🗊Презентация Non Alignment Movement

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Слайд 1

Non Alignment Movement
Описание слайда:
Non Alignment Movement

Слайд 2

At the Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference), in 1955, 29 Asian and African countries identified themselves as neutral – Adopted a 10-point “declaration on the promotion of world peace and cooperation,” based on the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
 Non-Aligned Movement was formed in 1961 • Five founding members of NAM: Nehru of India, Tito of Yugoslavia, Sukarno of Indonesia, Nasser of Egypt and Nkrumah of Ghana • Neutrality was not specific to the Cold War
Описание слайда:
NAM At the Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference), in 1955, 29 Asian and African countries identified themselves as neutral – Adopted a 10-point “declaration on the promotion of world peace and cooperation,” based on the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru Non-Aligned Movement was formed in 1961 • Five founding members of NAM: Nehru of India, Tito of Yugoslavia, Sukarno of Indonesia, Nasser of Egypt and Nkrumah of Ghana • Neutrality was not specific to the Cold War

Слайд 3

The Non-Aligned Movement: Member States
Описание слайда:
The Non-Aligned Movement: Member States

Слайд 4

History of NAM

At the Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference), in 1955, 29 Asian and African countries identified themselves as neutral.
Adopted a 10-point “declaration on the promotion of world peace and cooperation,” based on the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. 
Non-Aligned Movement was formed in 1961 
Over 100 states were involved throughout the 20th Century
Описание слайда:
  History of NAM At the Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference), in 1955, 29 Asian and African countries identified themselves as neutral. Adopted a 10-point “declaration on the promotion of world peace and cooperation,” based on the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Non-Aligned Movement was formed in 1961 Over 100 states were involved throughout the 20th Century

Слайд 5

Five founding members of NAM
The founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1960-61. From left to right  Indian Prime Minister 
Jawaharlal Nehru. 
Nkrumah Ghana’s first President, 
Gamal Abdel Nasser second President of Egypt , 
Sukarno first President of Indonesia and 
Tito president of Yugoslavia
Описание слайда:
Five founding members of NAM The founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1960-61. From left to right Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Nkrumah Ghana’s first President, Gamal Abdel Nasser second President of Egypt , Sukarno first President of Indonesia and Tito president of Yugoslavia

Слайд 6

Nam and cold war
Описание слайда:
Nam and cold war

Слайд 7

Non-Alignment in Europe 
Almost no European countries were nonaligned, as the Iron Curtain and spheres of influence were centered in Europe • 
– After rejecting Soviet influence and being expelled from Cominform, Tito’s Yugoslavia began receiving aid from the West 
– However, after Stalin’s death, Tito realized that he would have to choose between allying with the West and giving up his single-party dictatorship, or reconciling with Khrushchev
 – Neither choice appealed to Tito, so he became a founder of the nonaligned movement as an alternative
Описание слайда:
Non-Alignment in Europe Almost no European countries were nonaligned, as the Iron Curtain and spheres of influence were centered in Europe • Yugoslavia – After rejecting Soviet influence and being expelled from Cominform, Tito’s Yugoslavia began receiving aid from the West – However, after Stalin’s death, Tito realized that he would have to choose between allying with the West and giving up his single-party dictatorship, or reconciling with Khrushchev – Neither choice appealed to Tito, so he became a founder of the nonaligned movement as an alternative

Слайд 8

Non-Alignment in Asia
Most of Asia was represented at the Bandung Conference 
Being a key organizer of the Bandung Conference, India’s leader, Jawaharlal Nehru, emerged as a non-alignment leader 
 Indonesia and Malaysia also emerged as non-alignment country leaders
  Asia, along with other Non-Alignment Movement countries, tried to shift the global political agenda away from the Cold War to the needs of their poorer countries
Описание слайда:
Non-Alignment in Asia Most of Asia was represented at the Bandung Conference Being a key organizer of the Bandung Conference, India’s leader, Jawaharlal Nehru, emerged as a non-alignment leader Indonesia and Malaysia also emerged as non-alignment country leaders Asia, along with other Non-Alignment Movement countries, tried to shift the global political agenda away from the Cold War to the needs of their poorer countries

