🗊Презентация My favourite animals

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My favourite animals, слайд №1My favourite animals, слайд №2My favourite animals, слайд №3My favourite animals, слайд №4My favourite animals, слайд №5My favourite animals, слайд №6My favourite animals, слайд №7My favourite animals, слайд №8

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Слайд 1

Презентация по теме «My Favourite Animals»
Презентация по теме «My Favourite Animals»
Ученика 4 класса А
Северодвинской прогимназии № 1
Ермолина Леонида
Учитель английского языка 
Назарочкина Татьяна Ефремовна
Описание слайда:
Презентация по теме «My Favourite Animals» Презентация по теме «My Favourite Animals» Ученика 4 класса А Северодвинской прогимназии № 1 Ермолина Леонида Учитель английского языка Назарочкина Татьяна Ефремовна 2012

Слайд 2

My favourite animals, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

There are a lot of animals  on our planet.
They can be wild and domestic.  I want to speak about my  favourite animals.
Описание слайда:
There are a lot of animals on our planet. They can be wild and domestic. I want to speak about my favourite animals.

Слайд 4

My favourite animals, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Leopards are  wild animals. They live in Africa. They have got their own territory to live in. 
Leopards have sharp teeth, long tails and small ears. They are yellow and have black spots. They are strong and very clever. 
Leopards hunt different animals in the long grass.
Описание слайда:
Leopards are wild animals. They live in Africa. They have got their own territory to live in. Leopards have sharp teeth, long tails and small ears. They are yellow and have black spots. They are strong and very clever. Leopards hunt different animals in the long grass.

Слайд 6

Cats are domestic animals. They live with people. Because people always call cats «pets».
Cats are domestic animals. They live with people. Because people always call cats «pets».
They are kind, clever and very funny. They have  sharp teeth and four paws with sharp claws. They like to eat fish, meat, milk. They can run and jump very well.  Cats are like doctors.
Описание слайда:
Cats are domestic animals. They live with people. Because people always call cats «pets». Cats are domestic animals. They live with people. Because people always call cats «pets». They are kind, clever and very funny. They have sharp teeth and four paws with sharp claws. They like to eat fish, meat, milk. They can run and jump very well. Cats are like doctors.

Слайд 7

My favourite animals, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Barsik learns all these things very quickly as it is a clever cat and I am a good teacher. We are good friends and Barsik is the best animal for me. 
So my favourite animals are dolphins, leopards and cats.
Описание слайда:
Barsik learns all these things very quickly as it is a clever cat and I am a good teacher. We are good friends and Barsik is the best animal for me. So my favourite animals are dolphins, leopards and cats.

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