned system of knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms that is shared by a group of people.                   Intercultural Communication
Описание слайда:
How do we define culture? (p. 35) Traditionally: A learned system of knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms that is shared by a group of people. Intercultural Communication

Слайд 3

    No more “subcultures”?  Different genders, gays, lesbians, African Americans, Jews, Amish, Mennonite, Asians, Latinos all comprise a co-culture?   “Co” alludes to equal or “partnered” cultures… Are these other cultures really equals?                  Intercultural Communication
Описание слайда:
No more “subcultures”? Different genders, gays, lesbians, African Americans, Jews, Amish, Mennonite, Asians, Latinos all comprise a co-culture? “Co” alludes to equal or “partnered” cultures… Are these other cultures really equals? Intercultural Communication

Слайд 4

Low context culture - Language primarily  expresses thoughts and ideas (U.S.) (p. 39)    Low context culture - Language primarily  expresses thoughts and ideas (U.S.) (p. 39)  High-context culture -  Relies heavily on subtle, nonverbal cues (Asia) (p. 39)     North Americans tend to talk about their attributes – I am short, tall, fat, etc.   Chinese, Filipinos, South Americans – I am father, employee, etc.                   Cultural Behaviors
Описание слайда:
Low context culture - Language primarily expresses thoughts and ideas (U.S.) (p. 39) Low context culture - Language primarily expresses thoughts and ideas (U.S.) (p. 39) High-context culture - Relies heavily on subtle, nonverbal cues (Asia) (p. 39)   North Americans tend to talk about their attributes – I am short, tall, fat, etc. Chinese, Filipinos, South Americans – I am father, employee, etc. Cultural Behaviors

Слайд 5

Individualistic culture – primary responsibility is helping themselves (p. 40)    Individualistic culture – primary responsibility is helping themselves (p. 40)  Collective culture – team mentality; loyalties to extended family, communities (p. 40)  Power distance (Hofstede) – degree in which society members accept unequal distribution of power. Ex. Rich and poor – each are all good people.  (All on p. 42)  High power distance cultures respects authority and is submissive.    Low power distance cultures support the notion that challenging authority is acceptable.                   Cultural Behaviors
Описание слайда:
Individualistic culture – primary responsibility is helping themselves (p. 40) Individualistic culture – primary responsibility is helping themselves (p. 40) Collective culture – team mentality; loyalties to extended family, communities (p. 40) Power distance (Hofstede) – degree in which society members accept unequal distribution of power. Ex. Rich and poor – each are all good people. (All on p. 42) High power distance cultures respects authority and is submissive. Low power distance cultures support the notion that challenging authority is acceptable. Cultural Behaviors

Слайд 6

Uncertainty avoidance – degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations.  (p. 43)    Uncertainty avoidance – degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations.  (p. 43)  Achievement vs. nurturing -- Material success versus relationships. (p. 44)  Task/Social Roles (p. 60).  Ethnocentrism (p. 56)  Different communication cues  Stereotyping/prejudice (p. 57)  Assuming similarity                  Cultural Behaviors
Описание слайда:
Uncertainty avoidance – degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations. (p. 43) Uncertainty avoidance – degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations. (p. 43) Achievement vs. nurturing -- Material success versus relationships. (p. 44) Task/Social Roles (p. 60). Ethnocentrism (p. 56) Different communication cues Stereotyping/prejudice (p. 57) Assuming similarity Cultural Behaviors

Слайд 7

Linguistic Determinism – The worldview of a culture is shaped and reflected by the language of its members. (p. 48)    Linguistic Determinism – The worldview of a culture is shaped and reflected by the language of its members. (p. 48)  Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (p. 49):  Language Shapes a Culture! Words within a culture can become a part of every day life.                   Cultural Language Uses
Описание слайда:
Linguistic Determinism – The worldview of a culture is shaped and reflected by the language of its members. (p. 48) Linguistic Determinism – The worldview of a culture is shaped and reflected by the language of its members. (p. 48) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (p. 49): Language Shapes a Culture! Words within a culture can become a part of every day life. Cultural Language Uses

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