Слайд 9

Non-Alignment in India
After independence, India’s relations with the United States diminished substantially 
• India rejected U.S. capitalism, and created a series of five year plans, with a very small private sector 
• As a result of the economic disputes between India and the U.S., India refused to join the U.S. alliance in the Cold War 
• Because India did not fully support the Soviet Union either, India became an organizer of the Bangung Conference 
• Indian leader, Jawaharlal Nehru went to the Bandung Conference with five objectives: – 
Peace and Disarmament – 
Self-Determination –
 Economic Equality – 
Cultural Equality – 
Multilaterism through strong support of the UN
Описание слайда:
Non-Alignment in India After independence, India’s relations with the United States diminished substantially • India rejected U.S. capitalism, and created a series of five year plans, with a very small private sector • As a result of the economic disputes between India and the U.S., India refused to join the U.S. alliance in the Cold War • Because India did not fully support the Soviet Union either, India became an organizer of the Bangung Conference • Indian leader, Jawaharlal Nehru went to the Bandung Conference with five objectives: – Peace and Disarmament – Self-Determination – Economic Equality – Cultural Equality – Multilaterism through strong support of the UN

Слайд 10

Africa and the Non-Alignment Movement
The majority of the present-day members of the Non-Aligned Movement are small African states that desire independence from the world’s superpowers 
Many of these nations joined soon after gaining self-determination from Western powers as a means of maintaining their autonomy and freedom 
Eleven of the original twenty-five members of the Non-Alignment Movement were African states. 
Fears of further colonialism or future dependence on either the Western or communist blocs encouraged these nations to join the movement which encourages equality, non-aggression, and peaceful coexistence.
They could restructure the world economic order as well as prevent imperialism from permeating their independent societies. 
The main African nations involved in the Non-Alignment Movement were Egypt, South Africa, and Ghana.
Описание слайда:
Africa and the Non-Alignment Movement The majority of the present-day members of the Non-Aligned Movement are small African states that desire independence from the world’s superpowers Many of these nations joined soon after gaining self-determination from Western powers as a means of maintaining their autonomy and freedom Eleven of the original twenty-five members of the Non-Alignment Movement were African states. Fears of further colonialism or future dependence on either the Western or communist blocs encouraged these nations to join the movement which encourages equality, non-aggression, and peaceful coexistence. They could restructure the world economic order as well as prevent imperialism from permeating their independent societies. The main African nations involved in the Non-Alignment Movement were Egypt, South Africa, and Ghana.

Слайд 11

Other Nations And The Non-Alignment Movement 
South Africa became a member of the Non-Alignment Movement when it severed ties to the British Commonwealth in 1961 and consolidated the apartheid system. The Commonwealth opposed the apartheid system in South Africa, making the Non-Aligned Movement a justified means to end the relationship between the two nations.
Iran had been under the economic control of Britain and Russia throughout the nineteenth century. The Non-Alignment Movement reduced ties with these superpowers, but Iran continued to receive some economic aid from the United States because of the American’s deep interest in the Iranian oil industry.
Kwame Nkrumah led the non-violent Convention People’s Party and was instrumental in helping Ghana gain independence from Great Britain in 1957. Nkrumah became the president of independent Ghana and fought for the policy of Africanization. Ghana became a republic in 1960, and was a founding member of the Non-Alignment Movement.
Описание слайда:
Other Nations And The Non-Alignment Movement South Africa became a member of the Non-Alignment Movement when it severed ties to the British Commonwealth in 1961 and consolidated the apartheid system. The Commonwealth opposed the apartheid system in South Africa, making the Non-Aligned Movement a justified means to end the relationship between the two nations. Iran had been under the economic control of Britain and Russia throughout the nineteenth century. The Non-Alignment Movement reduced ties with these superpowers, but Iran continued to receive some economic aid from the United States because of the American’s deep interest in the Iranian oil industry. Kwame Nkrumah led the non-violent Convention People’s Party and was instrumental in helping Ghana gain independence from Great Britain in 1957. Nkrumah became the president of independent Ghana and fought for the policy of Africanization. Ghana became a republic in 1960, and was a founding member of the Non-Alignment Movement.

