🗊Презентация My Room

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My Room, слайд №1My Room, слайд №2My Room, слайд №3My Room, слайд №4My Room, слайд №5My Room, слайд №6My Room, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

My Room
A game for the 6th form
Done by Kara Ludmila
A teacher of English
School 2
Sverdlovsk Region
Описание слайда:
My Room A game for the 6th form Done by Kara Ludmila A teacher of English School 2 Artemovsky Sverdlovsk Region

Слайд 2

Make up sentences to describe the room (1)
Это зал (гостиная).
This is a living room.
Она большая.
It is big.
Рядом со стеной стоит телевизор. 
There is a TV-set near the wall.
Описание слайда:
Make up sentences to describe the room (1) Это зал (гостиная). This is a living room. Она большая. It is big. Рядом со стеной стоит телевизор. There is a TV-set near the wall.

Слайд 3

Make up sentences to describe the room (2)
Справа от телевизора стоит кресло.
There is an armchair on the right of the TV-set.
Слева от телевизора стол.
There is a table on the left of the TV-set.
На столе лампа.
There is a lamp on the table.
Описание слайда:
Make up sentences to describe the room (2) Справа от телевизора стоит кресло. There is an armchair on the right of the TV-set. Слева от телевизора стол. There is a table on the left of the TV-set. На столе лампа. There is a lamp on the table.

Слайд 4

Make up sentences to describe the room (3)
Перед столом кресло.
There is an armchair in front of a table.
На стене висит картина.
There is a picture on the wall.
Описание слайда:
Make up sentences to describe the room (3) Перед столом кресло. There is an armchair in front of a table. На стене висит картина. There is a picture on the wall.

Слайд 5

Make up sentences to describe the room (4)
На полу лежит ковер.
There is a carpet on the floor.
Мне нравится эта комната. 
I like this room.
Описание слайда:
Make up sentences to describe the room (4) На полу лежит ковер. There is a carpet on the floor. Мне нравится эта комната. I like this room.

Слайд 6

This is that room!
Описание слайда:
This is that room!

Слайд 7

Thank you for your attention!!!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention!!!

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