Слайд 12

Egyptian Involvement In The NonAlignment Movement 

Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser played a major role in structuring the movement and its policies. 
As part of the movement to eliminate colonialism, Nasser decided to nationalize the Suez Canal in 1956, and caused great global unrest. The British and French required the canal as a passage from Europe to Asia, and Nasser intervened due to the British denying funding for the Aswan High Dam, and the retaliation from these nations led to UN intervention. 
Nasser then turned to the Soviet Union to gain the funds necessary to complete the dam. By seeking economic assistance from either power, Nasser created future expectations of the Non-Aligned Movement and its members.
Описание слайда:
Egyptian Involvement In The NonAlignment Movement Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser played a major role in structuring the movement and its policies. As part of the movement to eliminate colonialism, Nasser decided to nationalize the Suez Canal in 1956, and caused great global unrest. The British and French required the canal as a passage from Europe to Asia, and Nasser intervened due to the British denying funding for the Aswan High Dam, and the retaliation from these nations led to UN intervention. Nasser then turned to the Soviet Union to gain the funds necessary to complete the dam. By seeking economic assistance from either power, Nasser created future expectations of the Non-Aligned Movement and its members.

Слайд 13

The Third World
The term “Third World country” was created during the Cold War
During the Cold War, a Third World country referred to a country that was part of the Nonalignment Movement
Many Asian countries were labeled Third World countries because of their political position in the Cold War
During the 1960s and 1970s countries part of the Third World used their majority vote in the United Nations to shift discussions and attention away from the Cold War, and to their countries’ needs.
Описание слайда:
The Third World The term “Third World country” was created during the Cold War During the Cold War, a Third World country referred to a country that was part of the Nonalignment Movement Many Asian countries were labeled Third World countries because of their political position in the Cold War During the 1960s and 1970s countries part of the Third World used their majority vote in the United Nations to shift discussions and attention away from the Cold War, and to their countries’ needs.

Слайд 14

The Impact of Non-Alignment 
The Nonalignment Movement encountered several difficulties that made it less effective
 All members agreed to the ten points declaration and were against bloc politics, but they were by no means unified in their foreign policies or goals
Many member-nations were from the Third World, and had little sway in international affairs compared to the powerful blocs 
The nonalignment movement succeeded in being an alternative to the bloc system and a means of avoid
Описание слайда:
The Impact of Non-Alignment The Nonalignment Movement encountered several difficulties that made it less effective All members agreed to the ten points declaration and were against bloc politics, but they were by no means unified in their foreign policies or goals Many member-nations were from the Third World, and had little sway in international affairs compared to the powerful blocs The nonalignment movement succeeded in being an alternative to the bloc system and a means of avoid

Слайд 15

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is made up of 120 developing countries and aims to represent the political, economic and cultural interests of the developing world, "The national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries". 
The countries of the Non-Aligned Movement represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nation's members and contain 55% of the world population. Membership is particularly concentrated in countries considered to be developing or the part of Third World. 
State should follow independent foreign policy, support national liberational movement and not to be a part of multilateral military bloc. 
Thus, the NAM was so much important in Cold War period for world peace. Now we can say the present age is the power of new millennium, age of emergence nation, emergence of south and emergence of justified hope for peace and cooperation.
Описание слайда:
Conclusion The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is made up of 120 developing countries and aims to represent the political, economic and cultural interests of the developing world, "The national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries". The countries of the Non-Aligned Movement represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nation's members and contain 55% of the world population. Membership is particularly concentrated in countries considered to be developing or the part of Third World. State should follow independent foreign policy, support national liberational movement and not to be a part of multilateral military bloc. Thus, the NAM was so much important in Cold War period for world peace. Now we can say the present age is the power of new millennium, age of emergence nation, emergence of south and emergence of justified hope for peace and cooperation.

Слайд 16

Sayed Mobashir “Khalili”
Описание слайда:
Sayed Mobashir “Khalili”

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